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Hotmail vs. Gmail — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 22, 2023
Hotmail vs. Gmail — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Hotmail and Gmail


Key Differences

Hotmail and Gmail, both giants in the world of email services, have distinct histories and characteristics. Hotmail, launched in 1996 by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith, was one of the first webmail services on the Internet. It was acquired by Microsoft in 1997 and later rebranded as Gmail, on the other hand, is a product of Google and was introduced in 2004. It rapidly gained popularity due to its clean interface and ample storage space.
Both Hotmail and Gmail revolutionized how people perceived and used email. Hotmail's introduction gave users a way to access emails from any location, negating the need for dedicated email clients. Gmail, while arriving later, redefined user expectations by offering a whopping 1 GB of storage at a time when competitors were providing far less. Moreover, Gmail's integration with Google services made it a preferred choice for those entrenched in the Google ecosystem.
Hotmail's transition to saw numerous upgrades in its interface and security features. However, Gmail, always a step ahead, utilized Google's prowess in search technology, providing users with a powerful search function within their emails. Gmail's threading of conversations, allowing users to follow email chains easily, was another feature that set it apart.
While both Hotmail and Gmail have had their moments of brilliance, their parent companies' overarching strategies played roles in their evolution. Microsoft integrated Hotmail into its suite of products, while Gmail became a cornerstone of Google's ever-expanding list of interconnected services.

Comparison Chart

Launch Year


Parent Company



Rebranded as
Remained as Gmail

Initial Notability

One of the first webmail services
Offered 1 GB storage upon launch


Integrated into Microsoft's suite of products
Integrated with Google services

Compare with Definitions


A precursor to
Hotmail users eventually transitioned to accounts.


Google's free web-based email service.
I use Gmail because it integrates well with other Google apps.


A pioneering free webmail service.
I remember when Hotmail was the go-to email service in the late 90s.


An email platform known for its search capabilities.
Finding old emails is a breeze with Gmail's search function.


A web-based email platform with global reach.
Hotmail made email access possible from anywhere with internet.


An email provider with a clean user interface.
I prefer Gmail for its simplicity and ease of use.


Part of Microsoft's online service portfolio.
Hotmail was integral to Microsoft's early internet services.


A service launched in 2004 with 1 GB storage.
Gmail set itself apart by offering massive storage from the start.


An email service acquired by Microsoft.
After Microsoft's acquisition, Hotmail went through several changes.


A cornerstone of the Google ecosystem.
Being a Gmail user means seamless integration with Google Drive and Calendar.


A free email service provided by Google.


Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. As of 2019, it had 1.5 billion active users worldwide.


(trademark) Gmail


Alternative case form of Gmail

Common Curiosities

How do Hotmail and Gmail make money while being free?

Both generate revenue through advertising and premium service offerings.

What made Gmail stand out upon its launch?

Gmail initially offered 1 GB of storage, which was significantly more than competitors.

When were Hotmail and Gmail launched?

Hotmail was launched in 1996, while Gmail was introduced in 2004.

Is Hotmail still active?

Hotmail was rebranded as, but old addresses are still active and accessible.

Did Hotmail have a competitor advantage being earlier?

Hotmail did have a first-mover advantage, but Gmail's features and storage quickly gained it prominence.

Are Hotmail and Gmail the largest email services?

While both are prominent, Gmail currently has a larger user base.

How do the interfaces of Hotmail and Gmail differ?

While both are user-friendly, Gmail's interface is often praised for its simplicity.

Who created Hotmail?

Hotmail was created by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith.

Can I link my Hotmail and Gmail accounts?

Yes, you can forward emails or integrate both accounts using email clients.

How did Hotmail transition to affect users?

Users retained their Hotmail addresses but accessed them via the interface.

Is Gmail's storage still ahead of competitors?

While Gmail offered more storage initially, most email services now provide ample space.

How secure are Hotmail and Gmail?

Both offer robust security measures, including two-factor authentication.

Are both Hotmail and Gmail accessible on mobile?

Yes, both have mobile apps and are accessible via mobile browsers.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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