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Duck vs. Loon — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on June 8, 2024
A duck is a waterfowl known for its broad flat bill and webbed feet, while a loon is a diving bird with a sharp bill and known for its eerie calls.
Duck vs. Loon — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Duck and Loon


Key Differences

A Duck is a common waterfowl recognized by its broad flat bill, webbed feet, and typically compact body. In contrast, a Loon is a larger diving bird with a more streamlined body, sharp pointed bill, and legs set far back on its body, optimized for diving and swimming underwater.
Ducks are versatile, found in both freshwater and saltwater environments, including ponds, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. Loons, predominantly freshwater birds, are often associated with deeper lakes and ponds, especially in northern regions, where they breed.
While Ducks have a varied diet ranging from aquatic plants to small fish and insects, Loons primarily eat fish, catching them during their impressive underwater dives.
One of the characteristic features of Loons is their haunting, eerie calls which echo across northern lakes. Ducks, on the other hand, are more commonly known for their quacking sounds, though their vocal range can be quite varied.
In terms of appearance, many Duck species sport colorful plumages, particularly the males, which they use to attract mates. Loons have a more uniform appearance, typically black and white, especially during the breeding season, with variations in winter.

Comparison Chart

Body Shape

Compact body with broad, flat bill
Streamlined body with sharp, pointed bill


Freshwater and saltwater environments
Predominantly freshwater, deeper lakes


Varied - aquatic plants, small fish, insects
Primarily fish


Quacking and other vocalizations
Eerie, haunting calls


Often colorful, especially males
Typically black and white, variations in winter

Compare with Definitions


Duck is the common name for numerous species of waterfowl in the family Anatidae. Ducks are generally smaller and shorter-necked than swans and geese, which are also members of the same family.


A diving bird known for its haunting calls.
The Loon's call echoed across the lake.


A waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait.


A bird primarily found in freshwater habitats.
We often spot Loons at the northern lakes during summer.


Push or plunge (someone) under water, either playfully or as a punishment
Rufus grabbed him from behind to duck him under the surface


Can dive deep to catch fish.
We watched the Loon dive and resurface with a fish.


Birds belonging to the family Anatidae.
We spotted various species of Ducks at the lake.


Loons (North America) or divers (United Kingdom / Ireland) are a group of aquatic birds found in many parts of North America and northern Eurasia. All living species of loons are members of the genus Gavia, family Gaviidae and order Gaviiformes .


A bird often domesticated for its meat and eggs.
The farm had a Duck pen next to the chicken coop.


A large diving waterbird with a sleek black or grey head, a straight pointed bill, and short legs set far back under the body; a diver.


Can either float on water or dive for food.
The Duck dived under to catch a fish.


Possesses a sharp bill and red eyes.
The Loon stared at us with its distinctive red eyes.


A pure white thin-shelled bivalve mollusc found off the Atlantic coasts of America.


Known for its black and white plumage during breeding season.
The Loon looked majestic in its breeding colors.


An amphibious transport vehicle
Visitors can board an amphibious duck to explore the city


A silly or foolish person
If only she weren't such a lovesick loon


A quick lowering of the head.


Act in a foolish or desultory way
He decided to loon around London


Dear; darling (used as an informal or affectionate form of address, especially among cockneys)
Where've yer been, ducks!
It's time you changed, my duck


Any of several fish-eating diving birds of the genus Gavia of northern regions, having a short tail, webbed feet, and a laughlike cry.


A strong linen or cotton fabric, used chiefly for work clothes and sails
Cotton duck


A person who is foolish or crazy.


A batsman's score of nought
He was out for a duck


(slang) A crazy or deranged person; a lunatic.


Lower the head or the body quickly to avoid a blow or missile or so as not to be seen
Spectators ducked for cover
He ducked his head and entered


(obsolete) An idler, a lout.


Refrain from playing a winning card on a particular trick for tactical reasons
Declarer ducked the opening spade lead


A boy, a lad.


Any of various wild or domesticated waterbirds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.


A harlot; mistress.


A female duck.


A simpleton.


The flesh of a duck used as food.


An English soldier of an expeditionary army in Ireland.


(Slang) A person, especially one thought of as peculiar.


(traffic engineering) A round area of pavement that protrudes from one side of a road to accommodate turning vehicles with a wide turning circle.


Often ducks (used with a sing. verb) Chiefly British A dear.


Any of various birds, of the order Gaviiformes, of North America and Europe that dive for fish and have a short tail, webbed feet and a yodeling cry.


A quick lowering of the head or body.


A sorry fellow; a worthless person; a rogue.


A plunge under water.


Any one of several aquatic, wed-footed, northern birds of the genus Urinator (formerly Colymbus), noted for their expertness in diving and swimming under water. The common loon, or great northern diver (Urinator imber, or Colymbus torquatus), and the red-throated loon or diver (Urinator septentrionalis), are the best known species. See Diver.


A durable, closely woven heavy cotton or linen fabric.


A worthless lazy fellow


Ducks Clothing made of duck, especially white pants.


Large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes


An amphibious military truck used during World War II.


A person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought


A similar vehicle used for civilian purposes, as to evacuate flood victims or for sightseeing tours. In both senses also called DUKW.


To lower quickly, especially so as to avoid something
Ducked his head as the ball came toward him.


To evade; dodge
Duck responsibility.
Ducked the reporter's question.


To push (a person, for example) suddenly under water.


In bridge, to deliberately play a card that is lower than (an opponent's card).


To lower the head or body.


To move swiftly, especially so as to escape being seen
Ducked behind a bush.


To submerge the head or body briefly in water.


To evade a responsibility or obligation. Often used with out
Duck out on one's family.


In bridge, to lose a trick by deliberately playing lower than one's opponent.


(intransitive) To quickly lower the head or body, often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.
Duck! There's a branch falling off the tree!


(transitive) To quickly lower (the head or body), often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.


(transitive) To lower (something) into water; to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw.


(intransitive) To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to plunge one's head into water or other liquid.


(intransitive) To bow.


(transitive) To evade doing something.


(transitive) To lower the volume of (a sound) so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly.


(intransitive) To enter a place for a short moment.
I'm just going to duck into the loo for a minute, can you hold my bag?


(caving) A cave passage containing water with low, or no, airspace.


An aquatic bird of the family Anatidae, having a flat bill and webbed feet.


Specifically, an adult female duck; contrasted with drake and with duckling.


(uncountable) The flesh of a duck used as food.


(cricket) A batsman's score of zero after getting out. (short for duck's egg, since the digit "0" is round like an egg.)


(slang) A playing card with the rank of two.


A building intentionally constructed in the shape of an everyday object to which it is related.
A luncheonette in the shape of a coffee cup is particularly conspicuous, as is intended of an architectural duck or folly.


A marble to be shot at with another marble (the shooter) in children's games.


(US) A cairn used to mark a trail.


One of the weights used to hold a spline in place for the purpose of drawing a curve.


Synonym of lame duck


(medicine) A long-necked medical urinal for men.


A faggot; a meatball made from offal.


A tightly-woven cotton fabric used as sailcloth.


(in plural) Trousers made of such material.


A term of endearment; pet; darling.


(Midlands) Dear, mate (informal way of addressing a friend or stranger).
Ay up duck, ow'a'tha?


A pet; a darling.


A linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric, finer and lighter than canvas, - used for the lighter sails of vessels, the sacking of beds, and sometimes for men's clothing.


The light clothes worn by sailors in hot climates.


Any bird of the subfamily Anatinæ, family Anatidæ.


A sudden inclination of the bead or dropping of the person, resembling the motion of a duck in water.
Here be, without duck or nod,Other trippings to be trod.


To thrust or plunge under water or other liquid and suddenly withdraw.
Adams, after ducking the squire twice or thrice, leaped out of the tub.


To plunge the head of under water, immediately withdrawing it; as, duck the boy.


To bow; to bob down; to move quickly with a downward motion.


To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to dive; to plunge the head in water or other liquid; to dip.
In Tiber ducking thrice by break of day.


To drop the head or person suddenly; to bow.
The learned pateDucks to the golden fool.


Small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs


(cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman


Flesh of a duck (domestic or wild)


A heavy cotton fabric of plain weave; used for clothing and tents


To move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away;
Before he could duck, another stone struck him


Submerge or plunge suddenly


Dip into a liquid;
He dipped into the pool


Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues);
He dodged the issue
She skirted the problem
They tend to evade their responsibilities
He evaded the questions skillfully


A waterfowl with a flat bill and webbed feet.
The Duck waddled towards the pond.


Known for its distinctive quacking sound.
We heard the Duck before we saw it.

Common Curiosities

Can loons quack like ducks?

No, Loons have distinct eerie calls, different from the quacking of Ducks.

Are all ducks capable of flying?

Most Duck species can fly, but some domesticated breeds have limited flight abilities.

Are ducks and loons related?

Both Ducks and Loons are waterfowl, but they belong to different families.

Why do loons have red eyes?

The red eyes of Loons might aid in underwater vision, but the exact reason remains a subject of speculation.

What's the lifespan of a typical duck?

Depending on the species and environment, a Duck can live anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more.

Do both ducks and loons have webbed feet?

Yes, both Ducks and Loons have webbed feet, aiding them in swimming.

Can you find ducks in the ocean?

Yes, some Duck species are sea ducks and can be found in marine environments.

Are loons considered social birds?

Loons are generally solitary or seen in small family groups, unlike some Ducks which can be quite social.

Can loons walk on land?

Loons can move on land but are more adapted and graceful in water.

Are all ducks good swimmers?

Yes, all Ducks are adapted to swim, though some species are more adept divers than others.

Do loons migrate?

Yes, many Loon species migrate to warmer waters in the winter.

Are ducks found worldwide?

Ducks are versatile and can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

Why are loons' legs positioned far back on their bodies?

The legs of Loons are positioned far back for efficient diving and swimming, though it makes walking on land awkward.

Do ducks have teeth?

Ducks have serrated edges on their bills called 'tomia', not true teeth, to grip food.

How deep can a loon dive?

Some Loon species can dive up to 200 feet or more to catch fish.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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