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Comfort vs. Comfortable — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 5, 2024
Comfort refers to a state of physical ease and freedom from pain, while comfortable describes the quality of causing or providing such comfort.
Comfort vs. Comfortable — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Comfort and Comfortable


Key Differences

Comfort is a state or condition that implies a sense of well-being, safety, or relief from distress and hardship. It can refer to physical ease, as well as emotional or psychological support. Whereas comfortable is an adjective that characterizes environments, objects, or situations that provide or contribute to a state of comfort. It's used to describe things that make us feel relaxed, at ease, and without discomfort.
While comfort is a broad term that encompasses various forms of relief and ease, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, comfortable specifically relates to the ability of something to provide that sense of comfort. For example, a soft chair might be described as comfortable because it contributes to one's physical comfort.
On one hand, seeking comfort can involve various actions or conditions, such as finding emotional support from a friend or warmth on a cold day. On the other hand, describing something as comfortable implies that it has qualities that inherently provide comfort, like a well-designed living space or a pair of soft shoes.
Comfort often involves a subjective experience that varies from person to person, depending on individual needs and preferences. Conversely, something being comfortable is generally recognized by a consensus on its qualities that universally promote comfort, such as ergonomic design or soft materials.
In discussions about well-being, comfort can be a goal or desired state, highlighting the importance of achieving a life free from undue stress and pain. Comfortable, however, is used to evaluate the extent to which aspects of our surroundings contribute to reaching that state of comfort, emphasizing the role of external factors.

Comparison Chart


A state of physical ease and relief from pain or hardship.
Having qualities that provide physical ease and well-being.




Can refer to physical, emotional, or psychological well-being.
Primarily describes things or situations that lead to comfort.


Describes a feeling or state.
Describes the characteristic of an object or environment.


More subjective, varies greatly between individuals.
Generally agreed upon; what is considered comfortable is more universal.

Compare with Definitions


A state of physical relaxation.
After a long day, sitting by the fire brought her great comfort.


Affording comfort.
The warm blanket made the chilly night comfortable.


Satisfaction with one's circumstances.
They lived in comfort after years of hard work.


Creating a feeling of physical well-being.
The room's design made it a comfortable living space.


Solace in times of distress.
He found comfort in his family's support during difficult times.


Providing ease and relaxation.
The comfortable sofa was everyone's favorite spot.


Well-being and ease.
The new mattress offered a level of comfort she hadn't known before.


Free from discomfort or pain.
These shoes are comfortable enough for all-day wear.


Freedom from pain or constraint.
The ergonomic chair provided comfort for his back pain.


Suiting one's needs or preferences well.
She found a comfortable rhythm in her new job.


Comfort (or being comfortable) is a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized as a lack of hardship. Persons who are lacking in comfort are uncomfortable, or experiencing discomfort.


Providing physical comfort
A comfortable chair.


To soothe in time of affliction or distress.


Free from stress or anxiety; at ease
Not comfortable about the interview.


To ease physically; relieve
Comforted the feverish patient with a cool cloth.


Producing feelings of ease or security
A comfortable person.
A comfortable evening at home.


A condition or feeling of pleasurable physical ease or relief from pain or stress
Finally sat in comfort on the soft pillows.


Sufficient to provide financial security
Comfortable earnings.


A condition of well-being, contentment, and security
An income that allowed them to live in comfort.


Providing physical comfort and ease; agreeable.
This is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in.


Solace or consolation in time of sorrow or distress
Soothing words of comfort.


In a state of comfort and content.
What a great guestroom! I'll be quite comfortable here.


Help; assistance
Gave comfort to the enemy.


Confident; relaxed; not worried about someone or something.


Something providing ease, convenience, or security
The comforts of modern living.


Amply sufficient, satisfactory.
A comfortable income should suffice to consider oneself rich.
The home team is ahead by a comfortable margin.


A person or thing that brings consolation or mental ease
A friend who was a comfort to me in my grief.


(obsolete) Comforting, providing comfort; consolatory.


Chiefly Southern & Lower Northern US A quilted bedcover; a comforter.


(obsolete) Strong; vigorous; valiant.


Contentment, ease.
Sleep in comfort with our new mattress.


(obsolete) Serviceable; helpful.


Something that offers comfort.
The comforts of home


(US) A stuffed or quilted coverlet for a bed; a comforter.


A consolation; something relieving suffering or worry.
We still have the spare tire? That's a comfort at least.


Strong; vigorous; valiant.
Thy conceit is nearer death than thy powers. For my sake be comfortable; hold death a while at the arm's end.


A cause of relief or satisfaction.
The outcome of the peace negotiations in Moscow in 1940 was a heavy blow to the young nation, but in the same time a great comfort: at least the independency was preserved.


Serviceable; helpful.
Be comfortable to my mother, your mistress, and make much of her.


(transitive) To relieve the distress or suffering of; to provide comfort to.
Rob comforted Aaron because he was lost and very sad.


Affording or imparting comfort or consolation; able to comfort; cheering; as, a comfortable hope.
A comfortable provision made for their subsistence.


(transitive) To make comfortable. en


In a condition of comfort; having comforts; not suffering or anxious; hence, contented; cheerful; as, to lead a comfortable life.
My lord leans wondrously to discontent;His comfortable temper has forsook him:He is much out of health.


(obsolete) To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate.


Free, or comparatively free, from pain or distress; - used of a sick person.


(obsolete) To assist or help; to aid.


A stuffed or quilted coverlet for a bed; a comforter; a comfort.


To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate.
God's own testimony . . . doth not a little comfort and confirm the same.


Providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy' is informal);
Comfortable clothes
Comfortable suburban houses
Made himself comfortable in an armchair
The antihistamine made her feel more comfortable
Are you comfortable?
Feeling comfy now?


To assist or help; to aid.
I . . . can not help the noble chevalier:God comfort him in this necessity!


Free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind;
Was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared
The comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong
Was comfortable in his religious beliefs
She's a comfortable person to be with
She felt comfortable with her fiance's parents


To impart strength and hope to; to encourage; to relieve; to console; to cheer.
Light excelleth in comforting the spirits of men.
That we may be able to comfort them that are in any affliction.
A perfect woman, nobly planned,To warn, to comfort, and command.


More than adequate;
The home team had a comfortable lead


Assistance; relief; support.


Sufficient to provide comfort;
A comfortable salary


Encouragement; solace; consolation in trouble; also, that which affords consolation.
In comfort of her mother's fears.
Cheer thy spirit with this comfort.
Speaking words of endearment where words of comfort availed not.


In fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich;
They were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards
Easy living
A prosperous family
His family is well-situated financially
Well-to-do members of the community


A state of quiet enjoyment; freedom from pain, want, or anxiety; also, whatever contributes to such a condition.
I had much joy and comfort in thy love.
He had the means of living in comfort.


A wadded bedquilt; a comfortable.


Unlawful support, countenance, or encouragement; as, to give aid and comfort to the enemy.


A state of being relaxed and feeling no pain;
He is a man who enjoys his comfort
She longed for the comfortableness of her armchair


A feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment


The act of consoling; giving relief in affliction;
His presence was a consolation to her


A freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state;
A life of luxury and ease
He had all the material comforts of this world


Give moral or emotional strength to


Lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate;
Ease the pain in your legs

Common Curiosities

How does comfortable relate to comfort?

Comfortable describes something that provides or promotes a state of comfort, such as an item or situation that leads to ease and well-being.

What is comfort?

Comfort refers to a state of physical or emotional ease and freedom from discomfort or pain.

Can a situation be comfortable?

Yes, a situation can be described as comfortable if it makes individuals feel at ease, safe, and free from stress or pain.

What makes something comfortable?

Things are considered comfortable if they have qualities that reduce discomfort, such as softness, ergonomic design, or emotional reassurance.

Is comfort only physical?

No, comfort can also be emotional or psychological, involving feelings of security, contentment, and relief.

Is comfort always a good thing?

While generally positive, excessive comfort can sometimes deter personal growth or adaptation to new challenges.

Can comfort be measured?

Comfort is subjective and varies by individual, making it difficult to measure objectively; however, comfortable objects can be evaluated based on their features.

What is the relationship between comfort and health?

Comfort and health are closely related, as physical comfort can support physical health, and emotional comfort can contribute to mental health.

Can comfort vary between people?

Yes, what is comforting can vary widely between individuals, depending on personal preferences and needs.

How do you create a comfortable environment?

Creating a comfortable environment involves considering physical ease, such as furniture and temperature, as well as emotional factors like a sense of belonging or safety.

Is a comfortable lifestyle always expensive?

Not necessarily; a comfortable lifestyle can be achieved through means that prioritize well-being and satisfaction over material wealth.

How does comfort affect productivity?

Comfort can significantly affect productivity by reducing distractions from physical discomfort or emotional stress, thereby enhancing focus and efficiency.

How does culture influence comfort?

Cultural norms and values can shape what individuals consider comfortable, influencing preferences for living conditions, social interactions, and personal space.

What is an example of emotional comfort?

Emotional comfort can come from supportive relationships, a sense of belonging, or engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Can technology enhance comfort?

Yes, technology can enhance comfort through innovations in home automation, ergonomic design, and personal health and wellness products.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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