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1080p vs. 720p — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 6, 2023
1080p refers to a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, providing clearer visuals; 720p is a resolution of 1280x720 pixels, offering slightly lower clarity.
1080p vs. 720p — What's the Difference?

Difference Between 1080p and 720p


Key Differences

1080p, often termed as Full High Definition (Full HD), boasts a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels; in contrast, 720p, known as High Definition (HD), offers a resolution of 1280x720 pixels.
When analyzing screen clarity, 1080p delivers a sharper and more detailed image compared to 720p due to its higher pixel count.
Devices that support 1080p resolution can showcase intricate details in videos and images, whereas 720p devices might miss out on some of those intricacies.
For larger screens, the difference between 1080p and 720p becomes more apparent, with 1080p providing a noticeably better viewing experience.
While 1080p consumes more data and requires higher storage for the same content, 720p is more bandwidth-friendly and takes up less storage space.

Comparison Chart


1920x1080 pixels
1280x720 pixels


Sharper, more detailed
Slightly lower clarity


Full High Definition (Full HD)
High Definition (HD)

Data Consumption

Higher due to more pixels
Lower due to fewer pixels

Ideal Screen Size

Larger screens (e.g., big TVs)
Smaller screens (e.g., small monitors)

Compare with Definitions


A resolution offering 1920x1080 pixels.
The new movie looks stunning in 1080p.


Consumes less bandwidth and storage due to fewer pixels.
To save data, you might want to stream in 720p.


Ideal for larger screens to maintain clarity.
For this 50-inch TV, 1080p resolution is recommended.


Provides visuals that are less detailed compared to 1080p.
You might not notice the difference on a small screen, but 720p lacks some details.


Provides clearer visuals compared to lower resolutions.
You can see the intricate details on her dress because it's in 1080p.


A resolution encompassing 1280x720 pixels.
While not as sharp as 1080p, 720p still provides decent clarity.


Consumes more bandwidth and storage due to higher pixel count.
Streaming in 1080p might eat into your data limit quickly.


Commonly referred to as High Definition or HD.
This TV supports up to 720p, which is sufficient for most shows.


Synonymous with Full High Definition or Full HD.
For a home theater experience, consider getting a 1080p projector.


Often suitable for smaller screens where pixel difference is less noticeable.
For this 24-inch monitor, 720p resolution works just fine.

Common Curiosities

Is 720p considered HD?

Yes, 720p is commonly referred to as High Definition (HD).

Is there a significant difference between 1080p and 720p on a small screen?

On smaller screens, the difference might be less noticeable, but on larger screens, 1080p provides clearer visuals.

Does 1080p consume more data than 720p?

Yes, due to its higher resolution, 1080p typically consumes more data and storage.

Are there resolutions higher than 1080p?

Yes, there are higher resolutions like 1440p, 2160p (4K), and 4320p (8K).

What does the "p" in 1080p and 720p stand for?

The "p" stands for "progressive scan," indicating how the image is displayed.

Why is 1080p called Full HD?

1080p is termed "Full HD" to differentiate it from 720p, which is simply "HD."

Why might someone choose 720p over 1080p?

720p might be chosen to save on data, storage, or for devices with smaller screens where the resolution difference is less pronounced.

Are there any drawbacks to using 1080p?

The main drawbacks are higher data consumption and potential cost.

Which is more common: 1080p or 720p?

While both are common, 1080p has become more prevalent due to falling technology costs and demand for better clarity.

Can you convert 720p to 1080p?

While you can upscale 720p to 1080p using software, it won't genuinely improve the quality.

Does 1080p cost more than 720p?

Generally, 1080p devices and content might be priced higher than 720p due to better quality.

Can the human eye distinguish between 1080p and 720p?

Depending on the screen size and viewing distance, the human eye can often distinguish the clarity difference between the two.

Is the "p" in 1080p the same as in 720p?

Yes, in both cases, the "p" denotes "progressive scan."

Which is better for gaming: 1080p or 720p?

1080p is generally preferred for gaming due to clearer and more detailed visuals.

Which resolution is better for saving storage space?

720p uses less storage space compared to 1080p because of its lower pixel count.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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