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Teppanyaki vs. Griddle — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 9, 2024
"Teppanyaki" refers to a style of Japanese cooking using a flat iron griddle, emphasizing fresh ingredients and theatrical chef performance; "griddle" is a flat cooking surface used for frying, typically without specific cultural associations.
Teppanyaki vs. Griddle — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Teppanyaki and Griddle


Key Differences

"Teppanyaki" is a Japanese culinary method where food is cooked on a large, flat iron griddle, typically as part of a dining experience that includes a chef performing at the table. A "griddle," on the other hand, is a broad term for any flat cooking surface, used globally in various culinary traditions for frying foods like pancakes, bacon, and eggs.
The teppanyaki griddle is generally integrated into a dining table, allowing diners to watch as the chef prepares dishes directly in front of them, often with flair and skillful maneuvers. Griddles are more versatile cooking tools, found in both residential and commercial kitchens, used for cooking a wide range of dishes without the entertainment aspect.
Teppanyaki cooking often involves specific types of foods, such as steak, seafood, vegetables, and rice, which are cooked with minimal seasoning to highlight the freshness of the ingredients. In contrast, griddles can be used to cook almost any food that benefits from a flat frying surface.
The teppanyaki style is also associated with communal eating and social interaction, as meals are typically shared among guests seated around the griddle. Griddles serve a more functional purpose and may not necessarily facilitate social interaction.
Teppanyaki chefs are trained not only in cooking but also in the performance elements that make the meal entertaining, such as knife tricks and food juggling. A griddle requires no special skills beyond basic cooking proficiency.

Comparison Chart


A style of Japanese cooking on a flat iron griddle
Any flat cooking surface for frying

Primary Use

Entertaining and cooking in front of diners
Cooking a variety of foods

Cultural Association

Used globally without specific cultural ties

Food Types

Steak, seafood, vegetables
Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and more


High, with chef performing cooking tricks
Typically low, functional cooking tool

Compare with Definitions


Often involves communal dining.
Teppanyaki is perfect for group dining, allowing everyone to select their own ingredients.


A flat cooking surface.
I used the griddle to make pancakes for breakfast this morning.


Japanese cooking style using a large iron griddle.
We enjoyed a teppanyaki dinner where the chef cooked shrimp and vegetables right at our table.


Versatile kitchen tool.
The griddle is ideal for frying up everything from eggs to grilled cheese sandwiches.


Emphasizes performance and fresh ingredients.
The teppanyaki chef entertained us with incredible knife skills while preparing our meal.


No performance aspect involved.
Cooking on a griddle focuses solely on the food’s preparation, without any flair or tricks.


Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き, teppan-yaki), also known in some countries as Hibachi (火鉢, "fire bowl"), is a post–World War II style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. The word teppanyaki is derived from teppan (鉄板), the metal plate on which it is cooked on, and yaki (焼き), which means grilled, broiled, or pan-fried.


A griddle is a cooking device consisting of a broad flat surface heated by gas, electricity, wood, or coal, with both residential and commercial applications. In industrialized countries, a griddle is most commonly a flat metal plate, elsewhere typically a brick slab or tablet.A residential griddle may be composed of chrome steel, aluminum, cast iron, or carbon steel.


A Japanese dish of meat, fish, or both, fried with vegetables on a hot steel plate forming the centre of the table
The restaurant has ten teppanyaki tables


A flat metal surface, such as a pan, that is used for cooking by dry heat.


A style of cooking in Japanese cuisine in which food, such as chopped beef, chicken, shrimp, or vegetables, is stir-fried on a griddle.


Vermont & Upstate New York See eye.


Food cooked in this way.


To cook on a flat metal surface.


A Japanese style of cooking in which thin slices of meat, or fish, seafood, vegetables and noodles are quickly fried on a hotplate.


A stone or metal flat plate or surface on which food is fried or baked.


(transitive) To cook on a griddle.


An iron plate or pan used for cooking cakes.


A sieve with a wire bottom, used by miners.


Cooking utensil consisting of a flat heated surface (as on top of a stove) on which food is cooked


Cook on a griddle;
Griddle pancakes

Common Curiosities

What is teppanyaki?

Teppanyaki is a Japanese cooking method that involves cooking food on a flat iron griddle, often performed as a live cooking show.

How does teppanyaki differ from typical griddle cooking?

Teppanyaki is both a cooking method and a form of entertainment, involving skilled chefs who perform while cooking, unlike standard griddle cooking which is purely functional.

Can a teppanyaki chef cook other cuisines on the griddle?

While teppanyaki chefs specialize in Japanese dishes, the griddle can be used to cook a variety of cuisines if desired.

Is a griddle used only for breakfast foods?

No, a griddle is a versatile tool used to cook meals for any time of day, though it is popular for breakfast items.

Do I need special equipment to cook teppanyaki at home?

To cook teppanyaki-style at home, you would need a large flat griddle and ideally some basic skills in the teppanyaki cooking technique.

Can teppanyaki be considered a healthy cooking method?

Teppanyaki can be quite healthy as it often involves fresh ingredients and minimal use of oils.

What can you cook on a griddle?

A griddle can be used to cook a variety of foods, including pancakes, bacon, eggs, burgers, and more.

What makes teppanyaki a popular dining choice?

Teppanyaki is popular for its engaging cooking process, where chefs prepare meals directly in front of diners, often with theatrical flair.

How do I maintain a griddle?

Regular cleaning and proper seasoning of the griddle surface are essential to maintain its non-stick properties and overall longevity.

What's the best way to experience authentic teppanyaki?

The best way to experience authentic teppanyaki is at a restaurant where trained chefs perform the cooking live.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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