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Defo vs. Deffo — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 26, 2024
"Defo" and "deffo" are both informal British slang abbreviations of "definitely," with "deffo" being a slightly more exaggerated phonetic spelling.
Defo vs. Deffo — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Defo and Deffo


Key Differences

"Defo" and "deffo" are casual terms frequently used in spoken and digital communication among English speakers, particularly in the UK. They both serve as a shorthand for "definitely," suggesting certainty or strong agreement. "Defo" might appear slightly more conservative or restrained, whereas "deffo" emphasizes a more casual, laid-back tone due to its phonetic closeness to the spoken form.
In usage, both "defo" and "deffo" are prevalent among younger demographics and are commonly found in text messages, social media, and informal dialogue. While "defo" might be seen slightly more in written form due to its closer resemblance to "definitely," "deffo" captures the playful, colloquial spirit of casual conversation.
Pronunciation for both is quite similar, mirroring their base word "definitely," but "deffo" might be used to convey a more enthusiastic or emphatic agreement. This reflects a subtle nuance in tone rather than meaning, where "deffo" can sound more emphatic.
Both terms reflect modern trends in abbreviating and altering words for ease of communication, especially in informal contexts. They cater to quick, efficient speech and typing, which is highly valued in digital communication.
These slang terms have evolved with the rise of internet culture and mobile communication, embodying the dynamic nature of language in adapting to new forms of interaction. While "defo" and "deffo" serve the same function, the choice between them often comes down to personal style or regional preference.

Comparison Chart


Informal abbreviation of "definitely."
Informal, emphatic abbreviation of "definitely."

Usage Context

Common in both written and spoken English.
More casual, often used in spoken English.


Similar to the first syllable of "definitely."
Phonetically indulgent, mimicking casual speech.


Slightly more restrained and formal.
Playful and emphatic.


Widely recognized among English speakers.
Particularly popular in informal, youthful dialogues.

Compare with Definitions


Certainly or without any doubt.
I'll defo be there by 8.


Often used to strengthen commitments.
We’re deffo watching that new series tonight.


Used to affirm something emphatically.
That's defo the best movie I've seen this year.


Certainly, with an emphasis on assurance.
I'm deffo coming to your party.


Indicates a strong likelihood or assurance.
He's defo getting the promotion.


Conveys a casual confirmation or endorsement.
Deffo, let’s do it.


Expresses agreement with a previous statement.
Defo, we should catch up more often.


Indicates a high degree of certainty and enthusiasm.
She deffo has the skills for the job.


Used to confirm plans or intentions.
We are defo going on that trip.


Used to express enthusiastic agreement.
Deffo the best game of the season!




He told me that he's deffo going to be there tonight.

Common Curiosities

Can "defo" and "deffo" be used in formal writing?

They are best suited for informal contexts and might be considered too casual for formal writing.

Which term is more casual, "defo" or "deffo"?

"Deffo" is often perceived as more casual and emphatic due to its phonetic spelling.

Are "defo" and "deffo" interchangeable?

Yes, they can be used interchangeably, though "deffo" may convey a bit more enthusiasm.

Why are there two variations of the same slang?

Variations often develop from differences in speech patterns and personal preference.

How did "defo" and "deffo" originate?

They originated from the need for quick, efficient communication, especially in texting and online chats.

Is one more popular than the other?

Usage can vary by region, but both are widely recognized in informal English.

What does "defo" and "deffo" mean?

Both mean "definitely," used to express certainty or strong agreement.

Where are "defo" and "deffo" most commonly used?

They are commonly used in the UK and other English-speaking areas among younger demographics.

What impact do such slang terms have on language evolution?

They demonstrate how language adapts to changes in technology and communication styles.

Are there similar abbreviations for other words commonly used alongside "defo" and "deffo"?

Yes, words like "totes" for "totally" and "perf" for "perfect" follow similar patterns.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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