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Preference vs. Discount — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 16, 2024
Preference indicates a prioritization or favorable inclination towards an option, while a discount refers to a reduction in price, typically to encourage sales.
Preference vs. Discount — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Preference and Discount


Key Differences

A preference is an individual's inclination or fondness for one option over others, reflecting personal taste or desire. On the other hand, a discount is a financial incentive offered by sellers to increase the attractiveness of a product or service.
Preferences can vary widely among individuals, influenced by factors like experiences, culture, and personal values, whereas discounts are generally uniform in nature, applied to products to attract a broad customer base.
While preferences are subjective and can be hard to quantify, discounts are quantifiable and can be precisely measured in terms of percentage or dollar amount reduction.
Preferences can exist without any economic impact, focusing solely on personal likes and dislikes. In contrast, discounts directly affect purchasing decisions by lowering the cost barrier.
In marketing, understanding customer preferences can guide product development and promotion strategies, while offering discounts can be a direct tactic to boost sales and clear inventory.

Comparison Chart


A greater liking for one alternative over others.
A reduction in price on purchases.


Personal and subjective.
Economic and promotional.


Difficult to quantify, based on individual assessment.
Quantifiable, usually as a percentage or amount.


Reflects personal tastes or values.
Intended to increase sales and attract customers.

Impact on Market

Guides product development and marketing strategies.
Directly influences purchasing decisions and sales volumes.

Compare with Definitions


The act of prioritizing one option based on personal values.
His preference for honesty over politeness sometimes causes misunderstandings.


A business strategy to attract more customers.
Introducing a discount helped increase their market share during the competitive season.


A selection based on subjective criteria.
Their preference for local brands supports the community.


A reduction in the selling price of goods or services.
The store offered a 20% discount on all shoes.


An inclination influenced by taste or opinion.
His preference for early morning runs sets his daily routine.


A markdown applied during sales promotions.
Black Friday sales are known for deep discounts.


A tendency to favor a particular direction.
There is a clear preference for organic products among consumers today.


A financial incentive to stimulate sales.
They used a discount strategy to clear last season's inventory.


A personal choice favoring one option over others.
Her preference for classical music is evident in her collection.


A price concession given to certain groups (students, seniors).
Many software companies offer educational discounts to students.


In psychology, economics and philosophy, preference is a technical term usually used in relation to choosing between alternatives. For example, someone prefers A over B if they would rather choose A than B. Preferences are central to decision theory because of this relation to behavior.


To sell or offer for sale at a reduced price
Discounting all merchandise.


The selecting of someone or something over another or others
Has a decided preference for travel by train.


To reduce in quantity or value
Discount a price.


The right or chance to make a choice
The program offers you the preference to use the mouse or function keys.


To deduct or subtract from a cost or price
Discounted 30 dollars off the price of the coat.


Someone or something so chosen or preferred
What are your musical preferences?.


To determine the present value of (a future payment or series of payments).


The state of being preferred; favor over others
Applicants who received preference for the job.


To price (a bond or other debt security) at a reduction to its face value, especially in place of a coupon.


A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.


To disregard or doubt (something) as being exaggerated or untrustworthy
Discount a rumor.


The right of a creditor to priority of payment.


To underestimate the significance or effectiveness of; minimize
I made sure in my report not to discount your accomplishments.


The presentation of a case as ready for consideration.


To anticipate and make allowance for; reckon with in advance.


The formal presentation of criminal charges against someone.


A reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or value.


The granting of precedence or advantage to one country or group of countries in levying duties or in other matters of international trade.


The amount by which the face value of a bond or other debt security exceeds its market price.


The selection of one thing or person over others (with the main adposition being "for" in relation to the thing or person, but possibly also "of")
He has a preference for crisp wines.


Offering products or services for sale at low or reduced prices
A discount retailer.
A discount airline.


The option to so select, and the one selected.
Can I keep my preferences when I upgrade to the new version of this application?


Sold or offered for sale at a low or reduced price
Discount merchandise.


The state of being preferred over others.


Reduced in quantity or value
Discount airfares.


A strong liking or personal valuation.


Priced below face value, especially in place of a coupon
A discount bond.


A preferential bias; partiality; discrimination.


To deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like.
Merchants sometimes discount five or six per cent for prompt payment of bills.


(US) To give preferential treatment to; to give a preference to.


To lend money upon, deducting the discount or allowance for interest
The banks discount notes and bills of exchange


The act of Preferring, or the state of being preferred; the setting of one thing before another; precedence; higher estimation; predilection; choice; also, the power or opportunity of choosing; as, to give him his preference.
Leave the critics on either side to contend about the preference due to this or that sort of poetry.
Knowledge of things alone gives a value to our reasonings, and preference of one man's knowledge over another's.


To take into consideration beforehand; to anticipate and form conclusions concerning (an event).


That which is preferred; the object of choice or superior favor; as, which is your preference?


To leave out of account or regard as unimportant.
They discounted his comments.
They discounted his suggestion.
They discounted his idea.


A strong liking;
My own preference is for good literature
The Irish have a penchant for blarney


To lend, or make a practice of lending, money, abating the discount


The right or chance to choose;
Given my druthers, I'd eat cake


To believe, or act as though one believes, that one's own feelings are more important than the reality of a situation.


Grant of favor or advantage to one over another (especially to a country or countries in matters of international trade, such as levying duties)


A reduction in price.
This store offers discounts on all its wares. That store specializes in discount wares, too.


(finance) A deduction made for interest, in advancing money upon, or purchasing, a bill or note not due; payment in advance of interest upon money.


The rate of interest charged in discounting.


(figurative) A lack or shortcoming.


The act of one who believes, or act as though they believe, that their own feelings are more important than the reality of a situation.


Specializing in selling goods at reduced prices.
If you're looking for cheap clothes, there's a discount clothier around the corner.


To deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like; to make an abatement of; as, merchants sometimes discount five or six per cent for prompt payment of bills.


To lend money upon, deducting the discount or allowance for interest; as, the banks discount notes and bills of exchange.
Discount only unexceptionable paper.


To take into consideration beforehand; to anticipate and form conclusions concerning (an event).


To leave out of account; to take no notice of.
Of the three opinions (I discount Brown's).


To lend, or make a practice of lending, money, abating the discount; as, the discount for sixty or ninety days.


A counting off or deduction made from a gross sum on any account whatever; an allowance upon an account, debt, demand, price asked, and the like; something taken or deducted.


A deduction made for interest, in advancing money upon, or purchasing, a bill or note not due; payment in advance of interest upon money.


The rate of interest charged in discounting.


The act of reducing the selling price of merchandise


Interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan


A refund of some fraction of the amount paid


An amount or percentage deducted


Bar from attention or consideration;
She dismissed his advances


Give a reduction in price on;
I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes

Common Curiosities

What is a preference?

A preference is an individual's tendency to favor one option over others based on personal tastes or values.

Is a discount always a sign of a good deal?

Not always; consumers should consider product quality and necessity rather than just the attractiveness of the discount.

Can a preference be quantified?

While preferences are generally subjective and harder to measure, surveys and consumer feedback can provide some quantifiable insights.

How do preferences affect consumer behavior?

Preferences significantly influence consumer behavior by determining what, how, and when people choose to buy products.

How do discounts influence sales?

Discounts can dramatically boost sales by making products more financially accessible and enticing to customers.

How do personal preferences influence business strategies?

Businesses use data on consumer preferences to tailor products, services, and marketing to better meet the needs and desires of their target audience.

What is a discount?

A discount is a reduction in the price of goods or services, often used as a promotional tool to increase sales.

Do preferences change over time?

Yes, individual preferences can change due to new experiences, changes in financial status, or shifting cultural trends.

How do companies determine which discounts to offer?

Companies analyze market trends, consumer demand, and competitive strategies to decide on the type and size of discounts.

Are discounts effective in all markets?

Discounts are generally effective across various markets but may vary in effectiveness based on consumer expectations and competitive dynamics.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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