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Baptist vs. Southern Baptist — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 23, 2023
Baptist refers to a Christian denomination emphasizing believer's baptism; Southern Baptist is a specific Baptist denomination originating in the U.S. South.
Baptist vs. Southern Baptist — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Baptist and Southern Baptist


Key Differences

Baptist denotes a diverse group of Christian denominations that share some theological and doctrinal beliefs. Central to the Baptist identity is the belief in believer's baptism by immersion. On the other hand, Southern Baptist represents a specific Baptist convention rooted in the southern United States.
Baptist churches uphold the autonomy of the local congregation. This means that individual Baptist churches are self-governing and independent. In contrast, Southern Baptist churches voluntarily cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention, which provides resources and collaborative opportunities while still upholding local autonomy.
Historically, the distinction between Baptist and Southern Baptist became pronounced in the 19th century. While Baptist churches existed in various forms, Southern Baptists formed their own convention in 1845, mainly over disputes related to slavery and missionary appointments.
Theological differences between Baptist groups can vary widely. Southern Baptists, as a convention, tend to be more conservative in their theology and interpretation of the Bible. However, it's important to recognize the diversity of beliefs even within the broader Baptist denomination.
While both Baptist and Southern Baptist churches emphasize evangelism, missions, and sharing the Gospel, the Southern Baptist Convention has established entities and seminaries that particularly align with its theological and mission-driven goals.

Comparison Chart


Emerged in the 16th-17th century Reformation.
Formed in 1845 in the southern U.S.


Local church autonomy.
Cooperative with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Historical Context

Broad scope with varied origins.
Originated mainly over slavery and missionary issues.

Theological Stance

Diverse theological perspectives.
Tends to be more conservative.

Organizational Structure

Localized and independent.
Voluntarily align with entities of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Compare with Definitions


A denomination emphasizing direct personal experience with God.
Mike, a Baptist, often shared his testimony with friends.

Southern Baptist

Baptist branch known for evangelistic and mission efforts.
As a Southern Baptist, Emily participated in numerous overseas mission trips.


Pertaining to a Protestant sect emphasizing local church autonomy.
The Baptist church down the street supports various community programs.

Southern Baptist

Member of the Baptist denomination originating in the U.S. South.
Lisa, a Southern Baptist, attends the annual convention.


A member of a Christian denomination advocating believer's baptism.
John became a Baptist after a personal faith experience.

Southern Baptist

Adherent of the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S.
Robert is a Southern Baptist pastor in Texas.


Adherent of congregational church governance.
As a Baptist, Sarah valued the independence of her local congregation.

Southern Baptist

A Baptist associated with the Southern Baptist Convention.
As a Southern Baptist, Karen supports the convention's missions programs.


A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity, following the Reformed tradition in worship and believing in freedom of conscience, separation of church and state, and baptism only of voluntary, conscious believers.

Southern Baptist

Denomination emphasizing conservative theological stance.
Being a Southern Baptist, David believes in the inerrancy of the Bible.


Baptist One that baptizes.


A person who baptizes.


One who administers baptism; - specifically applied to John, the forerunner of Christ.


One of a denomination of Christians who deny the validity of infant baptism and of sprinkling, and maintain that baptism should be administered to believers alone, and should be by immersion. See Anabaptist.


Follower of Baptistic doctrines


Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church;
Baptist baptismal practices
A Baptist minister


One who believes in adult baptism by immersion.
As a Baptist, Jane was baptized at the age of 20.

Common Curiosities

How does Southern Baptist differ from other Baptist groups?

Southern Baptists are part of a specific convention, the Southern Baptist Convention, originating in the southern U.S. and are generally more conservative.

What is a Baptist?

A Baptist is a member of a Christian denomination emphasizing believer's baptism and local church autonomy.

Why did the Southern Baptist denomination form?

The Southern Baptist Convention formed in 1845 mainly over disputes related to slavery and missionary appointments.

Are all Baptist churches in the South considered Southern Baptist?

No, not all Baptist churches in the South are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Do Baptists and Southern Baptists baptize infants?

No, both believe in "believer's baptism," which is reserved for individuals who consciously profess faith.

Are Southern Baptists considered evangelicals?

Yes, Southern Baptists are typically considered part of the evangelical Protestant tradition.

Is the Southern Baptist Convention the only Baptist convention in the U.S.?

No, there are other Baptist conventions and associations in the U.S., but the Southern Baptist Convention is the largest.

Can a Baptist church become part of the Southern Baptist Convention?

Yes, Baptist churches can choose to affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Do Southern Baptist churches have their own governance structure?

While Southern Baptist churches maintain local autonomy, they voluntarily cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention.

How do Baptists typically perform baptisms?

Baptists perform baptisms by immersion, submerging the individual underwater.

Do Baptists and Southern Baptists have a centralized church authority?

No, both emphasize local church autonomy, but Southern Baptists have the convention for cooperative efforts.

How do Baptist churches typically govern themselves?

Baptist churches emphasize the autonomy of the local congregation, making them self-governing and independent.

What is the main mission focus for Southern Baptists?

Southern Baptists emphasize evangelism, missions, and sharing the Gospel both locally and globally.

How do Baptists generally view the Bible?

Baptists typically view the Bible as the inspired, authoritative word of God, with some differences in interpretation across groups.

What's a notable difference in theology between Baptists and Southern Baptists?

While both have diverse beliefs, the Southern Baptist Convention, as a whole, tends to be more conservative in theology.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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