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Joy vs. Rejoice — What's the Difference?

"Joy" is a noun describing a feeling of great pleasure and happiness, while "Rejoice" is a verb meaning to express joy or happiness, often in a demonstrative way.
Joy vs. Rejoice — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Joy and Rejoice


Key Differences

Joy represents the emotion itself, a deep feeling of happiness or contentment. Rejoice refers to the action of expressing joy, often in a celebratory or vocal manner.
Joy is an internal state, a subjective feeling one experiences. Rejoice is an external action, showing or celebrating joy outwardly.
Joy can be considered a static state of being, a continuous feeling. Rejoice is dynamic, implying an active demonstration of joy.
Joy is often personal and can be quietly experienced. Rejoice usually implies sharing or expressing joy with others, often in a communal setting.
Joy can be felt universally, in various contexts and intensities. Rejoice often occurs during specific moments or events that provoke joy.

Comparison Chart


A feeling of great pleasure
To express joy, especially vocally or demonstratively

Part of Speech



Describes an emotional state
Describes an action or behavior


Internal, subjective feeling
External, expressive action

Usage in Sentences

"Her heart was full of joy."
"They rejoiced at the good news."

Compare with Definitions


A deep feeling of happiness or contentment.
His graduation filled his family with joy.


To express happiness or delight, typically vocally.
The team rejoiced after their victory.


The emotion experienced in moments of happiness.
Joy spread through the crowd as the concert began.


To feel or show great joy or delight.
She rejoiced at the news of her friend's recovery.


An intense and pleasurable emotion.
The surprise party was pure joy for him.


To be extremely happy or jubilant about something.
He rejoiced in his newfound freedom.


A state of great delight or well-being.
Finding her lost ring brought her immense joy.


To take delight or pleasure in something.
They rejoiced in the beautiful weather.


A source or cause of great happiness.
Her children were her greatest joy.


To celebrate or be glad about something.
People rejoiced in the streets after the announcement.


The word joy means a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.


To feel joyful; be delighted
Rejoiced at the news.
Rejoiced in her friend's good fortune.


Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness, or an instance of such feeling.


To feel joyful about (something)
Rejoiced that the ship reached land.


An expression of such feeling.


(Archaic) To fill with joy; gladden.


A source or an object of joy
Their only child, their pride and joy.


(intransitive) To be very happy, be delighted, exult; to feel joy.


To take great pleasure; rejoice.


(transitive) To make happy, exhilarate.


To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.


(obsolete) To enjoy.


To enjoy.


To feel joy; to experience gladness in a high degree; to have pleasurable satisfaction; to be delighted.
I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy.


A feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good.
A child's joy on Christmas morning
They will be a source of strength and joy in your life.


To enjoy.


Anything that causes such a feeling.
The joys and demands of parenthood


To give joi to; to make joyful; to gladden.
I me rejoysed of my liberty.
While she, great saint, rejoices heaven.
Were he [Cain] alive, it would rejoice his soul to see what mischief it had made.


Luck or success; a positive outcome.


The act of rejoicing.


(obsolete) The sign or exhibition of joy; gaiety; merriment; festivity.


Feel happiness or joy


(intransitive) To feel joy, to rejoice.


To express great joy;
Who cannot exult in Spring?


To enjoy.


Be ecstatic with joy


To give joy to; to congratulate.


To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate.


The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight.
Her heavenly form beheld, all wished her joy.
Glides the smooth current of domestic joy.
Who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame.
Tears of true joy for his return.
Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of a good.


That which causes joy or happiness.
For ye are our glory and joy.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


The sign or exhibition of joy; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity.
Such joy made Una, when her knight she found.
The roofs with joy resound.


To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult.
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
In whose sight all things joy.


To give joy to; to congratulate.
To joy the friend, or grapple with the foe.


To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate.
Neither pleasure's art can joy my spirits.


To enjoy.
Who might have lived and joyed immortal bliss.


The emotion of great happiness


Something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness;
A joy to behold
The pleasure of his company
The new car is a delight


Feel happiness or joy


Make glad or happy

Common Curiosities

Can someone rejoice silently?

Typically, rejoice involves some form of expression, but it can be a quiet, personal celebration.

Can joy be shared with others?

Yes, while joy is personal, it can be shared or experienced collectively.

Is joy always a positive feeling?

Yes, joy is typically associated with positive emotions and experiences.

Does rejoicing require a specific reason?

Rejoicing usually occurs in response to a specific positive event or news.

Is rejoicing a cultural expression?

It can be influenced by cultural norms, but rejoicing is a universal human expression.

Does joy diminish with age?

The capacity for joy does not necessarily diminish with age.

Is rejoicing always loud or vocal?

Not necessarily; rejoicing can vary in its expression from quiet to exuberant.

Are joy and happiness the same?

They are similar, but joy is often considered deeper and more profound than general happiness.

Is joy only experienced in big moments?

No, joy can be experienced in both small and significant moments.

Is rejoicing always appropriate?

The appropriateness depends on the context and cultural norms.

Can animals experience joy?

Animals can exhibit signs of happiness, often interpreted as joy.

Can rejoicing be part of a ritual or ceremony?

Yes, many rituals and ceremonies include rejoicing as a component.

Is joy always spontaneous?

Joy can be both spontaneous and a result of contemplation or realization.

Can someone rejoice on behalf of another?

Yes, people often rejoice in the successes or happiness of others.

Can joy be found in sadness?

Sometimes, joy can be found in the midst of or following sad experiences, as a form of resilience or comfort.

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