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Neighbouring vs. Neighbour — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 24, 2024
"Neighbouring" describes something that is adjacent or nearby, often used to denote proximity. "Neighbour" refers to a person living near or next to another, focusing on the relationship between adjacent inhabitants.
Neighbouring vs. Neighbour — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Neighbouring and Neighbour


Key Differences

"Neighbouring" is an adjective or present participle used to describe entities (places, objects, or areas) that are located close to each other. "Neighbour," on the other hand, is primarily used as a noun (but can also be an action verb in some contexts) that identifies an individual or entity residing or situated next to or very near another. In a residential context, it specifically refers to a person living in close proximity to another person.
The use of "neighbouring" can extend beyond physical proximity to imply similarity or relatedness in some aspects, such as "neighbouring topics" in a discussion or study. "Neighbour," however, often carries a sense of community or shared space, focusing on the personal or direct relationship between the entities involved. This term can invoke a sense of duty, camaraderie, or social interaction that is less commonly associated with the more general and location-focused "neighbouring."
Cultural or contextual nuances may influence the understanding and application of these terms. "Neighbouring" is neutral, describing a fact about location or proximity without implying any particular quality of relationship. Conversely, "neighbour" can suggest varying degrees of social engagement, from mere cohabitation to active participation in each other’s lives, depending on the context.
In literature and everyday language, "neighbouring" is often used to set the scene or describe settings, contributing to the background or context of a narrative. "Neighbour," however, is used to develop characters and interpersonal dynamics, playing a more central role in storytelling and communication about human relationships and interactions.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech

Adjective, Present Participle
Noun, Verb


Describes entities that are nearby or adjacent.
Refers to a person living near another.


Proximity, adjacent location
Relationship, community, proximity

Usage Context

Spatial relationships, locations
Personal relationships, direct interaction


Neutral, location-focused
Community-focused, can imply social interaction

Compare with Definitions


Pertaining to entities that are adjacent.
The development project will include the neighbouring properties.


Reflects a sense of belonging or community.
He felt a strong sense of duty to help his neighbours in need.


Implies proximity without direct interaction.
The forest is home to several neighbouring animal species.


Often used in community or residential contexts.
The neighbourhood watch program was initiated by concerned neighbours.


Neutral in terms of relationship quality.
The business expanded to include the neighbouring market sectors.


A person residing near or next to another.
She baked cookies for her new neighbour as a welcome gesture.


Located next to or very close to another.
They explored the neighbouring towns during their vacation.


Can imply a social relationship.
Their children became best friends with the neighbours' kids.


Can suggest relatedness in abstract terms.
The professor will discuss neighbouring concepts in sociology.


Can be a verb to describe adjacency.
The vineyard neighbours the national park.


(British spelling) neighboring


A person living next door to or very near to the speaker or person referred to
Our garden was the envy of the neighbours


(British spelling) neighboring


(of a place or object) be situated next to or very near (another)
The square neighbours the old quarter of the town


Situated near one another;
Neighbor states


Variant of neighbor.


A person living on adjacent or nearby land; a person situated adjacently or nearby; anything (of the same type of thing as the subject) in an adjacent or nearby position.
My neighbour has two noisy cats.
They′re our neighbours across the street.


One who is near in sympathy or confidence.


(biblical) A fellow human being.


(transitive) To be adjacent to
Though France neighbours Germany, its culture is significantly different.


To be similar to, to be almost the same as.
That sort of talk is neighbouring on treason.


To associate intimately with; to be close to.


Same as neighbor, neighboring, neighborhood, neighborly.


A person who lives (or is located) near another


A nearby object of the same kind;
Fort Worth is a neighbor of Dallas
What is the closest neighbor to the Earth?


Live or be located as a neighbor;
The neighboring house


Be located near or adjacent to;
Pakistan neighbors India


Situated near one another;
Neighbor states

Common Curiosities

What does it mean if a house is "neighbouring"?

It means the house is located next to or very close to another house or property.

How does one become a good neighbour?

By being friendly, respectful, and helpful towards those living nearby.

Is "neighbour" used only to describe people?

Primarily, yes, but it can also describe entities or locations in close proximity as a verb.

Can countries be neighbours?

Yes, countries with adjacent borders are considered neighbouring countries.

Does "neighbouring" imply any legal obligations?

No, it describes proximity or relatedness without implying legal responsibilities.

Can a business have neighbours?

Yes, in the context of proximity to other businesses or within a community.

Can "neighbouring" refer to non-physical proximity?

Yes, it can refer to relatedness or adjacency in abstract terms, like topics or fields of study.

What's the difference between "neighbouring" and "adjacent"?

"Neighbouring" often implies nearby without sharing a boundary, while "adjacent" means next to or adjoining with a shared boundary.

What role do neighbours play in a community?

Neighbours can enhance community security, provide social support, and contribute to a friendly, cooperative living environment.

How does the concept of being neighbours differ culturally?

Cultural attitudes towards neighbours and the importance of neighbourly relationships can vary, affecting how people interact with and support each other.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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