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Cloudly vs. Cloudy — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 18, 2023
"Cloudly" is an archaic and rarely used word that could mean "with clouds" or "cloud-like." "Cloudy" is a modern, commonly used adjective describing weather or transparency that is obscured by clouds or murkiness.
Cloudly vs. Cloudy — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cloudly and Cloudy


Key Differences

"Cloudly" is an archaic term that is seldom used in modern English. In historical contexts, it could mean "with clouds" or be used to describe something that is cloud-like in nature. "Cloudy," on the other hand, is a widely used term that refers to the presence of clouds in the sky, often implying overcast conditions.
In everyday usage, people would almost exclusively use "cloudy" to describe weather conditions where the sky is filled with clouds. "Cloudly," although it could technically describe the same thing, is hardly ever employed. As such, you are unlikely to see "cloudly" in weather forecasts or day-to-day conversations.
When looking at their grammatical roles, "cloudy" functions as an adjective, while "cloudly," if it were to be used, would likely serve the same purpose. However, "cloudy" is the standard form you will encounter in contemporary language for describing anything obscured by clouds or cloud-like substances.
The word "cloudy" has broader applications beyond just weather. It can describe liquids that are not clear, thoughts that are muddled, or situations that are uncertain. "Cloudly" does not enjoy such diverse usage, mainly because it has fallen out of favor and is not part of the modern lexicon.

Comparison Chart


Archaic, "with clouds" or "cloud-like"
Overcast or obscured by clouds or murkiness


Rarely used
Commonly used

Grammatical Role

Likely Adjective


Can describe weather, liquids, situations

Modern Usage


Compare with Definitions


Historically used to describe something cloud-like.
He painted a cloudly scene.


Confused or mentally unclear.
His judgment was cloudy.


Something resembling a cloud in any of its qualities.
The fog appeared cloudly.


Filled or covered with clouds.
The sky is cloudy today.


A seldom-used term for cloudy conditions.
It's going to be cloudly tomorrow.


Indicating future uncertainty.
The company’s future looks cloudy.


A word that could indicate an overcast atmosphere.
The cloudly weather continued for days.


Resembling or characteristic of a cloud.
The cloudy mist rolled in.


Obsolete term for "with clouds."
The sky was cloudly yesterday.


Full of or covered with clouds; overcast.


(nonstandard) Of or pertaining to a cloud or clouds; cloudlike; cloudy; nebulous.


Of or like a cloud or clouds.


Marked with indistinct masses or streaks
Cloudy marble.


Not transparent, as certain liquids.


Open to more than one interpretation.


Not clearly perceived or perceptible.


Troubled; gloomy
His future at the company is cloudy.


Covered with or characterised by clouds; overcast.


Not transparent or clear.


(of fruit juice) Containing pith


Uncertain; unclear.


Using or relating to cloud computing.
A cloudy infrastructure


Shady; sketchy; suspicious


Overcast or obscured with clouds; clouded; as, a cloudy sky.


Consisting of a cloud or clouds.
As Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended.


Indicating gloom, anxiety, sullenness, or ill-nature; not open or cheerful.


Confused; indistinct; obscure; dark.
Cloudy and confused notions of things.


Lacking clearness, brightness, or luster.


Marked with veins or sports of dark or various hues, as marble.


Lacking definite form or limits;
Gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion
Nebulous distinction between pride and conceit


(of especially liquids) clouded as with sediment;
A cloudy liquid
Muddy coffee
Murky waters


Full of or covered with clouds;
Cloudy skies


Not clear or transparent.
The water is cloudy.

Common Curiosities

Is Cloudy used to describe weather?

Yes, "cloudy" is commonly used to describe overcast weather.

Does Cloudly have modern equivalents?

Yes, "cloudy" serves as the modern equivalent.

Is Cloudly used in modern English?

No, "cloudly" is not commonly used in modern English.

What's the grammatical role of Cloudy?

"Cloudy" is an adjective.

What does Cloudy mean?

"Cloudy" describes weather or transparency obscured by clouds or murkiness.

Can Cloudy describe liquids?

Yes, "cloudy" can describe liquids that are not clear.

What does Cloudly mean?

"Cloudly" is an archaic term that means "with clouds" or "cloud-like," but it is rarely used today.

What's the grammatical role of Cloudly?

"Cloudly" would likely function as an adjective if used.

Can Cloudy describe thoughts?

Yes, it can describe muddled or unclear thoughts.

Can Cloudy be used metaphorically?

Yes, for example, "cloudy judgment."

What is the plural form of Cloudly?

Being an adjective, "cloudly" doesn't have a plural form.

Is Cloudy a standard English word?

Yes, "cloudy" is a standard word in American English.

Can Cloudly be used metaphorically?

It's possible but highly unlikely due to its rare usage.

Is Cloudly ever used in literature?

It may appear in archaic or historical literature.

What is the plural form of Cloudy?

Being an adjective, "cloudy" doesn't have a plural form.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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