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Jupyterlab vs. Jupyter Notebook — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 6, 2023
Jupyterlab is an integrated environment for Jupyter tools. Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application for creating and sharing documents with live code, equations, and visualizations.
Jupyterlab vs. Jupyter Notebook — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Jupyterlab and Jupyter Notebook


Key Differences

Jupyterlab is a modern interactive development environment (IDE) that encompasses a suite of tools for the Jupyter ecosystem. It provides a unified interface to work with Jupyter tools, including Jupyter Notebook, terminal, text editor, and other extensions. Jupyterlab represents the evolution of the Jupyter user experience, offering a more flexible and extensible environment.
Jupyter Notebook, on the other hand, is a specific tool within the Jupyter ecosystem. It's an application that allows users to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. These notebooks are both human-readable documents containing the analysis description and the results (like figures) as well as executable code which can be run to perform data analysis.
While Jupyterlab includes Jupyter Notebook as one of its components, it goes beyond that. Jupyterlab's interface is modular, allowing users to arrange multiple documents and activities (like coding, testing, viewing data) side by side in the same browser window using drag and drop. Jupyter Notebook doesn't offer this level of interface flexibility.
A significant advantage of Jupyterlab over Jupyter Notebook is its extensibility. Developers can easily create extensions for Jupyterlab to add new functionalities, whereas Jupyter Notebook has limitations in this regard. Both tools are part of the larger Jupyter project, aiming to provide open tools for interactive computing.
In essence, while Jupyter Notebook focuses on creating and sharing documents with live code and visualizations, Jupyterlab provides a more extensive set of tools and a flexible environment encompassing Jupyter Notebook and more.

Comparison Chart


Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Web Application


Includes Jupyter Notebook, terminal, text editor, etc.
Standalone notebook interface

User Interface

Modular, drag-and-drop functionality
Fixed interface


Easily extensible with new functionalities
Limited extensibility

Primary Purpose

Comprehensive tool for the Jupyter ecosystem
Creating/sharing documents with live code & visualizations

Compare with Definitions


A unified platform for data science and machine learning workflows.
Jupyterlab streamlines my data analysis workflow by integrating various tools.

Jupyter Notebook

An application that blends code execution with textual content.
Jupyter Notebook allows me to document my code while I write it.


The next-generation user interface for the Jupyter ecosystem.
Jupyterlab offers a more flexible interface than traditional Jupyter tools.

Jupyter Notebook

A platform for sharing reproducible research and data narratives.
Researchers often share their findings using Jupyter Notebooks for transparency.


An integrated environment for Jupyter tools.
I use Jupyterlab because it integrates all my Jupyter tools in one place.

Jupyter Notebook

An open-source web application for creating interactive documents.
I drafted my data analysis report using a Jupyter Notebook.


A web-based IDE that encompasses Jupyter Notebook and other Jupyter tools.
With Jupyterlab, I can edit text, run code, and view results side by side.

Jupyter Notebook

A tool allowing the integration of live code, equations, and visualizations.
With Jupyter Notebook, I can combine my code and visualizations seamlessly.


An extensible environment for interactive computing.
Developers have created numerous extensions to enhance Jupyterlab's capabilities.

Jupyter Notebook

Part of the Jupyter project aiming to provide tools for interactive computing.
Jupyter Notebook is one of the most popular tools in the Jupyter ecosystem.

Common Curiosities

Are Jupyterlab and Jupyter Notebook free to use?

Yes, both are open-source tools and are freely available.

Can I use Jupyter Notebook without Jupyterlab?

Yes, Jupyter Notebook is a standalone application and can be used independently of Jupyterlab.

What's the main advantage of using Jupyterlab?

Jupyterlab offers a more flexible and extensible environment, integrating various Jupyter tools in one place.

How does Jupyter Notebook fit into Jupyterlab?

Jupyter Notebook is a component within Jupyterlab, allowing users to create interactive documents.

How do I extend the functionalities of Jupyterlab?

You can extend Jupyterlab by creating or installing extensions designed for it.

How do I install Jupyterlab?

Jupyterlab can be installed using pip or conda, similar to other Python packages.

Is Jupyter Notebook's interface customizable?

While Jupyter Notebook has a fixed interface, Jupyterlab offers a more modular and customizable interface.

Is Jupyter Notebook suitable for data visualization?

Absolutely, Jupyter Notebook supports various visualization libraries and tools.

What is Jupyterlab?

Jupyterlab is an integrated environment for Jupyter tools, offering a unified interface for various Jupyter activities.

Which tool is better for collaborative work?

Both tools support collaboration, but Jupyterlab's integrated environment might offer more streamlined workflows for some teams.

Are there any alternatives to these tools?

There are alternatives like RStudio for R or other IDEs, but Jupyterlab and Jupyter Notebook are unique in their integration of live code with narrative content.

Can I run Jupyter Notebook within Jupyterlab?

Yes, Jupyterlab includes Jupyter Notebook as one of its main components.

Do both tools support extensions?

Yes, but Jupyterlab is designed to be more easily extensible than Jupyter Notebook.

Can I run other languages besides Python in these tools?

Yes, both Jupyterlab and Jupyter Notebook support multiple programming languages, including R and Julia.

Can I export my work from these tools to other formats?

Yes, both Jupyterlab and Jupyter Notebook support exporting to formats like PDF, HTML, and more.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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