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Discernible Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Discernible" describes something that can be seen, recognized, or understood through observation or perception. e.g., There was a discernible difference in his mood after the vacation.

Discernible Definitions

Discernible can mean able to be understood or comprehended.
There was a discernible theme in the author's novels.
Discernible describes an ability to make out or identify.
The ship was barely discernible on the foggy horizon.
Discernible pertains to being detectable or observable.
The slight tremor in his voice was discernible to an attentive listener.
Discernible is used for changes or differences that are noticeable.
The improvements in the garden were discernible after a few weeks of work.
Discernible can describe something that is clear enough to be recognized.
There was a discernible pattern in the way she organized her books.
Discernible involves being able to discern or make distinctions.
A discernible difference in quality was noted between the two products.
Discernible denotes being marked by clarity or distinction.
Her joy was discernible from her wide smile.
Discernible means capable of being seen or noticed.
A discernible path led through the dense forest.
Discernible refers to being distinguishable or perceptible.
The artist's unique style was discernible in every painting.
Discernible can refer to being apparent or evident.
There was a discernible shift in public opinion after the debate.
Perceptible, as by vision or the intellect.
Possible to discern; detectable or derivable by use of the senses or the intellect.
There is a discernible performance difference between a Porsche and a Civic.
Capable of being discerned by the eye or the understanding; as, a star is discernible by the eye; the identity of difference of ideas is discernible by the understanding.
The effect of the privations and sufferings . . . was discernible to the last in his temper and deportment.
Perceptible by the senses or intellect;
Things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause
The newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations
The skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles
Capable of being perceived clearly;
An essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
Capable of being seen or noticed;
A discernible change in attitude
A clearly evident erasure in the manuscript
An observable change in behavior

Discernible Snonyms


Clearly visible or understood; obvious.
The benefits of the plan were apparent to everyone.


Able to be discovered or identified by means of some detection method.
The substance was detectable even in small quantities.


Able to be seen.
The damage to the building was clearly visible.


(Especially of a slight movement or change of state) able to be seen or noticed.
There was a perceptible shift in the mood of the crowd.


Easily seen or noticed; clear or apparent.
The improvement in her grades is noticeable.


Plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood.
It was evident that she was unhappy.


Able to be noticed or perceived; visible.
The effects of the drug were immediately observable.


Able to be recognized or identified from previous encounters or knowledge.
The singer was recognizable by her distinctive voice.


Able to be clearly seen or identified as different.
The twins are easily distinguishable by their heights.


Clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
His nervousness was manifest in his behavior.

Discernible Idioms & Phrases

Discernible to the eye

Something that can be easily seen or noticed.
The artist's talent was discernible to the eye in every brushstroke.

A discernible difference

A noticeable or significant variation between two things.
There was a discernible difference in quality between the two products.

Discernible in the crowd

Standing out or being noticeable among many.
Her bright dress made her discernible in the crowd.

Discernible at a glance

Easily recognizable or understandable immediately.
The solution was discernible at a glance to the experienced engineer.

A discernible shift

A clear change or transition in a situation or attitude.
There was a discernible shift in public opinion after the debate.

Without discernible effort

Achieving something seemingly without hard work or struggle.
He won the match without discernible effort.

Beyond discernible reason

Lacking a clear or understandable rationale.
She acted beyond discernible reason, confusing everyone.

With discernible pride

Showing noticeable or obvious pride.
He spoke about his daughter's achievements with discernible pride.

Discernible only to experts

Only recognizable or understandable by those with specialized knowledge.
The error in the code was discernible only to experts.

A discernible influence

A clear and noticeable effect or impact.
The artist's work had a discernible influence on his contemporaries.

Discernible improvement

A clear and noticeable enhancement or betterment.
After the training, there was a discernible improvement in their performance.

Barely discernible

Very difficult to see, hear, or perceive.
The whisper was barely discernible in the noisy room.

Discernible under scrutiny

Only noticeable or understandable upon close examination.
The painting’s true genius is discernible under scrutiny.

Discernible in the silence

Becoming noticeable in the absence of noise or activity.
In the quiet of the countryside, the sound of nature was clearly discernible.

With no discernible end

Seemingly endless or without a foreseeable conclusion.
The road stretched ahead with no discernible end.

A discernible pattern

A clearly recognizable or understandable sequence or trend.
A discernible pattern emerged in the data from the experiments.

Discernible in retrospect

Becoming clear or obvious when looking back on past events.
The signs of change were discernible in retrospect.

Discernible from afar

Noticeable or recognizable from a great distance.
The lighthouse was discernible from afar.

Not a discernible trace

Absolutely no evidence or indication of something.
After the cleanup, there was not a discernible trace of the spill left.

Discernible through the fog

Able to be recognized or understood despite obscurity or confusion.
The outline of the building was just discernible through the fog.

Discernible Example Sentences

The difference in taste was barely discernible.
A discernible sense of relief was felt in the room.
A discernible excitement filled the air as the concert began.
The outline of the mountain was faintly discernible through the mist.
The paint's color had a discernible difference when it dried.
A discernible pattern emerged in the data from the experiment.
The path through the woods was hardly discernible.
There was a discernible change in weather as the clouds gathered.
Her talent was discernible even at a young age.
The improvement in her grades was discernible after extra tutoring.
He had a discernible limp after the injury.
A discernible hush fell over the crowd as the speaker began.
The stars were just discernible in the night sky.
Her accent was discernible, though she spoke the language fluently.
There was no discernible reason for his sudden departure.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide discernible into syllables?

Discernible is divided into syllables as dis-cern-i-ble.

How is discernible used in a sentence?

"The difference between the two samples was barely discernible."

What is a stressed syllable in discernible?

The stressed syllable in "discernible" is "cern."

What is the first form of discernible?

The first form, as an adjective, is "discernible" itself. As a verb, the first form is "discern."

Why is it called discernible?

It is called "discernible" because it comes from the verb "discern," meaning to perceive, recognize, or distinguish something, often with difficulty.

What is the pronunciation of discernible?

Discernible is pronounced as /dɪˈsɜːrnɪbəl/.

What part of speech is discernible?

"Discernible" is an adjective.

What is the second form of discernible?

For the verb "discern," the second form is "discerned."

What is the third form of discernible?

For the verb "discern," the third form is also "discerned."

How many syllables are in discernible?

There are four syllables in "discernible."

What is the root word of discernible?

The root word is "discern."

What is another term for discernible?

Another term for "discernible" is "perceptible."

Is discernible a vowel or consonant?

The word "discernible" starts with a consonant "d."

Is the discernible term a metaphor?

"Discernible" can be used metaphorically to describe subtle differences or distinctions in non-physical contexts.

What is the verb form of discernible?

The verb form is "discern."

Is discernible a negative or positive word?

"Discernible" is neutral; it can be used in both positive and negative contexts depending on what is being described.

Is discernible a collective noun?

No, "discernible" is not a noun and therefore cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word “discernible” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Discernible" is an adjective and cannot serve as a direct or indirect object.

What is the plural form of discernible?

As an adjective, "discernible" does not change form in the plural.

Is discernible a noun or adjective?

"Discernible" is an adjective.

Is discernible an abstract noun?

No, "discernible" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is discernible a countable noun?

"Discernible" is not a noun; it's an adjective and therefore not countable.

Which determiner is used with discernible?

Determiners like "a," "the," "any," and "no" can be used with "discernible," depending on the context.

What is the singular form of discernible?

"Discernible" is the same in both singular and plural contexts as an adjective.

Is the word discernible imperative?

No, "discernible" is an adjective and cannot be imperative. Imperatives are forms of verbs used for commands.

Is the word discernible Gerund?

No, "discernible" is not a gerund. Gerunds are nouns formed from verbs by adding "-ing."

Which article is used with discernible?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with "discernible," depending on whether the context is specific or general.

What is the opposite of discernible?

The opposite of "discernible" is "indiscernible."

Is discernible an adverb?

No, "discernible" is not an adverb.

Which vowel is used before discernible?

The article "a" is used before "discernible" because it starts with a consonant sound.

Which preposition is used with discernible?

Prepositions like "to," "from," or "in" can be used with "discernible," depending on the sentence structure.

Which conjunction is used with discernible?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "discernible" in compound sentences.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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