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Comparable in Java vs. Comparator in Java — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Published on February 7, 2024
Comparable in Java is an interface for defining a natural ordering of objects, while Comparator in Java is an external tool for defining multiple custom orderings.
Comparable in Java vs. Comparator in Java — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Comparable in Java and Comparator in Java


Key Differences

Comparable in Java is an interface used by classes to define a natural ordering of their objects. When a class implements Comparable, it must define the compareTo() method, which compares the current object with another object of the same type. In contrast, Comparator in Java is an external, functional interface used to define custom orderings of objects, separate from their natural order. It provides the compare() method, which compares two different objects of the same type.
The Comparable interface in Java provides a single sorting sequence, meaning it allows the definition of only one natural ordering. This is typically used when there is a clear, default way to compare instances of a class, like alphabetical order for strings. Conversely, Comparator in Java allows for multiple sorting sequences. This flexibility is beneficial when objects need to be sorted in different ways at different times, such as sorting a list of employees by both age and salary.
Implementing Comparable in a class intrinsically ties the comparison logic to the class itself, which is useful for classes with a ‘natural’ ordering. However, this can be limiting if alternative sorting orders are needed. Comparator in Java, being external, allows for different sorting criteria without modifying the original class structure. This separation of concerns makes Comparator more versatile in scenarios where multiple sorting criteria are required.
When using Comparable in Java, the comparison logic is encapsulated within the class, leading to a more cohesive design if the sorting logic is inherent to the class. For example, numerical or alphabetical orderings are naturally associated with the data types. In contrast, Comparator in Java is typically used when sorting logic is not intrinsic to the nature of the class, or when client-specific sorting is required, providing greater flexibility and decoupling the sorting logic from the class design.
In summary, Comparable in Java is ideal for defining a natural and consistent ordering of objects, particularly when this ordering is logical and intuitive. Comparator in Java, on the other hand, offers the flexibility to define multiple, potentially client-specific, orderings, making it suitable for complex sorting requirements that go beyond the intrinsic properties of the class.

Comparison Chart


Interface for natural ordering within a class.
External tool for custom ordering of objects.

Method Implementation

CompareTo() method within the class.
Compare() method in a separate class.

Number of Sorting Orders

One natural ordering per class.
Multiple custom orderings possible.


Less flexible, tied to the object’s class.
More flexible, not tied to the object’s class.

Usage Scenario

Used when a default, natural order is clear.
Used for multiple, often external, sort criteria.

Compare with Definitions

Comparable in Java

Comparable in Java is an interface for defining natural order comparison within a class.
Arrays.sort() can directly sort a list of objects implementing Comparable.

Comparator in Java

It allows the creation of multiple, separate sorting criteria for objects.
A Comparator to sort books first by author, then by title.

Comparable in Java

It encapsulates comparison logic within the class itself.
A Date class uses Comparable to compare dates chronologically.

Comparator in Java

Comparator can be used for sorting in collections that accept a custom comparator.
Passing a Comparator to sort a PriorityQueue of tasks based on priority levels.

Comparable in Java

Comparable provides a single sorting sequence for objects of a class.
A Book class implementing Comparable to sort books by their titles.

Comparator in Java

Comparator is used when sorting logic is not intrinsic to the object’s class.
Implementing a Comparator to sort a list of numbers in descending order.

Comparable in Java

It allows a class to implement a standard way of comparing its instances.
Implementing Comparable in a Person class to compare people by their names.

Comparator in Java

Comparator in Java is an external tool for defining custom orderings of objects.
Using a Comparator to sort a list of employees by their department.

Comparable in Java

Comparable is used for natural ordering in collections like TreeSet and TreeMap.
A TreeSet of String objects automatically orders them alphabetically using Comparable.

Comparator in Java

It provides flexibility in sorting, independent of the objects' natural order.
Using a Comparator to sort players in a game based on their scores, not their names.

Common Curiosities

What is the main method in Comparator in Java?

The main method in Comparator is compare(), used for defining custom comparison logic.

Can I define multiple sorting orders with Comparable?

No, Comparable allows only one natural ordering per class.

What does Comparable do in Java?

It defines a natural ordering for objects of a class using the compareTo() method.

How is Comparator in Java different from Comparable?

Comparator is an external tool for custom orderings, separate from the object's class.

When should I use Comparable in Java?

Use it when there's a clear, natural way to compare instances of a class.

How does Comparable affect collections like TreeSet?

TreeSet uses Comparable to determine the natural ordering of its elements.

Can Comparator use lambda expressions in Java?

Yes, Comparator can be implemented using lambda expressions for concise custom sorting.

Is it mandatory to implement Comparable in a class?

No, it’s optional and used only if natural ordering is needed.

What happens if a class does not implement Comparable?

The class cannot be used in certain collections that require natural ordering.

Can Comparator be used for any class?

Yes, Comparator can be used for any class without modifying the class itself.

What is the return type of the compareTo() method?

It returns an int, indicating less than, equal to, or greater than the other object.

How do I choose between Comparable and Comparator?

Use Comparable for natural ordering and Comparator for more flexible, custom orderings.

Are Comparable and Comparator part of Java Collections Framework?

Yes, they are part of the framework, used for sorting and ordering collections.

Do I need to modify a class to use a Comparator with it?

No, Comparator can be used externally without modifying the class.

Can Comparable and Comparator be used together?

Yes, they can be used together for different sorting needs.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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