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Eyeliner vs. Mascara — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on May 14, 2024
Eyeliner is used to define the eyes by applying lines around the eyelids, while mascara thickens, lengthens, and darkens the eyelashes.
Eyeliner vs. Mascara — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Eyeliner and Mascara


Key Differences

Eyeliner enhances the shape and appearance of the eyes by creating lines along the eyelid edges, adding depth and dimension; on the other hand, mascara is applied to the eyelashes to make them appear longer, fuller, and darker.
Eyeliners come in various forms, including pencil, gel, and liquid, each offering different effects and application precision, whereas mascara is typically available in liquid form in a tube with a wand applicator.
The primary purpose of eyeliner is to emphasize the eyes and alter their perceived shape, for example, making them appear larger or more almond-shaped; mascara primarily focuses on enhancing the eyelashes themselves, impacting the overall eye appearance by highlighting the lashes.
While eyeliner can be applied in several areas around the eye, including the waterline and the upper and lower lids, mascara is specifically designed for application on the eyelashes from base to tip.
Different colors and formulations of eyeliner can be used to achieve various artistic and dramatic effects, contrasting with mascara, which, although available in different colors, primarily sticks to natural shades like black and brown to enhance the lashes' natural beauty.

Comparison Chart

Primary Use

Defines the shape of the eyes
Enhances eyelash length, volume, color

Application Area

Eyelids, waterline

Forms Available

Pencil, gel, liquid
Liquid with wand applicator

Effect on Eyes

Alters perceived shape and depth
Highlights lashes, affects eye framing

Typical Colors

Wide range, including vibrant tones
Mostly natural shades like black, brown

Compare with Definitions


A cosmetic used to outline the eyes.
She applied black eyeliner to accentuate her green eyes.


A cosmetic applied to eyelashes to enhance thickness and length.
Her mascara made her eyelashes look twice as long.


Artists often use colored eyeliners for bold fashion statements.
She chose a bright blue eyeliner to match her outfit.


Can be water-resistant or waterproof.
She wore waterproof mascara to avoid smudges during the rainy day.


Available in pencil, gel, and liquid forms.
For a dramatic look, she prefers using a gel eyeliner.


Some formulas contain fibers to extend lashes further.
The fiber-infused mascara added extra volume to her thin lashes.


Used to make the eyes appear larger or more defined.
A cat-eye eyeliner style gives the illusion of elongated eyes.


Comes in a tube with a wand applicator.
She refreshed her mascara using the wand in quick, sweeping motions.


Can be applied on both the upper and lower lids.
He wore eyeliner on just the upper lid for a subtle effect.


Often used to darken and intensify eyelash color.
Brown mascara offered a softer look compared to the traditional black.


Makeup used to outline the eyes.


Mascara is a cosmetic commonly used to enhance the eyelashes. It may darken, thicken, lengthen, and/or define the eyelashes.


Makeup used to outline the eye, generally applied along or close to the lashline.


A cosmetic applied to thicken, lengthen, and usually darken the eyelashes.


A cosmetic powder of a dark tint, applied to the eyelid close to the base of the eyelashes to accentuate the eyes. Compare eye shadow.


To apply mascara to.


Makeup applied to emphasize the shape of the eyes


A cosmetic used to darken and thicken the eyelashes.


To apply mascara to the eyelashes


A cosmetic used to darken and thicken the eye lashes, usually applied with a small brush.


Makeup that is used to darken and thicken the eye lashes

Common Curiosities

Are there different types of eyeliner?

Yes, eyeliner comes in forms like pencil, gel, and liquid.

Can you use eyeliner and mascara together?

Yes, combining both can dramatically enhance eye makeup.

What makes mascara different from eyeliner?

Mascara is specifically for eyelashes, while eyeliner is for the skin around the eyes.

What is the main purpose of eyeliner?

To define and enhance the shape and appearance of the eyes.

How do you remove eyeliner and mascara?

Both can be removed with makeup remover or gentle cleansing products.

What are the benefits of waterproof mascara?

Waterproof mascara is smudge-proof and ideal for long wear or wet conditions.

How does mascara improve eyelash appearance?

Mascara thickens, lengthens, and darkens eyelashes.

What is the best way to apply eyeliner for beginners?

Starting with a pencil eyeliner might be easier due to its forgiving application.

Can eyeliner be used on the waterline?

Yes, certain types of eyeliner are safe for waterline application.

What are common eyeliner colors?

Eyeliner colors range from basic black and brown to bold hues like blue and green.

Is mascara available in multiple colors?

Yes, but it is most commonly found in shades of black and brown.

How often should you replace mascara?

It is recommended to replace mascara every 3 to 6 months to prevent eye infections.

What are some eyeliner styles?

Popular styles include winged, smudged, and tight-lined.

Are there hypoallergenic options for eyeliner and mascara?

Yes, there are hypoallergenic formulations available for sensitive eyes.

Can mascara be used on lower lashes?

Yes, careful application can enhance both upper and lower lashes.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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