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Butcher Paper vs. Freezer Paper — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 4, 2023
Butcher Paper is a kraft paper primarily for wrapping meat, while Freezer Paper has a shiny side to protect food from freezer burn.
Butcher Paper vs. Freezer Paper — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Butcher Paper and Freezer Paper


Key Differences

Butcher Paper is a type of kraft paper known for its ruggedness and durability. This makes it suitable for wrapping and handling meat without tearing. Freezer Paper, on the other hand, has a specific design to protect food in the freezer. Its one side is treated to resist moisture, which guards food against freezer burn.
Butcher Paper is usually brown, reflecting its unbleached nature. This paper is often used in delis and butcher shops to wrap fresh meats. Freezer Paper tends to be white with a shiny, plastic-coated side. This side is meant to be in direct contact with the food, ensuring protection from cold air.
When talking about usability, Butcher Paper is commonly used for crafting and barbecuing due to its untreated nature. Meanwhile, Freezer Paper is a favorite among quilters because its plastic side can be lightly ironed to fabric, making pattern tracing easier.
For storage purposes, Butcher Paper allows the meat to breathe, making it excellent for short-term meat storage or dry-aging beef. Freezer Paper ensures longer storage by preventing air from reaching the food, which is crucial for freezing items for extended periods.
Environmentally, Butcher Paper is typically biodegradable due to its untreated nature. Freezer Paper, with its plastic side, might not degrade as quickly, making it less environmentally friendly compared to butcher paper.

Comparison Chart


Kraft paper
Paper with a plastic-coated side


Usually brown
Typically white


Wrapping meat, crafting, barbecuing
Freezing food, quilting


Short-term meat storage, dry-aging
Long-term freezing

Environmental Impact

Slower to degrade due to plastic side

Compare with Definitions

Butcher Paper

A paper that allows its contents to breathe, suitable for dry-aging.
The butcher used Butcher Paper to wrap the dry-aged beef.

Freezer Paper

A dual-purpose paper with crafting applications, like quilting.
I traced the pattern onto the fabric using Freezer Paper.

Butcher Paper

A versatile paper used in crafts and BBQ smoking.
I prefer Butcher Paper for my brisket smoking since it lets the meat breathe.

Freezer Paper

A moisture-resistant paper ensuring longer food storage.
With Freezer Paper, I can store berries without worrying about freezer burn.

Butcher Paper

A biodegradable paper option for environmentally-conscious choices.
We chose Butcher Paper because it's better for the environment.

Freezer Paper

A paper with one shiny side, designed for direct contact with food.
Make sure the shiny side of the Freezer Paper touches the meat.

Butcher Paper

A durable kraft paper used primarily for wrapping meats.
I used Butcher Paper to wrap the steaks before grilling.

Freezer Paper

A paper with one plastic-coated side to protect food from freezer burn.
I wrapped my fish in Freezer Paper to store it for next month.

Butcher Paper

An unbleached, often brown paper popular in delis and butcher shops.
The deli wrapped my sandwich in Butcher Paper.

Freezer Paper

A white paper often used to store meats and other perishables in the freezer.
The chicken was well-preserved thanks to the Freezer Paper.

Common Curiosities

Is Butcher Paper typically brown?

Yes, Butcher Paper is often brown due to its unbleached nature.

What is the primary use of Butcher Paper?

Butcher Paper is mainly used for wrapping meat and for crafting purposes.

Which paper allows meat to breathe, Butcher Paper or Freezer Paper?

Butcher Paper allows meat to breathe, suitable for dry-aging.

Which paper is more environmentally friendly?

Butcher Paper is biodegradable and generally more eco-friendly than Freezer Paper.

How does Freezer Paper prevent freezer burn?

Freezer Paper has a plastic-coated side that shields food from moisture and air, preventing freezer burn.

What is Butcher Paper primarily used for?

It's used mainly for wrapping meat and can be used for crafting and barbecuing.

Can Freezer Paper be used for crafting?

Yes, Freezer Paper is popular among quilters for tracing patterns.

Is the shiny side of Freezer Paper the one with plastic coating?

Yes, the shiny side of Freezer Paper is plastic-coated.

Can I use Butcher Paper in the freezer?

While possible, Butcher Paper is not as effective as Freezer Paper in preventing freezer burn.

Are both papers safe for direct food contact?

Yes, both Butcher Paper and Freezer Paper are safe for direct food contact.

Do butchers typically use Freezer Paper?

Butchers often prefer Butcher Paper for wrapping fresh meats, while Freezer Paper is more for long-term storage.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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