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Jail vs. Detention Center — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 24, 2023
Jail is a facility for those awaiting trial or serving short sentences, while a Detention Center primarily holds individuals awaiting legal processing, such as immigrants or juveniles.
Jail vs. Detention Center — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Jail and Detention Center


Key Differences

A Jail is commonly understood as a confinement facility. In many jurisdictions, jails are local facilities that house inmates serving short sentences or awaiting their trial. On the other hand, a Detention Center is a broader term and can refer to facilities that hold individuals for various reasons, often before formal legal processing.
Jail typically falls under local jurisdiction, managed by counties or cities. They play a crucial role in the criminal justice system, holding inmates for short durations, either due to their sentences or because they're awaiting trial. In contrast, a Detention Center might not be exclusively related to criminal offenses. Detention Centers can serve various purposes, including holding immigrants awaiting legal processing or juveniles in certain situations.
The general public often uses Jail to denote a place where criminals serve time. The term is associated with punitive measures following a legal conviction. Detention Centers, meanwhile, can be more about containment rather than punishment. For instance, a Detention Center can house those detained for immigration reasons, where the individuals haven't committed a crime but are awaiting administrative decisions.
When it comes to duration, those in Jail often have a defined timeframe, whether it's the duration of their trial or a short sentence. On the other side, individuals in a Detention Center, especially in cases related to immigration, might not have a set release date, as their stay depends on administrative or legal decisions that can be unpredictable.
Both Jail and Detention Center are crucial elements of the justice and administrative system. While their roles might overlap in some areas, their primary functions, jurisdictions, and the populations they serve can be distinct, leading to the differences in their definitions and purposes.

Comparison Chart


A facility for short-term confinement.
A holding facility for various reasons, often before legal processing.


Typically local (county or city).
Can be local, state, or federal.


Defined, either due to trial duration or short sentence.
Can be indefinite, especially in administrative cases.

Primary Purpose

Punishment or holding till trial.
Containment, often before legal or administrative decisions.

Populations Served

Inmates either convicted of minor offenses or awaiting trial.
Can include immigrants, juveniles, or those awaiting trial.

Compare with Definitions


Jail is a place of confinement for those accused and awaiting trial.
After his arrest, he was taken to the local Jail.

Detention Center

Detention Center is a facility for holding individuals awaiting legal outcomes.
The Detention Center held those awaiting immigration hearings.


Jail denotes a secure facility under local jurisdiction for legal detainees.
The county Jail underwent renovations to increase its security measures.

Detention Center

Detention Center refers to a place for temporary confinement, often not related to criminal charges.
The youth Detention Center focuses on rehabilitation.


Jail is an institution for incarcerating people under lawful arrest.
The city's main Jail has a capacity of 2,000 inmates.

Detention Center

Detention Center encompasses facilities for various containment purposes.
The new Detention Center will house both juveniles and those awaiting trial.


Jail is a confinement location for those who violate local ordinances.
The town's Jail was notoriously strict with its regulations.

Detention Center

Detention Center implies a place of holding, sometimes without a set release date.
Families were often separated at the border Detention Center.


Jail refers to a facility where inmates serve short-term sentences.
He was sentenced to 90 days in Jail for the misdemeanor.

Detention Center

Detention Center is an establishment that detains individuals for administrative reasons.
The immigration Detention Center was criticized for its conditions.


A place of detention, especially for persons who are accused of committing a crime and have not been released on bail or for persons who are serving short sentences after conviction of a misdemeanor.


Detention in a jail.


To detain in a jail.


A place or institution for the confinement of persons held against their will in lawful custody or detention, especially (in US usage) a place where people are held for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding.


(uncountable) Confinement in a jail.


(horse racing) The condition created by the requirement that a horse claimed in a claiming race not be run at another track for some period of time (usually 30 days).


In dodgeball and related games, the area where players who have been struck by the ball are confined.


A kind of sandbox for running a guest operating system instance.


To imprison.


A kind of prison; a building for the confinement of persons held in lawful custody, especially for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding.
This jail I count the house of liberty.


To imprison.
[Bolts] that jail you from free life.


A correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)


Lock up or confine, in or as in a jail;
The suspects were imprisoned without trial
The murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

Common Curiosities

Are Jails managed by local authorities?

Yes, Jails are typically under local jurisdiction, managed by counties or cities.

Do Detention Centers serve only criminal detainees?

No, Detention Centers can house individuals for various reasons, including immigration or juvenile matters.

Can a Detention Center be for juveniles?

Yes, some Detention Centers are specifically designed for juveniles.

Are all Jails similar in conditions and facilities?

No, Jails can vary significantly in terms of conditions, size, and facilities based on location and jurisdiction.

Is Jail always about punishment?

Not always; while Jail can be punitive, it also houses those awaiting trial.

What's the purpose of a Detention Center?

Detention Centers primarily hold individuals awaiting legal or administrative processing, such as immigrants or juveniles.

What is a Jail?

Jail is a facility for individuals awaiting trial or serving short sentences.

How long can someone stay in Jail?

Inmates in Jail often have short-term sentences or stay until their trial concludes.

Is the duration in a Detention Center fixed?

No, the duration in a Detention Center can be indefinite, especially in administrative cases.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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