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Catholic vs. Jehovah's Witness — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 4, 2023
Catholics follow the Pope and believe in the Holy Trinity; Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Trinity and have distinct beliefs about end times.
Catholic vs. Jehovah's Witness — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Catholic and Jehovah's Witness


Key Differences

The Catholic Church is one of the oldest Christian denominations, tracing its roots to Jesus Christ and the apostles, especially Peter. Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, originated in the late 19th century in the United States from the Bible Student movement.
Catholics believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which is the belief in one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jehovah's Witnesses believe there is one God, Jehovah, and that Jesus is His first creation and the Holy Spirit is God's active force.
For Catholics, the Pope, as the Bishop of Rome, is the highest earthly authority and the successor of Saint Peter. Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a central figure like the Pope. Instead, they have the Watch Tower Society, which provides guidance on doctrine.
Catholics have seven sacraments including Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Jehovah's Witnesses primarily have two ceremonies: baptism by immersion and the Memorial of Christ's death.
While Catholics believe in the immortal soul, purgatory, and veneration of saints and Mary, Jehovah's Witnesses reject these teachings. They also have distinctive beliefs about the end times, including the belief in a paradise Earth for faithful Witnesses.

Comparison Chart


Traces back to Jesus Christ and the apostles.
Originated in the 19th century from the Bible Student movement.

View on God

Believe in the Holy Trinity.
Believe in one God, Jehovah.

Central Authority

The Pope.
Watch Tower Society.

Main Ceremonies/Sacraments

Seven sacraments, including Eucharist.
Baptism and Memorial of Christ's death.

Beliefs about Afterlife

Believe in immortal soul, purgatory, heaven, and hell.
Reject immortal soul; believe in paradise Earth for the faithful.

Compare with Definitions


Universal; encompassing a broad range.
He had catholic tastes in music, enjoying genres from classical to rock.

Jehovah's Witness

A believer in the use of the name Jehovah for God.
A distinguishing feature of the Jehovah's Witness Bible is the use of Jehovah in place of LORD.


Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church.
Catholic doctrine includes belief in the Immaculate Conception.

Jehovah's Witness

A Christian who rejects the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and believes in Jehovah as the one true God.
The Jehovah's Witness congregation meets regularly for Bible study.


Comprehensive or wide-ranging in tastes or interests.
Her catholic reading habits included everything from fiction to scientific journals.

Jehovah's Witness

One who believes in the teachings of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
As a Jehovah's Witness, he did not celebrate birthdays or Christmas.


Pertaining to the universal Christian church led by the Pope.
She attended a Catholic school in her hometown.

Jehovah's Witness

A person who believes in a future paradise on Earth for faithful adherents.
The Jehovah's Witness shared her hope for a world without suffering or pain.


Of broad or liberal scope; comprehensive
"The 100-odd pages of formulas and constants are surely the most catholic to be found" (Scientific American).

Jehovah's Witness

A member of a Christian denomination known for its door-to-door evangelism and belief in the imminent end of the world.
A Jehovah's Witness knocked on my door to discuss the Bible.


Including or concerning all humankind; universal
"what was of catholic rather than national interest" (J.A. Froude).


Of or involving the Roman Catholic Church.


Of or relating to the universal Christian church.


Of or relating to the ancient undivided Christian church.


Of or relating to those churches that have claimed to be representatives of the ancient undivided church.


A member of a Catholic church, especially a Roman Catholic.


Universal; all-encompassing.


Alternative case form of Catholic.


(obsolete) Common or prevalent; especially universally prevalent.


Embracing all.


Universally applicable.


Of universal human interest or use.


(slang) Permissive of unprotected sex.


Universal or general; as, the catholic faith.
Men of other countries [came] to bear their part in so great and catholic a war.


Not narrow-minded, partial, or bigoted; liberal; as, catholic tastes.


Of or pertaining to, or affecting the Roman Catholics; as, the Catholic emancipation act.


A person who accepts the creeds which are received in common by all parts of the orthodox Christian church.


An adherent of the Roman Catholic church; a Roman Catholic.


A member of a Catholic church


Of or relating to or supporting Catholicism;
The Catholic Church


Free from provincial prejudices or attachments;
Catholic in one's tastes


Relating to the ancient undivided Christian church.
The Nicene Creed is a declaration of faith used in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

Common Curiosities

How do Catholics view the Pope?

As the highest earthly authority and the successor of Saint Peter.

What is the origin of the Catholic Church?

It traces back to Jesus Christ and the apostles, especially Peter.

Are Catholics Trinitarian?

Yes, Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate holidays like Christmas?

No, they do not celebrate Christmas, birthdays, or other traditional Christian holidays.

What are the main beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses?

They believe in one God, Jehovah, and view Jesus as His first creation.

What are the sacraments in the Catholic Church?

There are seven, including Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.

How do Jehovah's Witnesses typically worship?

They meet for Bible study and also partake in door-to-door evangelism.

What is the Catholic Bible?

It's the scripture used by the Catholic Church, which includes the Deuterocanonical books.

How do Jehovah's Witnesses view Jesus Christ?

As the first creation of Jehovah and not part of a Trinity.

Do Catholics believe in purgatory?

Yes, they believe in purgatory as a place of purification for souls.

How is salvation viewed in the Catholic doctrine?

It's a combination of faith, works, and the sacraments.

Which Bible version do Jehovah's Witnesses use?

They use the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses accept blood transfusions?

No, based on their interpretation of the Bible, they refuse blood transfusions.

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe about the afterlife?

They believe in a resurrection and a future paradise Earth for the faithful.

Are Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses considered Christian denominations?

Yes, both are Christian, but they have significant doctrinal differences.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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