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Askew vs. Eschew — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 26, 2024
Askew means not in a straight or level position, while eschew signifies deliberately avoiding or abstaining from something.
Askew vs. Eschew — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Askew and Eschew


Key Differences

Askew describes a physical misalignment or something that is not straight; for instance, a picture hanging askew on a wall. Whereas eschew is used to denote the intentional avoidance of a particular behavior, practice, or task.
When something is askew, it often implies a visual or perceptual error, like a tie or glasses positioned crookedly. On the other hand, eschew involves a conscious decision to steer clear of certain actions or practices, often for moral, practical, or personal reasons.
Askew can also suggest a sense of disorder or chaos in appearance, which can affect the aesthetics or functionality of objects or scenes. Conversely, eschew reflects a choice that aligns with one's values or goals, often leading to a sense of discipline or ethical integrity.
The use of askew typically pertains to physical objects and their arrangement. In contrast, eschew applies more broadly to behaviors, habits, and sometimes even social or dietary preferences.
Both terms carry a notion of deviation; askew from the norm of alignment, and eschew from conventional or expected patterns of behavior. However, the contexts and implications of their use are distinctly different.

Comparison Chart


Not straight; tilted or crooked
To deliberately avoid or abstain

Part of Speech

Adjective, adverb

Usage Context

Visual and spatial alignment
Behavioral and decision-making choices


Error or irregularity in position
Moral or practical choice

Example of Use

"The frame is hanging askew."
"He chooses to eschew alcohol."

Compare with Definitions


Disarranged; not in proper order.
The books on the shelf were all askew.


To deliberately avoid.
She eschews meat for ethical reasons.


With a lack of order.
His notes were scattered askew across the desk.


To abstain from.
They eschew smoking and other bad habits.


Awry in position.
His hat sat askew after the playful scuffle.


To shun or steer clear of.
He eschewed formal events where he had to speak publicly.


In a tilted position.
The sign stood askew, battered by the wind.


To reject or keep away from.
As a policy, the company eschews political contributions.


Crookedly; not aligned.
The mirror was hung askew, giving the room an unsettling feel.


To refrain from engaging in.
She eschews using plastic to help the environment.


Askew is an English surname.


Deliberately avoid using; abstain from
He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence


Not in a straight or level position
Her hat was slightly askew


To avoid using, accepting, participating in, or partaking of
“Italian tends to eschew the sort of polite euphemisms in which English glories” (David Leavitt).


To one side or out of proper alignment; awry
Rugs lying askew.


To refrain from (doing something).


Turned or twisted to one side.


To avoid; to shun, to shy away from.


(figuratively) Untoward, unfavourable.


To shun; to avoid, as something wrong, or from a feeling of distaste; to keep one's self clear of.
They must not only eschew evil, but do good.


Tilted to one side.
He wore his hat askew


To escape from; to avoid.
He who obeys, destruction shall eschew.


Awry; askance; asquint; oblique or obliquely; - sometimes indicating scorn, or contempt, or entry.


Avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of


Turned or twisted toward one side;
A...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry
His wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff


Turned or twisted to one side;
Rugs lying askew
With his necktie twisted awry

Common Curiosities

What does eschew mean?

Eschew means to deliberately avoid or abstain from a particular behavior, practice, or habit.

Why might someone eschew something?

Someone might eschew something for moral, health-related, or personal reasons, choosing to avoid what they consider harmful or undesirable.

What is the opposite of askew?

The opposite of askew is aligned, straight, or orderly.

What does it mean when something is askew?

When something is askew, it is not in a straight line or proper alignment; it appears crooked or tilted.

Can eschew be used in a positive context?

Yes, eschewing can be viewed positively when it involves avoiding negative behaviors or harmful substances.

Is askew ever used as a verb?

Askew is primarily used as an adjective or adverb, not commonly as a verb.

Can askew be used in a figurative sense?

Yes, askew can also describe situations or plans that have gone awry, not just physical misalignment.

How do you correct something that is askew?

Correcting something that is askew involves realigning it to the proper position or straightening it.

Can businesses eschew practices?

Yes, businesses can eschew practices they find unethical or harmful, such as avoiding sweatshop labor.

What is an example of eschewing something for ethical reasons?

An example would be someone eschewing fast fashion brands to protest against poor labor practices.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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