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Average vs. Medium — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
Average is a statistical measure representing the central or typical value in a set of data, calculated as the sum of all values divided by the count. Medium, likely intended as "median," is the middle value in a sorted list, dividing the dataset in half.
Average vs. Medium — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Average and Medium


Key Differences

Average, or mean, is calculated by adding up all the numbers in a dataset and then dividing by the number of values. This measure provides a central value that represents the dataset as a whole, giving insight into the general tendency or overall condition of the data. Median, on the other hand, is found by arranging all numbers in the set from smallest to largest and identifying the middle value. If there's an even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle numbers, offering a measure that is not skewed by outliers.
While the average is sensitive to extreme values, which can significantly affect the result, the median provides a more resistant measure that offers a better representation of the dataset's center when outliers are present. This makes the median particularly useful in distributions that are not symmetrical or when extreme values are observed.
The average is often used in situations where the data is evenly distributed and there are no significant outliers, as it provides a simple and understandable measure of the central tendency. In contrast, the median is favored in skewed distributions because it better reflects the central location of the data by excluding the influence of outliers.
In practical applications, the choice between using the average or the median depends on the nature of the data and the specific requirements of the analysis. For example, in real estate, the median sale price of homes is often reported instead of the average to avoid distortion by exceptionally high or low sales prices.
Both average and median are important statistical measures, each offering unique insights into the characteristics of a dataset. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for accurately interpreting and analyzing data, especially in fields where decision-making relies on statistical analysis.

Comparison Chart


Sum of all values divided by the number of values
Middle value in a sorted list of numbers

Sensitivity to Outliers

Yes, affected by extreme values
No, not influenced by outliers

Best Use

Evenly distributed data without outliers
Skewed distributions or when outliers are present


Add all numbers and divide by count
Arrange numbers and find middle value


General tendency or overall condition
Central location excluding outliers

Compare with Definitions


A mathematical concept representing the sum of values divided by the number of values.
The average of 2, 3, and 7 is 4.


The middle number in a sorted list of numbers.
The median of 1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 is 6.


Simple to calculate and widely used.
The average age of students in the class is 12 years.


Commonly used in skewed distributions.
The median house price is often reported in real estate.


Reflects the central tendency of a dataset.
The average temperature in July was 75°F.


Divides the dataset into two equal halves.
The median divides the data set so that 50% of the values are above it.


Can be skewed by outliers in the dataset.
The average income is skewed by a few high earners.


Represents the central point of a dataset.
The median age in the survey was 35 years.


Used in various fields for a broad overview of data.
The average score on the test was 68%.


Resistant to outliers and skewed data.
The median income provides a better sense of the typical income.


In colloquial language, an average is a single number taken as representative of a non-empty list of numbers. Different concepts of average are used in different contexts.


An agency or means of doing something
Using the latest technology as a medium for job creation
Their primitive valuables acted as a medium of exchange


A number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number
The proportion of over-60s is above the EU average of 19 per cent


The intervening substance through which sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces are transmitted
Radio communication needs no physical medium between the two stations


The apportionment of financial liability resulting from loss of or damage to a ship or its cargo.


A particular form of storage material for computer files, such as magnetic tape or discs.


Constituting the result obtained by adding together several amounts and then dividing this total by the number of amounts
The average temperature in May was 4°C below normal


The material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer
Oil paint is the most popular medium for glazing


Amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean
Annual inflation averaged 2.4 per cent


The middle quality or state between two extremes; a reasonable balance
There is a medium between being modest and boastful


A number that typifies a set of numbers of which it is a function.


About halfway between two extremes of size or another quality; average
Medium-length hair
Plan for the medium term
John is six feet tall, of medium build


See arithmetic mean.


Something, such as an intermediate course of action, that occupies a position or represents a condition midway between extremes.


An intermediate level or degree
Near the average in size.


A substance that propagates energy or signals through space via changes in its own state
Air acts as a medium for the transmission of sound waves.


The usual or ordinary kind or quality
Although the wines vary, the average is quite good.


The sparsely distributed gas and dust subsisting in the space between stars.


(Sports)The ratio of a team's or player's successful performances such as wins, hits, or goals, divided by total opportunities for successful performance, such as games, times at bat, or shots
Finished the season with a .500 average.
A batting average of .274.



The loss of a ship or cargo, caused by damage at sea.


An agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred
The train was the usual medium of transportation in those days.


The incurrence of damage or loss of a ship or cargo at sea.


A means of mass communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, or television.


The equitable distribution of such a loss among concerned parties.


Media(used with a sing. or pl. verb) The group of journalists and others who constitute the communications industry and profession.


A charge incurred through such a loss.


Pl. media(Computers)Any of various kinds of storage devices, such as hard drives or digital audiotape.


(Nautical)Small expenses or charges that are usually paid by the master of a ship.


A surrounding environment in which something functions and thrives.


(Mathematics)Of, relating to, or constituting an average.


The substance in which a specific organism lives and thrives.


Being intermediate between extremes, as on a scale
A movie of average length.
A player of average ability.


A culture medium.


Usual or ordinary in kind or character
A poll of average people.
Average eyesight.


A specific kind of artistic technique or means of expression as determined by the materials used or the creative methods involved
The medium of lithography.


Assessed in accordance with the law of averages.


The materials used in a specific artistic technique
Oils as a medium.


(Mathematics)To calculate the average of
Average a set of numbers.


A solvent with which paint is thinned to the proper consistency.


To do or have an average of
Averaged three hours of work a day.


(Chemistry) A filtering substance, such as filter paper.


To distribute proportionately
Average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.


Occurring or being between two degrees, amounts, or quantities; intermediate
Ordered a medium coffee.


To be or amount to an average
Some sparrows are six inches long, but they average smaller. Our expenses averaged out to 45 dollars per day.


The material of the surrounding environment, e.g. solid, liquid, gas, vacuum, or a specific substance such as a solvent.


(mathematics) The arithmetic mean.
2=The average of 10, 20 and 24 is (10 + 20 + 24)/3 = 18.


The materials or empty space through which signals, waves, or forces pass.


(statistics) Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode.


A format for communicating or presenting information.


Financial loss due to damage to transported goods; compensation for damage or loss.


(microbiology) A nutrient substance, commonly a solution or solid, for the growth of cells in vitro.


Customs duty or similar charge payable on transported goods.


(biology, horticulture etc.) A substance, structure, or environment in which living organisms subsist, grow or are cultured.


Proportional or equitable distribution of financial expense.


A means, channel, agency or go-between through which communication, commerce, etc is conveyed or carried on, or by which an aim is achieved.


(sports) An indication of a player's ability calculated from his scoring record, etc.
Batting average


(engineering) The materials used to finish a workpiece using a mass finishing or abrasive blasting process.


In the corn trade, the medial price of the several kinds of grain in the principal corn markets.


A liquid base which carries pigment in paint.


The service that a tenant owed his lord, to be done by the animals of the tenant, such as the transportation of wheat, turf, etc.


(painting) A means of expression, in the arts, such as a material (oil, pastel, clay, etc) or method or style (expressionism, jazz, etc).
Acrylics, oils, charcoal, and gouache are all mediums I used in my painting.


(not comparable) Constituting or relating to the average.
The average age of the participants was 18.5.


Someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world.


Neither very good nor very bad; rated somewhere in the middle of all others in the same category.
I soon found I was only an average chess player.


An item labelled or denoted as being that size.


The average family will not need the more expensive features of this product.


One who fits an item of that size.


(informal) Not outstanding, not good, banal; bad or poor.


A half-pint serving of Guinness (or other stout in some regions).


(transitive) To compute the average of, especially the arithmetic mean.
If you average 10, 20 and 24, you get 18.


(countable) A middle place or degree.
A happy medium


(transitive) Over a period of time or across members of a population, to have or generate a mean value of.
The daily high temperature last month averaged 15°C.
I averaged 75% in my examinations this year.


An average; sometimes the mathematical mean.


(transitive) To divide among a number, according to a given proportion.
To average a loss


The mean or middle term of a syllogism, that by which the extremes are brought into connection.


(intransitive) To be, generally or on average.


(obsolete) Arithmetically average.


That service which a tenant owed his lord, to be done by the work beasts of the tenant, as the carriage of wheat, turf, etc.


Of intermediate size, degree, amount etc.


A tariff or duty on goods, etc.


Of meat, cooked to a point greater than rare but less than well done; typically, so the meat is still red in the centre.


A mean proportion, medial sum or quantity, made out of unequal sums or quantities; an arithmetical mean. Thus, if A loses 5 dollars, B 9, and C 16, the sum is 30, and the average 10.


That is medium the manufactured size.


Any medial estimate or general statement derived from a comparison of diverse specific cases; a medium or usual size, quantity, quality, rate, etc.


To a medium extent.


In the English corn trade, the medial price of the several kinds of grain in the principal corn markets.


That which lies in the middle, or between other things; intervening body or quantity.
The just medium . . . lies between pride and abjection.


Pertaining to an average or mean; medial; containing a mean proportion; of a mean size, quality, ability, etc.; ordinary; usual; as, an average rate of profit; an average amount of rain; the average Englishman; beings of the average stamp.


See Mean.


According to the laws of averages; as, the loss must be made good by average contribution.


A substance through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another; as, air is the common medium of sound.
Whether any other liquors, being made mediums, cause a diversity of sound from water, it may be tried.
I must bring togetherAll these extremes; and must remove all mediums.


To find the mean of, when sums or quantities are unequal; to reduce to a mean.


An average.
A medium of six years of war, and six years of peace.


To divide among a number, according to a given proportion; as, to average a loss.


A trade name for printing and writing paper of certain sizes. See Paper.


To do, accomplish, get, etc., on an average.


The liquid vehicle with which dry colors are ground and prepared for application.


To form, or exist in, a mean or medial sum or quantity; to amount to, or to be, on an average; as, the losses of the owners will average twenty five dollars each; these spars average ten feet in length.


A source of nutrients in which a microorganism is placed to permit its growth, cause it to produce substances, or observe its activity under defined conditions; also called culture medium or growth medium. The medium is usually a solution of nutrients in water, or a similar solution solidified with gelatin or agar.


A statistic describing the location of a distribution;
It set the norm for American homes


A means of transmission of news, advertising, or other messages from an information source to the public, also called a news medium, such as a newspaper or radio; used mostly in the plural form, i. e. news media or media. See 1st media{2}.


Amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain;
The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40


Having a middle position or degree; mean; intermediate; medial; as, a horse of medium size; a decoction of medium strength.


Achieve or reach on average;
He averaged a C


A means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information


Compute the average of


The surrounding environment;
Fish require an aqueous medium


Approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value;
The average income in New England is below that of the nation
Of average height for his age
The mean annual rainfall


An intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication


Lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered;
Average people
The ordinary (or common) man in the street


(bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms


Of no exceptional quality or ability;
A novel of average merit
Only a fair performance of the sonata
In fair health
The caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average
The performance was middling at best


An intervening substance through which something is achieved;
The dissolving medium is called a solvent


Around the middle of a scale of evaluation of physical measures;
An orange of average size
Intermediate capacity
A plane with intermediate range
Medium bombers


A liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter


Relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution;
The modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30


(biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed


Relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in an even-numbered set);
The median value of 17, 20, and 36 is 20
The median income for the year was $15,000


A state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position;
A happy medium


Transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public


An occupation for which you are especially well suited;
In law he found his true metier


Around the middle of a scale of evaluation of physical measures;
An orange of average size
Intermediate capacity
A plane with intermediate range
Medium bombers


(of meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside

Common Curiosities

Can the average and median be the same?

Yes, in a symmetrically distributed dataset without outliers, the average and median can be the same.

How do outliers affect the average and median?

Outliers can significantly affect the average, making it higher or lower than the central tendency, but have little to no effect on the median.

Is the average always higher than the median?

Not necessarily; the relationship between the average and median depends on the distribution of the dataset.

Can the median help identify outliers?

While the median itself doesn't identify outliers, comparing the median to the average can suggest the presence of outliers.

Why is the median important in real estate?

In real estate, the median sale price is important because it is less affected by extremely high or low sales prices, providing a more accurate representation of the market.

Why use the median instead of the average?

The median is used instead of the average in skewed distributions or when outliers might distort the representation of the central tendency.

Are average and median used outside of mathematics?

Yes, they are widely used in various fields, including economics, real estate, and social sciences, to analyze and interpret data.

What is the main difference between average and median?

The main difference is that the average is calculated by dividing the sum of all values by the count, sensitive to outliers, while the median is the middle value in a sorted list, resistant to outliers.

How do you find the median in an even set of numbers?

For an even set of numbers, the median is the average of the two middle numbers once the set is ordered.

How does data distribution affect the choice between average and median?

Evenly distributed data without outliers favors the average, while skewed data or data with outliers favors the median.

Which is better, average or median?

Neither is inherently better; the choice between average and median depends on the data's characteristics and the analysis's objectives.

What roles do average and median play in statistical analysis?

They measure central tendency, providing insights into the dataset's general behavior and central value.

What if all values in the dataset are the same?

If all values are the same, the average and median will also be the same, equal to that common value.

What does a large difference between average and median indicate?

A large difference between the average and median indicates a skewed distribution, with outliers affecting the average.

How can the average mislead in data analysis?

The average can mislead by giving a distorted view of the central tendency when outliers are present.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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