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Wear Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 6, 2024
Wear means to have on one's body as clothing, decoration, or protection. e.g., She decided to wear her favorite dress to the party.

Wear Definitions

To have or use habitually:
She wears her hair in a braid every day.
To pass (time) in some occupation or condition:
He wears his evenings reading historical novels.
To tolerate or accept:
I can't wear such rude behavior.
To carry or have on the body:
He wears glasses for reading.
To cause or show signs of use or aging:
The constant sun exposure caused the paint to wear.
To display or bear as a mark of office or distinction:
The mayor wears a badge of honor.
To fatigue, weary, or exhaust:
The long journey wore the travelers.
To exhibit or present a specified appearance:
The old table wears a patina from years of use.
To endure or withstand use over time:
This fabric is made to wear well.
To deplete or erode by friction:
The riverbanks were worn away by the flowing water.
To carry or have on one's person as covering, adornment, or protection
Wearing a jacket.
Must wear a seat belt.
To carry or have habitually on one's person, especially as an aid
Wears glasses.
To display in one's appearance
Always wears a smile.
To bear, carry, or maintain in a particular manner
Wears her hair long.
To fly or display (colors). Used of a ship, jockey, or knight.
To damage, diminish, erode, or consume by long or hard use, attrition, or exposure. Often used with away, down, or off
Rocks worn away by the sea.
Shoes worn down at the heels.
To produce by constant use, attrition, or exposure
Eventually wore hollows in the stone steps.
To bring to a specified condition by long use or attrition
Wore the clothes to rags.
Pebbles worn smooth.
To fatigue, weary, or exhaust
Your incessant criticism has worn my patience.
(Nautical) To make (a sailing ship) come about with the wind aft.
To last under continual or hard use
A fabric that will wear.
To last through the passage of time
A friendship that wears well.
To break down or diminish through use or attrition
The rear tires began to wear.
To pass gradually or tediously
The hours wore on.
(Nautical) To come about with stern to windward.
The act of wearing or the state of being worn; use
This shirt is ideal for wear in sultry climates.
Clothing, especially of a particular kind or for a particular use. Often used in combination
Damage resulting from use or age
The rug shows plenty of wear.
The ability to withstand impairment from use or attrition
The engine has plenty of wear left.
To carry or have equipped on or about one's body, as an item of clothing, equipment, decoration, etc.
He's wearing some nice pants today.
She wore her medals with pride.
Please wear your seatbelt.
Can you wear makeup and sunscreen at {{the same time?
}} He was wearing his lunch after tripping and falling into the buffet.
To have or carry on one's person habitually, consistently; or, to maintain in a particular fashion or manner.
He wears eyeglasses.
She wears her hair in braids.
To bear or display in one's aspect or appearance.
She wore a smile all day.
He walked out of the courtroom wearing an air of satisfaction.
To overcome one's reluctance and endure a (previously specified) situation.
I know you don't like working with him, but you'll just have to wear it.
To eat away at, erode, diminish, or consume gradually; to cause a gradual deterioration in; to produce (some change) through attrition, exposure, or constant use.
You're going to wear a hole in the bottom of those shoes.
The water has slowly worn a channel into these rocks.
Long illness had worn the bloom from her cheeks.
Exile had worn the man to a shadow.
To undergo gradual deterioration; become impaired; be reduced or consumed gradually due to any continued process, activity, or use.
The tiles were wearing thin due to years of children's feet.
To exhaust, fatigue, expend, or weary.
His neverending criticism has finally worn my patience.
Toil and care soon wear the spirit.
Our physical advantage allowed us to wear the other team out and win.
(intransitive) To last or remain durable under hard use or over time; to retain usefulness, value, or desirable qualities under any continued strain or long period of time; sometimes said of a person, regarding the quality of being easy or difficult to tolerate.
Don't worry, this fabric will wear. These pants will last you for years.
This color wears so well. I must have washed this sweater a thousand times.
I have to say, our friendship has worn pretty well.
It's hard to get to know him, but he wears well.
(in the phrase "wearing on (someone)") To cause annoyance, irritation, fatigue, or weariness near the point of an exhaustion of patience.
Her high pitched voice is really wearing on me lately.
To pass slowly, gradually or tediously.
Wear on, wear away.
As the years wore on, we seemed to have less and less in common.
(nautical) To bring (a sailing vessel) onto the other tack by bringing the wind around the stern (as opposed to tacking when the wind is brought around the bow); to come round on another tack by turning away from the wind. Also written "ware". Past: weared, or wore/worn.
To guard; watch; keep watch, especially from entry or invasion.
To defend; protect.
To ward off; prevent from approaching or entering; drive off; repel.
To wear the wolf from the sheep
To conduct or guide with care or caution, as into a fold or place of safety.
(uncountable) (in combination) clothing
Footwear; outdoor wear; maternity wear
(uncountable) damage to the appearance and/or strength of an item caused by use over time
(uncountable) fashion
Same as Weir.
The act of wearing, or the state of being worn; consumption by use; diminution by friction; as, the wear of a garment.
The thing worn; style of dress; the fashion.
Motley 's the only wear.
The result of wearing or use; consumption, diminution, or impairment due to use, friction, or the like; as, the wear of this coat has been good.
To cause to go about, as a vessel, by putting the helm up, instead of alee as in tacking, so that the vessel's bow is turned away from, and her stern is presented to, the wind, and, as she turns still farther, her sails fill on the other side; to veer.
To carry or bear upon the person; to bear upon one's self, as an article of clothing, decoration, warfare, bondage, etc.; to have appendant to one's body; to have on; as, to wear a coat; to wear a shackle.
What compass will you wear your farthingale?
On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore,Which Jews might kiss, and infidels adore.
To have or exhibit an appearance of, as an aspect or manner; to bear; as, she wears a smile on her countenance.
His innocent gestures wearA meaning half divine.
To use up by carrying or having upon one's self; hence, to consume by use; to waste; to use up; as, to wear clothes rapidly.
To impair, waste, or diminish, by continual attrition, scraping, percussion, on the like; to consume gradually; to cause to lower or disappear; to spend.
That wicked wight his days doth wear.
The waters wear the stones.
To cause or make by friction or wasting; as, to wear a channel; to wear a hole.
To form or shape by, or as by, attrition.
Trials wear us into a liking of what, possibly, in the first essay, displeased us.
To endure or suffer use; to last under employment; to bear the consequences of use, as waste, consumption, or attrition; as, a coat wears well or ill; - hence, sometimes applied to character, qualifications, etc.; as, a man wears well as an acquaintance.
To be wasted, consumed, or diminished, by being used; to suffer injury, loss, or extinction by use or time; to decay, or be spent, gradually.
Away, I say; time wears.
Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou and this people that is with thee.
His stock of money began to wear very low.
The family . . . wore out in the earlier part of the century.
Impairment resulting from long use;
The tires showed uneven wear
A covering designed to be worn on a person's body
The act of having on your person as a covering or adornment;
She bought it for everyday wear
Be dressed in;
She was wearing yellow that day
Have on one's person;
He wore a red ribbon
Bear a scar
Have in one's aspect; wear an expression of one's attitude or personality;
He always wears a smile
Deteriorate through use or stress;
The constant friction wore out the cloth
Have or show an appearance of;
Wear one's hair in a certain way
Last and be usable;
This dress wore well for almost ten years
Go to pieces;
The lawn mower finally broke
The gears wore out
The old chair finally fell apart completely
Exhaust or tire through overuse or great strain or stress;
We wore ourselves out on this hike
Put clothing on one's body;
What should I wear today?
He put on his best suit for the wedding
The princess donned a long blue dress
The queen assumed the stately robes
He got into his jeans

Wear Snonyms


To put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress.
She clothed herself in the finest silk.


To wear or display (a distinctive or noticeable item).
She sported a new watch.


To put on (an item of clothing).
He donned his finest suit for the wedding.


To dress in distinctive clothes.
The performers were garbed in traditional costumes.


To decorate or adorn brightly or festively.
They decked the halls with boughs of holly.


To show or display (something) openly.
He exhibited a badge of honor.


Clothes, especially fine or formal ones.
He was attired in a tuxedo for the gala.


To make more beautiful or attractive by adding ornament or color.
The hall was adorned with flowers.


To provide with a set of clothes; especially for a particular purpose.
The team was outfitted in new uniforms.


To cover, dress, or hang with cloth in loose folds.
The statue was draped in a ceremonial cloth.

Wear Idioms & Phrases

Wear out one's welcome

To stay too long or become no longer welcome.
Be careful not to wear out your welcome by overstaying.

For wear and tear

Damage resulting from ordinary use.
The warranty covers defects but not for wear and tear.

Wear the trousers

Similar to "wear the pants," used in British English.
It's obvious who wears the trousers in their house.

Wear thin

To become less effective or welcome.
His excuses are starting to wear thin.

Wear and tear

The damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal wear or aging.
The car has held up well against the usual wear and tear.

Wear off

To diminish in effect or intensity over time.
The medication's effects will wear off after a few hours.

Wear many hats

To have many roles or duties.
As a small business owner, she wears many hats.

Wear a wire

To secretly record conversations using a hidden electronic device.
The informant agreed to wear a wire to the meeting.

Wear the crown

To hold a position of authority or leadership.
After his father's retirement, he now wears the crown in the family business.

Wear one's heart on one's sleeve

To openly show one's feelings.
He always wears his heart on his sleeve, making him very approachable.

Wear the pants

To be the dominant decision-maker in a household.
In their relationship, it's clear she wears the pants.

Wear one's thinking cap

To engage in deep or serious thinking.
Let's wear our thinking caps to solve this problem.

Wear one's badge

To display a characteristic or affiliation openly.
She wears her badge of courage for overcoming adversity.

Wear out

To use something until it becomes unusable or unfit for service.
He wore out his shoes running every day.

Wear to a frazzle

To exhaust or wear out completely.
The week's events have worn me to a frazzle.

Wear one's colors

To show one's true character or intentions.
In times of crisis, people really wear their colors.

Wear on

To pass slowly or tediously.
As the evening wore on, the guests began to leave.

Wear down

To gradually reduce the strength or effectiveness of someone or something.
The constant criticism wore her down.

Wear one's Sunday best

To wear one's best clothes, typically for a special occasion.
They all wore their Sunday best for the wedding.

Wear a path

To create a path by walking the same route repeatedly.
Years of use have worn a path through the lawn.

Wear Example Sentences

The walls wear the scars of a bygone era.
The steps to the house have started to wear.
He always wears a smile, no matter the circumstance.
You should wear a helmet while riding a bike.
Quality shoes are built to wear for years.
The keys have started to wear from constant use.
The stress of the job began to wear on her.
Officers wear their uniforms with pride.
She wears the summer heat better than anyone I know.
Many athletes wear protective gear during games.
He wears his grandfather's watch as a keepsake.
The old tree wears the marks of many carved initials.
The sofa's fabric didn't wear as expected.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called "wear"?

"Wear" comes from the Old English "werian," meaning to clothe, cover, or adorn, reflecting the act of having something on one's body.

How do we divide "wear" into syllables?

"Wear" is a single syllable word, so it is not divided.

How many syllables are in "wear"?

There is one syllable in "wear."

What is the verb form of "wear"?

The base verb form is "wear," with "wears," "wore," and "worn" (wearing) as its other forms.

What is the pronunciation of "wear"?

"Wear" is pronounced as /wɛər/ in British English and /wɛr/ in American English.

How is "wear" used in a sentence?

"Wear" can be used to indicate having clothing or accessories on one's body, e.g., I will wear my new shoes tonight.

What is another term for "wear"?

Another term for "wear" could be "don" when referring to putting on clothes, or "endure" when referring to withstanding use over time.

What is a stressed syllable in "wear"?

Since "wear" has only one syllable, that syllable is stressed: wear.

What is the singular form of "wear"?

The singular form is "wears" when used with third-person singular subjects.

What is the root word of "wear"?

The root of "wear" is the Old English word "werian."

What is the plural form of "wear"?

The base form "wear" is used for plural subjects, e.g., "They wear."

Is "wear" an abstract noun?

When used as a noun, "wear" refers to the action or effect of using something, which can be considered somewhat abstract.

Is "wear" a countable noun?

As a noun, "wear" is usually uncountable, referring to the action or effect of using something over time.

Is the word "wear" imperative?

"Wear" can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Wear your coat."

What is the first form of "wear"?

The first form is "wear," which is the base form of the verb.

What is the third form of "wear"?

The third form is "worn," used as the past participle.

Is "wear" a negative or positive word?

"Wear" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

What is the second form of "wear"?

The second form is "wore," which is the simple past tense.

Is "wear" a collective noun?

No, "wear" is not a collective noun.

What is the opposite of "wear"?

An opposite of "wear" could be "remove" or "take off" for clothing, and "preserve" or "maintain" for withstanding use.

Is "wear" a noun or adjective?

"Wear" is primarily a verb and can also be a noun in contexts like "wear and tear." It is not commonly used as an adjective.

Is "wear" an adverb?

No, "wear" is not an adverb.

Is the word "wear" Gerund?

"Wearing" is the gerund form of the verb "wear."

Is the word “wear” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In a sentence like "She wears the necklace," "necklace" is the direct object of "wears."

Which vowel is used before "wear"?

The vowel used before "wear" depends on the preceding word or article, e.g., "a" as in "a wear-resistant material."

Which preposition is used with "wear"?

Prepositions like "out" (to wear out) and "on" (to wear on someone) are commonly used with "wear," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with "wear"?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "wear," depending on sentence construction, e.g., "Wear a hat and gloves."

Which article is used with "wear"?

The articles "a" or "the" can be used with "wear" when it is used as a noun, e.g., "The wear on the tires was significant."

What part of speech is "wear"?

"Wear" is primarily used as a verb but can also function as a noun in contexts related to deterioration or use over time.

Is "wear" a vowel or consonant?

The word "wear" starts with a consonant.

Is the "wear" term a metaphor?

"Wear" can be used metaphorically, especially in expressions like "wear many hats" or "wear one's heart on one's sleeve."

Which determiner is used with "wear"?

Determiners like "your," "my," or "the" can be used with "wear," depending on the context, e.g., "Wear your hat."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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