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Foster vs. Cultivate — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 8, 2024
Foster focuses on providing care or encouragement, often with a nurturing intent, while cultivate involves developing a skill or quality through effort and attention.
Foster vs. Cultivate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Foster and Cultivate


Key Differences

Fostering involves providing support, care, or encouragement to someone or something to promote growth or development. It often implies a nurturing, protective role aimed at helping individuals, such as children in foster care, to thrive. On the other hand, cultivating is more commonly associated with the deliberate effort to improve or develop a specific skill, quality, or crop through careful attention and effort.
While fostering can apply to both personal and conceptual growth, such as fostering relationships or ideas, cultivating often refers to more tangible or specific endeavors. Cultivating a garden or a talent requires ongoing effort and intentionality to bring about a desired outcome, whereas fostering a sense of community or well-being might involve creating an environment where such qualities can naturally emerge and flourish.
The term foster is also used in contexts where emotional or social support is critical, emphasizing the importance of a conducive environment for development. Cultivate, however, frequently appears in discussions about agriculture, education, and self-improvement, highlighting the role of active engagement and labor in achieving growth or refinement.
Fostering and cultivating both aim at promoting growth, but the methods and areas of application differ. Fostering tends to focus more on creating a supportive environment, while cultivating involves more direct, hands-on efforts to develop or enhance specific attributes or conditions.
Both concepts are essential in personal and societal development, but they operate at different levels of engagement. Fostering is often about enabling others to find their path and succeed within a supportive framework, while cultivating is about actively guiding and shaping the development process of a skill, quality, or community.

Comparison Chart


Providing care or encouragement to support development.
Developing a skill or quality through effort and attention.


Personal growth, social support, nurturing ideas.
Agriculture, education, self-improvement.


Creating a supportive environment.
Active engagement in growth or refinement.


Broad, including emotional and social development.
More specific, often towards tangible skills or qualities.


General growth or well-being.
Enhanced skills, knowledge, or conditions.

Compare with Definitions


To encourage or promote the development of something.
The program aims to foster innovation in technology.


To seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; to court.
He cultivated influential friends throughout his career.


To nurture and support.
She fosters a love of reading in her students.


To prepare and work on land in order to raise crops.
They cultivate organic vegetables in their backyard.


To provide a conducive environment for growth.
The company fosters an atmosphere of creativity and collaboration.


To improve or develop by careful attention, training, or study.
He is cultivating a reputation as a financial expert.


To help grow or develop something.
He fostered relationships with key partners across the industry.


To develop a skill, habit, or quality.
She cultivates patience through meditation.


To take care of someone's needs, especially a child's, for a period, without being their legal parent.
They decided to foster a child in need.


To nurture and grow.
Cultivate your interests and hobbies to lead a more fulfilling life.


To bring up; nurture
Bear and foster offspring.


To improve and prepare (land), as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; till.


To promote the growth and development of; cultivate
Detect and foster artistic talent.


To loosen or dig soil around (growing plants).


To nurse; cherish
Foster a secret hope.


To grow, tend, or raise (plants or certain animals, for example)
Cultivate wheat.
Cultivate oysters.


Providing parental care to children not related to oneself.
Foster parents


To promote the growth of (a biological culture).


Receiving such care.
A foster child


To encourage or foster
Cultivate a respect for the law.


Related by such care.
We are a foster family.


To acquire, develop, or refine, as by education
Cultivating a posh accent.


A foster parent.
Some fosters end up adopting.


To seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; make friends with
Cultivated the club's new members.


(uncountable) The care given to another; guardianship.


To grow plants, notably crops.
Most farmers in this region cultivate maize.


(transitive) To nurture or bring up offspring, or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child.


(figurative) To nurture; to foster; to tend.
They tried to cultivate an interest in learning among their students.


(transitive) To cultivate and grow something.
Our company fosters an appreciation for the arts.


To turn or stir soil in preparation for planting.


(transitive) To nurse or cherish something.


To bestow attention, care, and labor upon, with a view to valuable returns; to till; to fertilize; as, to cultivate soil.


To be nurtured or trained up together.


To direct special attention to; to devote time and thought to; to foster; to cherish.
Leisure . . . to cultivate general literature.


To feed; to nourish; to support; to bring up.
Some say that ravens foster forlorn children.


To seek the society of; to court intimacy with.
I ever looked on Lord Keppel as one of the greatest and best men of his age; and I loved and cultivated him accordingly.


To cherish; to promote the growth of; to encourage; to sustain and promote; as, to foster genius.


To improve by labor, care, or study; to impart culture to; to civilize; to refine.
To cultivate the wild, licentious savage.
The mind of man hath need to be prepared for piety and virtue; it must be cultivated to the end.


To be nourished or trained up together.


To raise or produce by tillage; to care for while growing; as, to cultivate corn or grass.


A forester.


Foster the growth of


United States songwriter whose songs embody the sentiment of the South before the American Civil War (1826-1864)


Prepare for crops;
Work the soil
Cultivate the land


Promote the growth of;
Foster our children's well-being and education


Train to be discriminative in taste or judgment;
Cultivate your musical taste
Train your tastebuds
She is well schooled in poetry


Bring up under fosterage; of children


Adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment;
Domesticate oats
Tame the soil


Help develop, help grow;
Nurture his talents

Common Curiosities

Is fostering always about children?

No, fostering can also refer to nurturing ideas, relationships, or environments, not just caring for children.

How does cultivating a garden relate to personal growth?

Cultivating a garden requires patience, effort, and attention, similar to the process of developing personal skills or qualities.

Can you cultivate a relationship?

Yes, you can cultivate a relationship by actively working to improve and deepen the connection between individuals.

What does it mean to foster a child?

To foster a child means to provide a temporary home, care, and emotional support to a child who cannot live with their biological family.

Can cultivating apply to emotions?

Yes, one can cultivate emotions such as gratitude or compassion by intentionally practicing and embracing these feelings in daily life.

Can fostering and cultivating be used interchangeably?

While fostering and cultivating both imply promoting growth, they are used in different contexts and imply different levels of engagement, so they are not fully interchangeable.

Is it possible to foster and cultivate the same thing?

Yes, in some contexts, you might foster a general environment that supports growth while also cultivating specific skills or qualities within that environment.

How can fostering affect personal development?

Fostering can significantly impact personal development by providing the necessary support, encouragement, and environment for individuals to explore their potential and grow.

How important is the role of community in fostering growth?

The community plays a crucial role in fostering growth by offering a support network, resources, and a sense of belonging that can enhance individual and collective development.

Why is fostering important in society?

Fostering provides essential support and care, especially to vulnerable individuals, helping to create a more compassionate and nurturing community.

How does one cultivate a skill?

Cultivating a skill involves deliberate practice, study, and effort over time to improve and refine that skill.

What are the benefits of cultivating a hobby?

Cultivating a hobby can enhance one's skills, provide relaxation and satisfaction, and offer a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

What does it mean to foster innovation?

To foster innovation means to create an environment that encourages creative thinking and the development of new ideas or products.

Are there any tools or methods specifically useful for cultivating personal growth?

Tools and methods for cultivating personal growth include setting clear goals, seeking feedback, engaging in continuous learning, practicing mindfulness, and embracing challenges.

Can fostering lead to adoption?

Yes, in some cases, fostering can lead to adoption, providing a permanent home and family for a child in foster care.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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