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Ruler vs. Scribble — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on August 18, 2023
A ruler is a tool for measuring or drawing straight lines, while scribble refers to hastily written or drawn marks.
Ruler vs. Scribble — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Ruler and Scribble


Key Differences

A ruler is a tool, often made of wood, plastic, or metal, designed for measuring distances or drawing straight lines. It has a structured form and provides precision in tasks like drafting or measurement. In contrast, the term scribble refers to the act of writing or drawing hastily and without much attention to detail, often leading to illegible or messy results. It denotes a lack of structure and precision.
In the world of stationery, a ruler is a staple. Its primary function is to guide and bring order, ensuring straight lines and precise measurements. On the other hand, scribble is often associated with spontaneity and freedom. It's what a child might do with a crayon on a wall or what someone might do on a notepad when they're lost in thought.
While a ruler stands as a symbol of order and discipline in the realms of art and writing, a scribble is its antithesis, representing chaos and impulsivity.
A ruler's measurements are exact, while a scribble's lines are unpredictable and can vary in size, direction, and intensity.
In a more metaphorical sense, one could say that life needs a balance of the ruler and the scribble. The ruler represents structure, planning, and order, which are essential for achieving goals. Meanwhile, the scribble stands for the unexpected, the bursts of creativity, and the moments of spontaneity that add color to life.

Comparison Chart


Structured tool
Hastily written/drawn marks


Measures distances or draws lines
Quick, often messy writing/drawing


Order and discipline
Chaos and impulsivity

Associated With

Drafting, art, construction
Doodles, impromptu notes, child's drawing


Straight, with markings
Irregular and varied

Compare with Definitions


A person or device that holds authority or governance.
The ancient ruler of the kingdom was known for his wisdom.


To write or draw hastily without much care.
I tend to scribble my thoughts down during brainstorming sessions.


An instrument indicating standard measurements.
He took out his ruler to verify the dimensions of the box.


Illegible or messy handwriting.
His notes were a scribble, hard for anyone else to decipher.


A (usually rigid), flat, rectangular measuring or drawing device with graduations in units of measurement; a straightedge with markings.


To mark or cover with uncontrolled or meaningless lines.
The toddler scribbled all over the wall with crayons.


A person who rules or governs; someone or something that exercises dominion or controlling power over others.


A hurried, careless piece of writing or drawing.
She left a scribble on the notepad after the quick phone call.


(transitive) To beat with a ruler (as a traditional school punishment).


To write (a note, for example) hurriedly without heed to legibility or style.


One who rules; one who exercises sway or authority; a governor.
And he made him ruler over all the land.
A prince and ruler of the land.


To draw (a picture) hurriedly or carelessly.


A ruler, sometimes called a rule or line gauge, is a device used in geometry and technical drawing, as well as the engineering and construction industries, to measure distances or draw straight lines.


To write in a hurried careless way.


Measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths


To make meaningless marks, as with a pen or pencil.


A straight-edged strip used for measuring and drawing lines.
She used a ruler to measure the width of the paper.


Careless hurried writing.


One, such as a monarch or dictator, that rules or governs.


Meaningless marks and lines.


A straightedged strip, as of wood or metal, for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths. Also called rule.


(ambitransitive) To write or draw carelessly and in a hurry.
I suddenly remembered I needed to buy bleach, so scribbled it down on my shopping list.


A person who rules or commands;
Swayer of the universe


To doodle.


A guide for keeping margins consistent.
She used a ruler to ensure her handwritten essay had straight margins.


To write badly; to work as an inferior author or journalist.


The leading figure or representative in a domain.
In fashion, she was the undisputed ruler.


To card or tease (wool) coarsely; to run through a scribbler.


Careless, hasty writing, doodle or drawing


To card coarsely; to run through the scribbling machine.


To write hastily or carelessly, without regard to correctness or elegance; as, to scribble a letter.


To fill or cover with careless or worthless writing.


To write without care, elegance, or value; to scrawl.
If Mævius scribble in Apollo's spite.


Hasty or careless writing; a writing of little value; a scrawl; as, a hasty scribble.
Neither did I but vacant seasons spendIn this my scribble.


Poor handwriting


An aimless drawing


Write down quickly without much attention to detail


Write carelessly


A rapid sketch or doodle.
She made a scribble of a cat on the corner of her notebook.

Common Curiosities

How is scribble different from structured writing?

Scribble is hurried and often messy writing or drawing, while structured writing is organized and legible.

Is all quick handwriting considered a scribble?

Not necessarily. Scribble refers to especially messy or careless writing, but quick handwriting can still be legible.

What is the primary function of a ruler?

The primary function of a ruler is to measure lengths and draw straight lines.

Can a ruler be electronic or digital?

Yes, there are electronic or digital rulers, often found in design software, that help measure distances on a screen.

Why do people often scribble during phone calls?

People often scribble during phone calls as a form of distraction or to quickly jot down important points from the conversation.

Do professionals ever use scribbles in their work?

Yes, professionals like designers or writers might scribble during brainstorming sessions or when rapidly sketching out ideas.

How is the ruler used in mathematics?

In mathematics, a ruler assists in drawing straight lines, measuring distances, and constructing geometric shapes.

Is it possible to interpret meaning from a scribble?

While scribbles might appear random, they can sometimes offer insights into a person's state of mind or emotions, especially in contexts like art therapy.

Are there different types of rulers?

Yes, there are various types of rulers, such as standard, architect's scale, and T-square, each serving different purposes.

Can scribble have artistic value?

Absolutely. Many artists use scribbling as a technique or expression, turning seemingly random lines into meaningful artwork.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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