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Period vs. Frequency — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 30, 2023
Period is the time taken for one complete cycle of a wave or event, while frequency is the number of cycles or events per unit time.
Period vs. Frequency — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Period and Frequency


Key Differences

The concept of period refers to the duration required to complete one cycle of a repetitive event or wave. In contrast, frequency measures how often those cycles or events occur in a given time frame. Period is typically measured in seconds, while frequency is measured in hertz (cycles per second).
While period is the time taken for a complete cycle, frequency is the rate at which these cycles occur. A shorter period implies a higher frequency, as more cycles are completed in less time. Conversely, a longer period indicates a lower frequency.
In physics, especially in wave mechanics, the period is the time it takes for a wave to complete one oscillation. Frequency, on the other hand, is the count of oscillations that occur in a second. These concepts are inversely related: frequency is the reciprocal of the period.
The concept of period can be applied to various phenomena, from the orbit of planets to the vibration of a guitar string. Frequency is often used to describe sound pitches, electromagnetic wave properties, and electrical signals. Both are crucial in understanding rhythmic and oscillatory processes.
Understanding the relationship between period and frequency is essential in fields such as engineering, physics, and music. While period provides insight into the duration of a cycle, frequency offers information about the rate or speed of repetitive events.

Comparison Chart


Time for one complete cycle or event.
Number of cycles or events per time.

Measurement Unit

Seconds (s).
Hertz (Hz).

Relation to Time

Duration of a cycle.
Cycles occurring within a time frame.

Inverse Relationship

Frequency = 1/Period.
Period = 1/Frequency.

Application Examples

Orbit period of planets, vibration time.
Sound pitch, electromagnetic waves.

Compare with Definitions


A punctuation mark indicating the end of a sentence.
She concluded her statement with a decisive period.


Number of wave cycles per second in physics.
Radio stations are identified by their broadcast frequency.


A duration characterized by particular events or conditions.
The rainy period lasted several weeks, causing floods.


Regularity or prevalence of something happening.
The frequency of his visits to the library impressed the staff.


An interval of time characterized by the occurrence of a certain condition, event, or phenomenon
A period of economic prosperity.


Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is also occasionally referred to as temporal frequency to emphasize the contrast to spatial frequency, and ordinary frequency to emphasize the contrast to angular frequency.


An interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified culture, ideology, or technology
Artifacts of the pre-Columbian period.


The rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time or in a given sample
An increase in the frequency of accidents due to increased overtime


An interval regarded as a distinct evolutionary or developmental phase
Picasso's early career is divided into his blue period and rose period.


The rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light)
Different thicknesses of glass will absorb different frequencies of sound


(Geology) A unit of time, longer than an epoch and shorter than an era.


The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals.


Any of the divisions of the academic day.


The number of repetitions of a complete sequence of values of a periodic function per unit variation of an independent variable.


Sports & Games A division of the playing time of a game.


The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.


Physics & Astronomy The time interval between two successive occurrences of a recurrent event or phases of an event; a cycle
The period of a satellite's orbit.


The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current.


See menstrual period.


The number of measurements or observations having a certain value or characteristic.


A point or portion of time at which something is ended; a completion or conclusion.


See relative frequency.


A punctuation mark ( . ) indicating a full stop, placed at the end of declarative sentences and other statements thought to be complete, and after many abbreviations.


The rate of occurrence of anything; the relationship between incidence and time period.
With growing confidence, the Viking’s raids increased in frequency.


The full pause at the end of a spoken sentence.


(uncountable) The property of occurring often rather than infrequently.


A sentence of several carefully balanced clauses in formal writing.


(countable) The quotient of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon occurs over the time t in which it occurs: f = n / t.


A metrical unit of quantitative verse consisting of two or more cola.


(statistics) number of times an event occurred in an experiment (absolute frequency)


An analogous unit or division of classical Greek or Latin prose.


The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency of miracles.
The reasons that moved her to remove were, because Rome was a place of riot and luxury, her soul being almost stifled with, the frequencies of ladies' visits.


(Music) A group of two or more phrases within a composition, often made up of 8 or 16 measures and terminating with a cadence.


A crowd; a throng.


The least interval in the range of the independent variable of a periodic function of a real variable in which all possible values of the dependent variable are assumed.


The number of occurrences within a given time period (usually 1 second);
The frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second


A group of digits separated by commas in a written number.


The ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations


The number of digits that repeat in a repeating decimal. For example, 1/7 = 0.142857142857 ... has a six-digit period.


The number of observations in a given statistical category


(Chemistry) A sequence of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number and forming one of the horizontal rows in the periodic table.


Rate of occurrence or repetition of events over time.
The frequency of earthquakes in the region has increased.


Of, belonging to, or representing a certain historical age or time
A period piece.
Period furniture.


Pitch of a sound determined by wave vibrations.
High-pitched sounds have a higher frequency.


Used to emphasize finality, as when expressing a decision or an opinion
You're not going to the movies tonight, period!.


Degree of occurrence in a dataset or study.
The survey analyzed the frequency of internet usage among teenagers.


A length of time.
There was a period of confusion following the announcement.
You'll be on probation for a six-month period.


A period of time in history seen as a single coherent entity; an epoch, era.
Food rationing continued in the post-war period.


The punctuation mark “.” (indicating the ending of a sentence or marking an abbreviation).


(figurative) A decisive end to something; a stop.


The length of time during which the same characteristics of a periodic phenomenon recur, such as the repetition of a wave or the rotation of a planet.


(euphemism) Female menstruation; an episode of this.
When she is on her period, she prefers not to go swimming.


A section of an artist's, writer's (etc.) career distinguished by a given quality, preoccupation etc.
This is one of the last paintings Picasso created during his Blue Period.


Each of the divisions into which a school day is split, allocated to a given subject or activity.
I have math class in second period.


Each of the intervals, typically three, of which a game is divided.
Gretzky scored in the last minute of the second period.


One or more additional intervals to decide a tied game, an overtime period.
They won in the first overtime period.


The length of time for a disease to run its course.


An end or conclusion; the final point of a process etc.


(rhetoric) A complete sentence, especially one expressing a single thought or making a balanced, rhythmic whole.


(obsolete) A specific moment during a given process; a point, a stage.


(chemistry) A row in the periodic table of the elements.


(geology) A geochronologic unit of millions to tens of millions of years; a subdivision of an era, and subdivided into epochs.
These fossils are from the Jurassic period.


(genetics) A Drosophila gene, the gene product of which is involved in regulation of the circadian rhythm.


(music) Two phrases (an antecedent and a consequent phrase).


(math) The length of an interval over which a periodic function, periodic sequence or repeating decimal repeats; often the least such length.


(archaic) End point, conclusion.


Designating anything from a given historical era. en
A period car
A period TV commercial


Evoking, or appropriate for, a particular historical period, especially through the use of elaborate costumes and scenery.


That's final; that's the end of the matter (analogous to a period ending a sentence); end of story.
I know you don't want to go to the dentist, but your teeth need to be checked, period!


To come to a period; to conclude.


To put an end to.


A portion of time as limited and determined by some recurring phenomenon, as by the completion of a revolution of one of the heavenly bodies; a division of time, as a series of years, months, or days, in which something is completed, and ready to recommence and go on in the same order; as, the period of the sun, or the earth, or a comet.


A stated and recurring interval of time; more generally, an interval of time specified or left indefinite; a certain series of years, months, days, or the like; a time; a cycle; an age; an epoch; as, the period of the Roman republic.
How by art to make plants more lasting than their ordinary period.


One of the great divisions of geological time; as, the Tertiary period; the Glacial period. See the Chart of Geology.


The termination or completion of a revolution, cycle, series of events, single event, or act; hence, a limit; a bound; an end; a conclusion.
So spake the archangel Michael; then paused,As at the world's great period.
Evils which shall never end till eternity hath a period.
This is the period of my ambition.


A complete sentence, from one full stop to another; esp., a well-proportioned, harmonious sentence.
Periods are beautiful when they are not too long.


The punctuation point [.] that marks the end of a complete sentence, or of an abbreviated word.


One of several similar sets of figures or terms usually marked by points or commas placed at regular intervals, as in numeration, in the extraction of roots, and in circulating decimals.


The time of the exacerbation and remission of a disease, or of the paroxysm and intermission.


A complete musical sentence.


To put an end to.


To come to a period; to conclude. [Obs.] "You may period upon this, that," etc.


An amount of time;
A time period of 30 years
Hastened the period of time of his recovery
Picasso's blue period


One of three periods of play in hockey games


A stage in the history of a culture having a definable place in space and time;
A novel from the Victorian period


The interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon


The monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause;
The women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation
A woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped
The semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females


A punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations;
In England they call a period a stop


A unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed;
Ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods


The end or completion of something;
Death put a period to his endeavors
A change soon put a period to my tranquility


Duration of one complete cycle of a repetitive event.
The period of Earth's orbit around the sun is one year.


A specified duration or era in history or a person's life.
The Renaissance period was marked by significant cultural changes.


An interval separating parts of a sports game.
The team regrouped during the break between periods.

Common Curiosities

Are period and frequency directly proportional?

No, they are inversely proportional to each other.

Is period used to describe sound waves?

Yes, period can describe the duration of a sound wave cycle.

Does frequency affect the pitch of sound?

Yes, higher frequency results in a higher pitch.

Is frequency used in describing light waves?

Yes, frequency is used to describe the color and energy of light waves.

Does higher frequency mean shorter period?

Yes, a higher frequency implies a shorter period.

Can period be measured in minutes?

Yes, period can be measured in any unit of time, including minutes.

Can frequency be zero?

No, frequency cannot be zero as it implies no cycles or events are occurring.

Does high frequency mean more energy in waves?

Generally, higher frequency waves carry more energy.

Can period apply to historical eras?

Yes, it can refer to a specific duration in history.

Can the period be fractional?

Yes, the period can be a fraction of a second.

Can the period be longer than a second?

Yes, the period can be any length of time, longer or shorter than a second.

Are period and frequency important in music?

Yes, they help in understanding rhythm and pitch in music.

Does frequency affect the reception of radio signals?

Yes, different frequencies are used for different radio channels.

Are period and frequency concepts only in physics?

No, they are used in various fields, including biology, music, and statistics.

How is frequency measured in electricity?

In electricity, frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), indicating cycles per second.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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