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Memorise Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Published on May 27, 2024
Memorise means to commit information to memory for later recall. e.g., She had to memorise her lines for the school play.

Memorise Definitions

Retain information in one's memory.
She can memorise entire paragraphs after reading them just once.
Learn something by heart through repetition.
To ace the test, he had to memorise all the key formulas.
To learn information so that you can remember it perfectly.
She memorised the map to avoid getting lost.
To keep or store information in the mind.
He memorised her phone number instead of writing it down.
To encode information into the brain.
He uses mnemonic devices to memorise complex scientific terms.
Commit facts or details to memory for recall.
The actor memorised his dialogue for the upcoming performance.
To learn something well enough to recall it without assistance.
For her history class, she had to memorise important dates and events.
To fix in the memory exactly.
He memorised the poem so well that he could recite it backwards.
Absorb knowledge thoroughly through study.
They memorised all the state capitals overnight.
Adopt by repeated exposure or practice.
Musicians often memorise scales to improve their technical skills.
Standard spelling of memorize
Commit to memory; learn by heart;
Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?

Memorise Snonyms


To bring back a fact or memory into one's mind.
He can recall the facts he memorised for the quiz.


To hold or keep information in memory.
Good students retain what they learn.


To have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of.
I remember the lyrics of that song because I memorised them as a child.

Learn by heart

To commit something to memory through repeated practice.
He learned the speech by heart for the competition.


To remember something; to recall to the mind.
She could recollect the poetry she memorised in high school.


To incorporate (attitudes or ideas) into one's personality unconsciously.
She internalized the steps of the dance by memorising them.

Commit to memory

To deliberately memorize something.
She committed the formulas to memory the night before the exam.


To study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination.
He crammed all night to memorise the chemical elements.


To study attentively or learn (esp. a role in a play).
The actress conned her lines until she could perform them from memory.


To implant or fix deeply and firmly, as in the nature or mind.
The multiplication tables were ingrained in his memory.

Memorise Idioms & Phrases

Memorise at a glance

Quickly remember something after seeing it briefly.
She can memorise numbers at a glance.

Memorise the book

Learn everything there is to know about something.
He practically memorised the book to prepare for his final exam.

Take time to memorise

Spend a considerable amount of effort or time to memorize something.
She took time to memorise all the details of the case.

Memorise word for word

To remember texts in their exact wording.
He had to memorise the legal document word for word for the moot court.

Memorise from cover to cover

Learn the complete content of a book or document.
He memorised the manual from cover to cover.

Memorise in silence

Study or memorize without any external disturbances.
He prefers to memorise in silence to focus better.

Memorise by repetition

Use repeated exposure or recitation to memorize something.
They memorised the periodic table by repetition.

Memorise like a parrot

Memorise mechanically, without understanding.
Children often memorise like a parrot for exams.

Memorise under pressure

To memorize something despite stressful conditions.
She had to memorise her speech under pressure.

Memorise Example Sentences

To do well on the test, you need to memorise the facts.
Can you memorise the list of ingredients we need?
She encouraged her students to memorise their multiplication tables.
I need to memorise these terms for my biology class.
He tried to memorise a few jokes to tell at the party.
It took her a week to memorise all the chemical symbols.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called memorise?

Memorise comes from the Latin word "memor," meaning mindful or remembering.

How is memorise used in a sentence?

Memorise is used as a verb to describe the act of learning something by heart.

How many syllables are in memorise?

Memorise has three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in memorise?

The stressed syllable in memorise is "mem."

What is the root word of memorise?

The root word of memorise is "memor," a Latin word meaning mindful or remembering.

What is the verb form of memorise?

Memorise itself is the base form of the verb.

What part of speech is memorise?

Memorise is a verb.

What is another term for memorise?

Another term for memorise is "learn by heart."

How do we divide memorise into syllables?

Memorise is divided as: mem-o-rise.

What is the first form of memorise?

The first form of memorise is "memorise."

What is the pronunciation of memorise?

Memorise is pronounced as /ˈmɛməraɪz/.

What is the plural form of memorise?

As a verb, memorise does not have a plural form.

What is the opposite of memorise?

The opposite of memorise is "forget."

What is the second form of memorise?

The second form of memorise is "memorised."

What is the singular form of memorise?

Memorise is a verb and does not have a singular form.

Is memorise a noun or adjective?

Memorise is a verb.

Is memorise a negative or positive word?

Memorise is generally a neutral word, though it can be seen as positive in educational contexts.

Is the word memorise imperative?

Yes, memorise can be used in the imperative form, as in giving a command or instruction.

Is the word “memorise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Memorise, being a verb, can have both direct and indirect objects depending on its usage.

Is memorise an adverb?

No, memorise is not an adverb.

Is the memorise term a metaphor?

Memorise is not typically used as a metaphor.

Which determiner is used with memorise?

As a verb, determiners are not typically used with memorise.

Which vowel is used before memorise?

Typically, no vowel is used before the verb memorise.

Which preposition is used with memorise?

Common prepositions used with memorise include "for" and "to" (e.g., memorise for the exam).

What is the third form of memorise?

The third form of memorise is "memorised."

Is memorise a vowel or consonant?

Memorise starts with a consonant.

Is memorise a countable noun?

Memorise is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is the word memorise Gerund?

Yes, memorising is the gerund form of memorise.

Which conjunction is used with memorise?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used (e.g., memorise and review).

Is memorise an abstract noun?

No, memorise is a verb, not a noun.

Is memorise a collective noun?

No, memorise is a verb and not a noun.

Which article is used with memorise?

Being a verb, memorise does not use an article.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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