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Monarchist vs. Royalist — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 29, 2024
Monarchists support the monarchy as a governmental system, emphasizing tradition and stability, while royalists specifically support the royalty and their right to rule.
Monarchist vs. Royalist — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Monarchist and Royalist


Key Differences

Monarchists advocate for monarchy as a political system, valuing its historical continuity and stability. They see it as a unifying symbol and a source of national identity. Monarchists might support various forms of monarchy, such as constitutional or absolute, and their support is rooted in the belief in the institution itself rather than in allegiance to specific royal figures. Royalists, on the other hand, express specific loyalty to a royal family or a particular monarch, often regardless of the governmental structure. Their support is based on personal allegiance to the royals and their heritage.
While monarchists emphasize the institutional aspects of monarchy, royalists focus on the personal dimension of royal families. This distinction is crucial in understanding the nuances of support for monarchies. Monarchists might not always support the current royal family if they believe it deviates from the ideals of monarchy, whereas royalists’ loyalty often remains steadfast to the royal family, regardless of its actions or the effectiveness of the monarchy as a system.
Despite their differences, both groups contribute to the ongoing relevance and support of monarchies around the world. They often intersect in their activities and public expressions of support, though their underlying motivations and focuses differ. Understanding these distinctions is key to grasping the complex fabric of contemporary monarchist and royalist movements.
Monarchists and royalists, while overlapping in their support for monarchies, differ significantly in their focus and basis of support, providing a rich tapestry of perspectives on monarchy as a form of government and a cultural institution.

Comparison Chart


Monarchy as a system
Loyalty to a specific royal family

Basis of Support

Institutional support for monarchy
Personal allegiance to royals

View on Monarchy

Advocates for the political system of monarchy
Focuses on support for the royal family


Tradition, stability, national identity
Personal admiration, loyalty to royal lineage

Support Variation

May vary with the form of monarchy
Tends to be consistent regardless of the system

Compare with Definitions


A supporter of monarchy as a form of government.
Monarchists argue that a monarchy offers stability and continuity not found in other forms of governance.


A person who supports a particular royal family or monarch.
Royalists display fervent loyalty to the reigning monarch and their family.


Can support various forms of monarchy, including constitutional and absolute.
Some monarchists prefer a constitutional monarchy where the monarch has limited powers.


Centers on the personal loyalty to and support for the royal family.
Royalists often participate in celebrations and events honoring the royal family.


Often emphasizes the institutional and symbolic aspects of monarchy.
Monarchists often highlight the role of a monarchy in uniting a nation under a common heritage.


Loyalty is to the royal family rather than the form of government.
Royalists support the monarchy because of their attachment to the royal family's traditions and history.


Believes in the monarchy as a source of national identity and unity.
Monarchists see the monarchy as a pillar of national identity that transcends political divisions.


Personal admiration and emotional connection to the royal family.
Royalists often express a deep emotional connection with the royal family, celebrating their successes and mourning their losses.


Views monarchy through the lens of historical continuity and institutional stability.
Monarchists often reference the historical role of monarchies in shaping modern nations.


Holds that the royal family embodies the nation’s heritage and values.
Royalists see the royal family as custodians of the nation's history and cultural heritage.


The system or principles of monarchy.


A royalist supports a particular monarch as head of state for a particular kingdom, or of a particular dynastic claim. In the abstract, this position is royalism.


Belief in or advocacy of monarchy.


A supporter of government by a monarch.


A supporter of, or believer in, monarchy.


See cavalier.


An advocate of, or believer in, monarchy.


An American loyal to British rule during the American Revolution; a Tory.


An advocate of the principles of monarchy


A monarchist (supporter of monarchy) or supporter of a particular royal régime.


A legitimist, a supporter of a particular royal line, especially one in danger of being dispossessed of a throne or actually dispossessed of such, and claiming to have the better claim to the throne on the basis of line of descent; especially:


(historical) a Cavalier, a supporter of King Charles I of England during the English Civil War.


(historical) a supporter of the House of Bourbon, in France since the 18th century and especially during the French Revolution.


(historical) a supporter of Ferdinand VII of Spain in Spanish South America during the South American Wars of Independence of the 1810s and 1820s.


An adherent of a king (as of Charles I. in England, or of the Bourbons in france); one attached to monarchical government.
Where Ca'ndish fought, the Royalists prevailed.


An advocate of the principles of monarchy

Common Curiosities

What is a monarchist?

A monarchist supports monarchy as a political system, valuing its tradition and stability.

Can someone be both a monarchist and a royalist?

Yes, individuals can support both the institution of monarchy and a specific royal family, making them both monarchist and royalist.

Why do royalists support a monarchy?

Royalists support a monarchy due to personal allegiance to the royal family, admiration for their traditions, and their role in national history.

How do monarchists view constitutional monarchies?

Many monarchists prefer constitutional monarchies, where the monarchy symbolizes national unity and heritage but has limited political power.

What motivates royalists to support the royal family?

Royalists are often motivated by personal admiration, emotional connection, and loyalty to the royal family's lineage.

What distinguishes a royalist from a monarchist?

A royalist specifically supports a royal family or monarch, while a monarchist supports the system of monarchy itself.

Do monarchists always support the current royal family?

Not necessarily; monarchists support the monarchy as a system and may not always support the current royal family if they believe it deviates from their ideals.

Can the support for monarchy change over time?

Yes, support for monarchy can evolve due to political, social, and cultural shifts, affecting both monarchist and royalist perspectives.

How do royalists view the abolition of the monarchy?

Royalists typically oppose the abolition of the monarchy, viewing it as a loss of national heritage and an attack on the royal family.

Are there monarchists who oppose the current royal family?

Yes, some monarchists may oppose the current royal family if they believe it undermines the principles or stability of the monarchy.

Do monarchists support the political involvement of the monarchy?

This varies; some monarchists support a ceremonial role for the monarchy, while others may advocate for active political involvement.

Can royalist support extend beyond national borders?

Yes, royalists may support foreign monarchies due to personal admiration or historical connections between nations.

Is the support of monarchists and royalists purely traditional?

While tradition plays a significant role, their support also encompasses beliefs in stability, national identity, and personal loyalty.

How do royalists express their support for the monarchy?

Royalists express support through participation in royal events, displaying royal symbols, and advocating for the royal family's interests.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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