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Myth vs. Legend — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 27, 2024
Myth is a traditional story explaining natural or social phenomena, often involving gods or supernatural beings. Legend, on the other hand, is rooted in historical fact but embellished over time, focusing on heroes or events.
Myth vs. Legend — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Myth and Legend


Key Differences

Myths serve as foundational narratives that often explain the origins of the world, the existence of gods, and the reasons behind natural phenomena, reflecting the beliefs and values of a culture. Whereas legends, although they may contain supernatural elements, are primarily concerned with human heroes, historical events, or cultural morals, and are told as if they are true, even though their factual accuracy is uncertain.
Myths are integral to understanding the worldview and religious beliefs of ancient civilizations, as they were often part of ritual practices and served to justify social or natural orders. Legends, on the other hand, frequently celebrate the deeds of ancestors or heroes, aiming to inspire, teach moral lessons, or instill a sense of cultural identity.
The characters in myths are usually gods, goddesses, or supernatural beings with powers that influence the human world and nature. In contrast, legends focus more on humans or human-like characters who achieve extraordinary feats, often with the help of or in conflict with supernatural forces.
Myths often take place in a timeless, primordial past, setting the stage for the world as it is known. Legends, however, are usually set in a more identifiable historical period, though they may be significantly embellished or romanticized over time.
The purpose of myths is primarily to explain the unexplainable and to convey religious or spiritual truths through metaphorical or symbolic narratives. Legends, while they may also aim to explain mysteries, are more focused on telling stories of moral integrity, bravery, or historical importance, often with a stronger emphasis on entertainment.

Comparison Chart


A traditional story about gods or supernatural beings.
A semi-true story, with factual basis, but embellished over time.

Main Characters

Gods, goddesses, supernatural entities.
Heroes, historical figures.


Explains natural/social phenomena and religious beliefs.
Celebrates heroism, moral lessons, or cultural identity.


Often a primordial or timeless past.
Set in a more identifiable, often historical, period.

Relation to Truth

Generally symbolic or metaphorical, not meant to be factual.
Rooted in historical fact, but details are often fictionalized.

Compare with Definitions


A story about the origins of the Earth.
The myth of Gaia explains how the Earth came to be.


Stories of historical heroes exaggerated over time.
The legend of King Arthur tells of a British king and his noble knights.


Tales involving gods or supernatural beings.
In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder.


Narratives with a basis in historical fact.
Legends of Robin Hood originated from tales of an actual medieval outlaw.


Narratives explaining natural phenomena.
Ancient myths often personified the sun and moon as deities.


Tales meant to inspire or teach moral lessons.
The legend of William Tell showcases the value of courage and skill.


Symbolic stories conveying spiritual truths.
The myth of Prometheus explains the origin of fire and human ingenuity.


Accounts celebrating cultural identity.
The legend of the Minotaur reflects Crete's ancient civilization and rituals.


Foundation of religious beliefs in cultures.
Egyptian myths were integral to their religious practices and afterlife beliefs.


Semi-true stories passed down through generations.
Legends of the American frontier often exaggerate the exploits of explorers.


Myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. The main characters in myths are usually non-humans, such as gods, demigods, and other supernatural figures.


A legend is a genre of folklore that consists of a narrative featuring human actions perceived or believed both by teller and listeners to have taken place within human history. Narratives in this genre may demonstrate human values, and possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude.


A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society
The myth of Eros and Psyche.
A creation myth.


An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.


Such stories considered as a group
The realm of myth.


A body or collection of such stories.


A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal
A star whose fame turned her into a myth.
The pioneer myth of suburbia.


See urban legend.


A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.


One that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame
She is a legend in her own time.


A fictitious story, person, or thing
"German artillery superiority on the Western Front was a myth" (Leon Wolff).


An inscription or title on an object, such as a coin.


A traditional story which embodies a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience, and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul are personified; a sacred narrative regarding a god, a hero, the origin of the world or of a people, etc.


An explanatory caption accompanying an illustration.


(uncountable) Such stories as a genre.
Myth was the product of man's emotion and imagination, acted upon by his surroundings. (E. Clodd, Myths & Dreams (1885), 7, cited after OED)


An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart.


A commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception; a fictitious or imaginary person or thing; a popular conception about a real person or event which exaggerates or idealizes reality.
Scientists debunk the myth that gum stays in the human stomach for seven years.


An unrealistic story depicting past events.


A person or thing held in excessive or quasi-religious awe or admiration based on popular legend
Father Flanagan was legendary, his institution an American myth. (Tucson (Arizona) Citizen, 20 September 1979, 5A/3, cited after OED)


A story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events.
The legend of Troy was discovered to have a historical basis.


A person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable.


A plausible story set in the historical past, but whose historicity is uncertain.
The legend of Robin Hood


An invented story, theory, or concept.


A story in which a kernel of truth is embellished to an unlikely degree.
The 1984 Rose Bowl prank has spawned many legends. Here's the real story.


A story of great but unknown age which originally embodied a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience, and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul are personified; an ancient legend of a god, a hero, the origin of a race, etc.; a wonder story of prehistoric origin; a popular fable which is, or has been, received as historical.


A fabricated backstory for a spy, with associated documents and records.
According to his legend, he once worked for the Red Cross, spreading humanitarian aid in Africa.


A person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable.
As for Mrs. Primmins's bones, they had been myths these twenty years.


A person related to a legend or legends.


A traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people


A leading protagonist in a historical legend.
Achilles is a legend in Greek culture.


A person with legend-like qualities, such as extraordinary accomplishment.
Michael Jordan stands as a legend in basketball.


A key to the symbols and color codes on a map, chart, etc.
According to the legend on the map, that building is a school.


An inscription, motto, or title, especially one surrounding the field in a medal or coin, or placed upon a heraldic shield or beneath an engraving or illustration.


A musical composition set to a poetical story.


(naval) The design and specification of a vessel.


To tell or narrate; to recount.


That which is appointed to be read; especially, a chronicle or register of the lives of saints, formerly read at matins, and in the refectories of religious houses.


A story respecting saints; especially, one of a marvelous nature.


Any wonderful story coming down from the past, but not verifiable by historical record; a myth; a fable.
And in this legend all that glorious deed Read, whilst you arm you.


An inscription, motto, or title, esp. one surrounding the field in a medal or coin, or placed upon an heraldic shield or beneath an engraving or illustration.


To tell or narrate, as a legend.


A story about mythical or supernatural beings or events


Brief description accompanying an illustration

Common Curiosities

Why are myths important?

Myths are crucial for understanding a culture’s worldview, religious beliefs, and explanations of natural events.

What is a legend?

A semi-true story that has a factual basis but is embellished over time, focusing on heroes or significant events.

How do myths differ from legends?

Myths explain the world's creation and phenomena with supernatural beings, while legends focus on historical heroes with some factual basis.

How are myths used in culture?

Myths are used to convey spiritual truths, explain natural phenomena, and establish moral or social orders.

What role do legends play in society?

Legends serve to inspire, teach moral lessons, and strengthen cultural identity through storytelling.

How do myths and legends evolve?

They evolve through oral tradition, changing with each telling, influenced by cultural shifts and storyteller creativity.

What makes legends appealing?

Legends appeal due to their mix of historical truth and storytelling, often celebrating heroism or cultural identity.

Do legends have any truth to them?

Legends are based on historical events or figures but are embellished or fictionalized to various degrees.

What is a myth?

A traditional story explaining natural or social phenomena, often involving gods or supernatural beings.

Can myths and legends overlap?

Yes, they can overlap in themes or characters but differ in their emphasis on gods (myths) versus human heroes (legends).

Are myths true?

Myths are not true in a factual sense but convey truths about human nature, culture, and beliefs symbolically.

Can a historical figure become a legend?

Yes, historical figures often become legends as their stories are told and retold, gaining embellishments over time.

Why do some stories become myths while others become legends?

Stories become myths or legends based on their content, purpose, and cultural significance, with myths often explaining the cosmos or involving deities, and legends focusing on historical or heroic figures.

What is the difference between a mythological and a legendary character?

Mythological characters are often deities or supernatural beings, while legendary characters are human heroes or historical figures.

Are myths and legends only found in ancient cultures?

While prevalent in ancient cultures, myths and legends are part of all societies, reflecting universal human storytelling.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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