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Mystical vs. Mythical — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 14, 2024
Mystical relates to spiritual or transcendent experiences beyond normal understanding, while mythical pertains to legends or stories often involving gods or supernatural beings.
Mystical vs. Mythical — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mystical and Mythical


Key Differences

Mystical experiences are deeply personal and often related to a sense of unity with the divine or the ultimate reality. These experiences transcend ordinary understanding and are characterized by a profound feeling of insight or enlightenment. On the other hand, mythical refers to stories or legends that are part of a culture's tradition, involving gods, heroes, or mythical creatures, and often serve to explain natural phenomena, human behavior, or the origins of a society.
While mystical experiences are subjective and can vary greatly among individuals, often involving meditation, prayer, or sudden enlightenment, mythical stories are shared within a culture and passed down through generations. These stories embody the values, beliefs, and aspirations of a community, whereas mystical experiences are intensely personal and may not be easily communicated.
The content of mystical experiences usually involves direct encounters with the divine or the ultimate reality, leading to a transformation in the individual's perception of self and the world. In contrast, mythical narratives often focus on the deeds of gods, heroes, or mythical beings, providing moral lessons, cultural norms, and explanations for the unknown.
Mystical traditions can be found in many of the world's religious and spiritual paths, emphasizing inner knowledge and the experience of the divine. Mythical tales, however, are specific to cultural traditions and often serve as foundational texts or oral histories that reinforce communal identities and values.
The study of mysticism involves exploring the nature of these transcendent experiences and their impact on individuals, often within the context of religion or spirituality. Mythology, on the other hand, involves the study of myths within cultural, historical, and literary contexts, analyzing their significance and evolution over time.

Comparison Chart


Relating to spiritual experiences beyond ordinary understanding
Pertaining to legends or stories, often involving supernatural beings


Personal and transcendent
Cultural and traditional


Direct encounters with the divine or ultimate reality
Stories involving gods, heroes, or mythical creatures


Enlightenment and transformation
Explain phenomena, morals, and cultural values


Religious and spiritual paths
Cultural traditions and history


Often difficult to convey personally
Shared and passed down through generations


Nature of transcendent experiences
Significance and evolution of myths

Compare with Definitions


Pertaining to hidden or transcendent spiritual experiences.
The mystical experience led her to a profound sense of peace.


Relating to myths or legends.
The mythical creature was said to live in the forest.


Focused on inner enlightenment.
The mystical teachings emphasized the importance of inner knowledge.


Serving to explain natural phenomena or cultural origins.
The mythical tale explained the changing of the seasons.


Beyond ordinary understanding or explanation.
The mystical nature of the event left everyone in awe.


Reflecting the values and beliefs of a society.
The mythical narratives embody the spirit of the ancient civilization.


Involving direct communion with the divine.
His mystical journey was deeply influenced by meditation.


Involving gods, heroes, or supernatural beings.
The story tells of a mythical hero who saved the kingdom.


Characterized by a sense of unity with the universe.
She described her mystical encounter as becoming one with everything.


Passed down through cultural traditions.
The mythical stories have been part of their community for centuries.


Relating to mystics or religious mysticism
The mystical theology of Richard Rolle


Of or existing in myth
The mythical unicorn.


Inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination
The mystical city of Kathmandu


Imaginary; fictitious.


Of, relating to, or stemming from mysticism or immediate understanding of spiritual matters, especially when experienced as direct communion with God
A mystical trance.
A mystical treatise.


Often mythic Of, relating to, or having the nature of a myth
A novel of profound, almost mythic consequence.


Symbolic or allegorical, especially with regard to spirituality
A mystical interpretation of a parable.


Existing in myth.


Awe-inspiring or mysterious
"Had his dabbling in the unknown awakened a liking for more mystical sounds, the magical conjuring of sea upon the shore?" (Daphne du Maurier).


(by extension) Not real; false or fabricated.


Believed or maintained with awe or deep respect, especially when contrary to or lacking factual evidence
Mystical theories about the securities market.


Based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity;
Mythical centaurs
The fabulous unicorn


Of or relating to mystic rites or practices
Stones arranged in a mystical circle.


Relating to mystics or mysticism.


Having a spiritual or magical significance that transcends human understanding.


Inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination.


Relating to or characteristic of mysticism;
Mystical religion


Relating to or resembling mysticism;
Mystical intuition
Mystical theories about the securities market


Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding;
Mysterious symbols
The mystical style of Blake
Occult lore
The secret learning of the ancients

Common Curiosities

How do mystical experiences differ from religious beliefs?

Mystical experiences are personal, direct encounters with the divine or transcendent reality, while religious beliefs are structured doctrines shared by a community.

Can a myth be considered mystical?

While myths can contain mystical elements, they are primarily cultural stories passed down through generations, whereas mysticism focuses on personal spiritual experiences.

Are all mystical experiences related to religion?

Not all mystical experiences are explicitly religious; they can occur outside traditional religious contexts, emphasizing personal spirituality and enlightenment.

What defines a mythical story?

A mythical story is a traditional tale involving gods, heroes, or mythical creatures, often serving to explain natural phenomena, moral lessons, or the origins of a culture.

How are new myths created?

New myths can emerge from cultural changes, imaginative storytelling, and the reinterpretation of historical events, reflecting contemporary values and challenges.

How do myths and mysticism intersect?

Myths and mysticism can intersect when myths embody mystical concepts or inspire individuals to seek personal spiritual experiences.

Are mythical creatures always fantastical?

While mythical creatures are often fantastical, some myths may be based on exaggerated interpretations of real animals or phenomena.

What is a mystical experience?

A mystical experience is a profound, often ineffable, encounter with the divine or ultimate reality, characterized by a sense of unity and transcendence.

Can someone study mysticism scientifically?

Yes, mysticism can be studied scientifically through the examination of its psychological and neurological aspects, as well as its impact on individuals' lives and beliefs.

Why are mythical stories important?

Mythical stories are important for preserving cultural heritage, teaching moral values, and providing a shared history that strengthens community bonds.

Do mystical experiences have common features across cultures?

Yes, mystical experiences often share common features across cultures, such as a sense of unity, transcending time and space, and profound peace or joy.

How do myths impact culture?

Myths impact culture by embodying communal values, explaining natural and social phenomena, and providing a sense of identity and historical continuity.

Is mysticism always a positive experience?

While many report mystical experiences as positive and transformative, they can also be challenging or disorienting, leading to significant changes in worldview.

How does one study mythology?

One studies mythology by examining myths within their cultural, historical, and literary contexts, analyzing their themes, origins, and significance.

Can anyone have a mystical experience?

Many believe that mystical experiences are accessible to anyone, though they may require certain practices or mindsets, such as meditation, prayer, or openness to transcendence.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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