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Northwest Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Northwest refers to the direction between north and west on a compass, often used to describe location or movement. e.g., The storm moved in a northwest direction.

Northwest Definitions

Travel Route: A path or direction of travel heading toward the northwest.
The road curves to the northwest after the bridge.
Navigation: Using northwest to navigate or set a course.
We set our course to the northwest to reach our destination.
Map Orientation: On maps, indicating a direction towards the northwest.
The map shows a mountain range extending to the northwest.
Wind Direction: Wind coming from the northwest.
A cold northwest wind chilled the air.
Location Descriptor: Describing the position of one thing in relation to another using northwest.
The castle is located to the northwest of the village.
Climate Zone: Describing a climate zone located in the northwest.
The northwest region experiences mild, wet winters.
Astronomical Observation: Observing celestial bodies in the northwest part of the sky.
Tonight, the comet will be visible in the northwest sky.
Cultural Region: Referring to the cultural or historical characteristics of the northwest part of a place.
Northwest cuisine is known for its seafood and farm-to-table practices.
Abbr. NW The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due west, or 45° west of due north.
An area or region lying in the northwest.
A region of the northwest United States, generally including Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
Any of various historical regions of the United States, originally coextensive with the Northwest Territory but later often defined as including the lands between the upper Mississippi and the Missouri River.
To, toward, of, facing, or in the northwest.
Originating in or coming from the northwest
A northwest wind.
In, from, or toward the northwest.
The intercardinal compass point halfway between west and north; specifically at a bearing of 315°.
Of, in or pertaining to the northwest; northwestern.
Situated toward or in the direction of the northwest; northwestward; northwesterly.
A northwest course.
Coming from the northwest; northwesterly.
A northwest wind.
Towards or in the direction of the northwest; northwestwards.
We are travelling northwest at the moment.
The point in the horizon between the north and west, and equally distant from each; the northwest part or region.
The northwestern part of the contiguous forty-eight states of the United States, especially the states of Washington and Oregon.
Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the point between the north and west; being in the northwest; toward the northwest, or coming from the northwest; as, the northwest coast.
Coming from the northwest; as, a northwest wind.
Toward the northwest.
The northwestern region of the United States
The compass point midway between north and west; at 315 degrees
Situated in or oriented toward the northwest
Coming from the northwest;
Northwesterly winds
To, toward, or in the northwest
Compass Direction: A cardinal point on the compass 45 degrees from both north and west.
He sailed the boat toward the northwest.
Geographical Area: A region or part of a country located in the northwest.
They live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

Northwest Snonyms

Upper left

A casual term often used to refer to the northwest corner of a map or area.
They live in the upper left corner of the state.


Situated in or oriented toward the northwest.
The northwestern wind is cooler than usual today.


A compass point that is one-eighth west of northwest.
The wind is blowing from the west-northwest.


A poetic or old-fashioned term for the western part of the world, sometimes used for northwest directions in literature.
He journeyed towards the Occident.


An abbreviated form of 'northwest', commonly used in nautical contexts.
Set the sail towards the nor'west!


The abbreviation for northwest, used in addresses and maps.
Their office is located in the NW part of the city.


German term for 'northwest', used in multilingual contexts or geographical discussions.
The storm is moving towards the Nordwest.


Coming from or located in the northwest.
The northwesterly winds bring cold air.


One of four divisions of an area, northwest being one of the possibilities.
The survey focused on the northwest quadrant of the city.

Cardinal direction

One of the four principal compass points, northwest being one.
Northwest is a cardinal direction that combines north and west.

Northwest Idioms & Phrases

Head northwest

To go in the direction that is between north and west.
To reach the cabin, you'll need to head northwest once you enter the forest.

Northwest corner

The corner of a space that is situated closest to the northwest direction.
The oldest tree on the property is in the northwest corner of the orchard.

Aim northwest

To set a course or direction towards the northwest.
When we lost the trail, we decided to aim northwest, hoping to find the lake.

Northwest trend

A pattern or movement that is generally heading towards the northwest.
The migration patterns show a northwest trend during the spring.

Escape to the northwest

To flee or move towards the northwest, often seeking refuge or a new start.
During the gold rush, many adventurers escaped to the northwest in search of fortune.

The Northwest Passage

A historically significant sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Explorers once sought the Northwest Passage as a quicker route to Asia.

Northwest wind

A wind that originates from the northwest direction.
The northwest wind brings cooler temperatures after a hot summer day.

Veering northwest

Changing direction to head more towards the northwest.
The storm is veering northwest, away from the coastal towns.

Northwest frontier

A term often used historically to describe the northwestern border area of a country, especially in a military or strategic context.
The fort was built to protect the northwest frontier from invaders.

Turn northwest

To change direction or orientation to face or move northwest.
At the crossroads, turn northwest to follow the path towards the mountains.

Northwest by north

A specific compass point slightly to the west of northwest.
The captain set the ship's course to northwest by north to avoid the storm.

Sail northwest

To navigate a boat or ship in the direction of northwest.
We decided to sail northwest to explore the coastline beyond the bay.

Northwest appeal

The attractiveness or allure of the northwestern region or characteristics associated with it.
The rugged beauty and solitude of the area had a strong northwest appeal for artists and writers.

Northwest expedition

An exploration or journey specifically directed towards or taking place in the northwestern part of a region.
The northwest expedition aimed to chart the unexplored territories along the river.

Look northwest

To direct one's gaze or attention towards the northwest.
If you look northwest, you can see the distant skyline of the city.

Journey to the northwest

To travel or make a trip towards the northwest.
Their journey to the northwest took them through dense forests and rugged terrain.

Bound for the northwest

Heading towards or destined for the northwest region.
The convoy, bound for the northwest, carried supplies for the remote villages.

Northwest passage

Used metaphorically to describe a direct or efficient way to achieve a goal.
Finding a mentor in the industry was his northwest passage to career advancement.

Northwest retreat

A place of seclusion or rest located in the northwest, often used for vacations or relaxation.
They bought a small cabin as their northwest retreat, where they could enjoy the wilderness away from the city.

Facing northwest

Oriented or positioned so the front or face is directed towards the northwest.
The old church, facing northwest, is bathed in light every evening at sunset.

Northwest Example Sentences

The highway leads northwest towards the mountains.
Our farm is located in the northwest part of the state.
We decided to explore the northwest corner of the park.
The ancient ruins can be found northwest of the city.
You will find the lighthouse on the northwest coast.
The birds migrate to the northwest every spring.
The plane is currently heading northwest.
Our next destination is the northwest side of the lake.
The wind shifted and began blowing from the northwest.
The river flows northwest before turning south.
The expedition aimed to chart the unexplored northwest territories.
The northwest passage was a key route for explorers.
The storm's path is predicted to veer northwest overnight.
The northwest entrance to the building is wheelchair accessible.
They enjoy hiking in the rugged terrain of the northwest.

Common Curiosities

How is northwest used in a sentence?

"The storm is moving toward the northwest."

How many syllables are in northwest?

There are two syllables in northwest.

How do we divide northwest into syllables?

Northwest is divided into syllables as north-west.

What is a stressed syllable in northwest?

The first syllable, "north," is the stressed syllable in northwest.

What is the pronunciation of northwest?

The pronunciation of northwest is /ˌnɔːrθˈwɛst/ in American English.

Why is it called northwest?

It is called northwest because it refers to the direction or location that is equally between north and west on a compass.

Is northwest a noun or adjective?

Northwest can function both as a noun and as an adjective.

What is the verb form of northwest?

Northwest does not have a verb form as it is a noun or an adjective describing direction or location.

What is the root word of northwest?

The root words are "north" and "west," indicating the cardinal directions.

What is the singular form of northwest?

The singular form is "northwest."

What is the opposite of northwest?

The opposite of northwest is southeast.

Is northwest an adverb?

Northwest is not typically used as an adverb.

Is the word northwest is imperative?

No, northwest is not imperative; it is a noun or adjective.

Is the word “northwest” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Northwest" can serve as a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "We will travel northwest."

Which vowel is used before northwest?

Articles "a" or "an" are used based on the following word's initial sound; "a" is used before "northwest."

Is northwest an abstract noun?

Yes, in the sense that it refers to a direction or region, which are concepts rather than tangible items.

Is northwest a negative or positive word?

Northwest is neutral; it does not inherently convey a negative or positive connotation.

Is the northwest term a metaphor?

Northwest can be used metaphorically to describe a direction in life or a trend, but it primarily denotes a geographic direction.

Is the word northwest Gerund?

No, northwest is not a gerund as it is not a verb.

Is northwest a collective noun?

Northwest is not a collective noun in the traditional sense.

What part of speech is northwest?

Northwest can be a noun (referring to the direction) or an adjective (describing a location or direction).

What is another term for northwest?

Another term for northwest could be "northwestern," especially when used as an adjective.

What is the plural form of northwest?

The plural form can also be "northwests" when referring to multiple areas or regions named Northwest.

Is northwest a vowel or consonant?

This question doesn't apply to the word "northwest" as a whole; it pertains to individual letters.

Is northwest a countable noun?

As a direction, northwest is not countable, but when referring to regions named Northwest, it can be considered countable.

Which determiner is used with northwest?

Determiners such as "the" can be used with northwest when referring to a specific region or direction.

Which preposition is used with northwest?

Prepositions such as "in," "to," and "from" can be used with northwest, depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with northwest?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used in sentences involving "northwest."

Which article is used with northwest?

The definite article "the" or no article can be used with "northwest" depending on the context, e.g., "the northwest corner" or simply "northwest."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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