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Soft Serve vs. Ice Cream — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 23, 2023
Soft Serve is a softer, smoother ice cream due to air incorporation and less fat, while Ice Cream has a denser texture and often contains more fat.
Soft Serve vs. Ice Cream — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Soft Serve and Ice Cream


Key Differences

Soft Serve and Ice Cream are both delicious frozen desserts that have captured the hearts of many. However, they are distinct in several ways.
Soft Serve, as its name suggests, has a soft and creamy texture. This consistency is achieved by introducing more air during the freezing process. On the other hand, Ice Cream is denser and creamier, often resulting from a higher fat content and less air being mixed in during production.
When it comes to serving, Soft Serve is typically dispensed from a machine, giving it a distinctive swirled appearance. Ice Cream, in contrast, is typically scooped from a container and can hold its shape better due to its firmer texture.
Ingredients play a crucial role in distinguishing between Soft Serve and Ice Cream. While both contain milk, sugar, and flavorings, Soft Serve often has less fat than many traditional Ice Creams. Furthermore, Ice Cream undergoes a more intense freezing process, which gives it its characteristic texture.
In the realm of flavors, both Soft Serve and Ice Cream offer a wide variety. However, Soft Serve is often limited to classic flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or a mix of the two. Ice Cream, with its vast array of available flavors, offers everything from fruit to cookie chunks to exotic spices.

Comparison Chart


Softer and smoother due to more air.
Denser and creamier.

Serving Method

Dispensed from a machine in swirls.
Scooped from a container.

Fat Content

Typically has less fat.
Often contains more fat.

Freezing Process

Less intense freezing with more air.
More intense freezing with less air.

Flavor Variety

Generally limited to basic flavors like vanilla and chocolate.
Wide array of flavors available.

Compare with Definitions

Soft Serve

Ice cream with more air and less fat.
The chocolate Soft Serve was light and airy.

Ice Cream

Denser and creamier compared to soft serve.
The chunky monkey Ice Cream was rich with banana and chocolate flavors.

Soft Serve

A frozen dessert with a smooth, soft texture.
We stopped by the stand to get a vanilla Soft Serve cone.

Ice Cream

A frozen dessert made from cream and sugar.
I bought a pint of strawberry Ice Cream from the store.

Soft Serve

Typically dispensed from a machine in swirls.
The Soft Serve machine created a perfect twist of chocolate and vanilla.

Ice Cream

Contains milk, sugar, and various flavorings.
The homemade Ice Cream had real vanilla beans.

Soft Serve

Generally has a lower fat content than traditional ice cream.
I prefer Soft Serve for its lighter texture and taste.

Ice Cream

Undergoes intense freezing for its firm texture.
The Ice Cream was so firm, I had to wait a few minutes before scooping.

Soft Serve

Often limited to basic flavors.
They offer three Soft Serve options: vanilla, chocolate, and twist.

Ice Cream

Comes in a vast array of flavors.
The Ice Cream shop offers over fifty unique flavors, from lavender to tiramisu.

Soft Serve

Any of several soft, creamy frozen desserts, such as ice cream and frozen yogurt, dispensed from a machine at the point of sale.

Ice Cream

A sweet, smooth, frozen dessert made from dairy products such as cream or milk, sugar or other sweeteners, and flavorings.

Ice Cream

A serving of this dessert
At the ball game, I bought an ice cream.

Ice Cream

Alternative spelling of ice cream

Common Curiosities

Is Soft Serve considered Ice Cream?

Yes, Soft Serve is a type of ice cream, but with specific characteristics.

Which is creamier, Soft Serve or Ice Cream?

Ice Cream is usually creamier due to its higher fat content.

Why does Soft Serve have a swirled appearance?

Soft Serve is dispensed from a machine which gives it its distinctive swirl.

Which has more fat, Soft Serve or Ice Cream?

Ice Cream generally has a higher fat content than Soft Serve.

Is Soft Serve always served in a cone?

No, Soft Serve can also be served in cups, but cones are popular.

Can I find as many flavors in Soft Serve as in Ice Cream?

Typically, Ice Cream offers a wider range of flavors compared to Soft Serve.

What is the main difference between Soft Serve and Ice Cream?

Soft Serve has more air and less fat, making it softer, while Ice Cream is denser and creamier.

Why is Soft Serve softer in texture?

Soft Serve has more air incorporated during the freezing process, making it softer.

Do both Soft Serve and Ice Cream contain dairy?

Yes, both usually contain dairy, but there are non-dairy versions available for both.

Which is older in origin, Soft Serve or Ice Cream?

Ice Cream has a longer history, with Soft Serve being a more modern innovation.

Is Soft Serve healthier than Ice Cream?

Soft Serve often has less fat, but both can be high in sugar. Nutritional content varies by recipe.

Is Soft Serve always vanilla or chocolate?

While vanilla and chocolate are common, some places offer other Soft Serve flavors.

Can I store Soft Serve in my freezer at home?

Soft Serve is best consumed fresh. Its texture changes when frozen solid.

Can I make Soft Serve at home?

Yes, with the right equipment, but traditional Ice Cream is easier to make at home.

Why does Ice Cream sometimes have chunks or mix-ins?

Ice Cream's denser texture allows it to hold chunks, like fruit or chocolate, without them sinking.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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