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Armory vs. Armoury — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 12, 2024
An armory is a facility for storing arms and military equipment, often used in the U.S., whereas an armoury is the British spelling, also denoting a place for arms storage or a collection of arms.
Armory vs. Armoury — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Armory and Armoury


Key Differences

An armory traditionally refers to a place where weapons and military equipment are stored. These facilities are often associated with the military or law enforcement agencies, serving as a depot for the storage and maintenance of arms. On the other hand, an armoury, primarily used in British English, holds the same function but carries the distinct British spelling, reflecting the linguistic differences between American and British English.
While the term armory is prevalent in American English, it also denotes a building used for the training of military personnel, besides storing arms and equipment. Armoury, in the context of British English, can similarly encompass facilities used for the training and drilling of soldiers, emphasizing the multifunctional nature of these establishments in both linguistic contexts.
Armories in the United States can also serve as community centers or venues for events, showcasing their versatility beyond military uses. Conversely, armouries in the UK and other Commonwealth countries might similarly function as cultural or community hubs, hosting events and activities that engage the broader public.
The word armory, in a broader sense, can extend to a collection of weapons or a metaphorical arsenal of resources. Similarly, an armoury can refer to a personal collection of arms, used in a historical or hobbyist context, underscoring the term's adaptability in describing collections of weapons or resources.
Despite the primary focus on military and defense applications, both armory and armoury can metaphorically describe a source of strength or a collection of valuable assets in non-military contexts, illustrating the terms' flexibility and broader applicability in the English language.

Comparison Chart


"Armory" is the preferred spelling in American English.
"Armoury" is the preferred spelling in British English and other Commonwealth nations.


Used to denote a place for storing weapons and military equipment, as well as a facility for military training.
Similarly denotes a storage place for arms and equipment, and can also be used for military training.

Additional Meanings

Can refer to a collection of weapons or a metaphorical arsenal of resources.
Also may refer to a personal or historical collection of arms, or metaphorically, a resource arsenal.

Non-Military Uses

Can describe buildings used as community centers or event venues.
May also describe buildings serving as cultural or community centers.


Often used in military, law enforcement, and civilian contexts within the U.S.
Commonly used in military, historical, and civilian contexts within the UK and Commonwealth.

Compare with Definitions


A facility for storing arms and military equipment.
The national guard's armory is located on the outskirts of the city.


A British English term for a facility storing arms.
The ancient castle's armoury contains a vast collection of medieval weapons.


A metaphorical arsenal of resources.
The team's armory of skills made them unbeatable.


A personal collection of arms.
His personal armoury was filled with antique firearms.


A place for military training.
The recruits assembled in the armory for their basic training.


A place for the drilling of soldiers.
The troops were trained in the armoury before deployment.


A community center or event venue.
The local armory is hosting a charity event this weekend.


A metaphorical resource arsenal.
The writer's armoury of words was impressive.


A collection of weapons.
The museum's armory includes weapons from the Civil War.


A cultural or community hub.
The historic armoury now serves as a community arts center.


A storehouse for arms; an arsenal.




A building for storing arms and military equipment, especially one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.


A place where arms are kept, an arsenal.


An arms factory.


A collection of weapons and materiel.


Standard spelling of armoury


A place where arms are made.


A place where arms and instruments of war are deposited for safe keeping.


The manufacture of armour and arms; arming, armouring.


Armor; defensive and offensive arms.
Celestial armory, shields, helms, and spears.


A collection of resources.


A manufactory of arms, as rifles, muskets, pistols, bayonets, swords.


All the weapons and equipment that a country has.


Ensigns armorial; armorial bearings.


A military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms.


That branch of heraldry which treats of coat armor.
The science of heraldry, or, more justly speaking, armory, which is but one branch of heraldry, is, without doubt, of very ancient origin.


A place where arms are manufactured.


A collection of resources;
He dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer


A collection of resources;
He dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer


All the weapons and equipment that a country has


All the weapons and equipment that a country has


A military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms


A military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms


A place where arms are manufactured


A place where arms are manufactured

Common Curiosities

Can an armory be used for non-military purposes?

Yes, armories can serve as community centers or venues for events, showcasing their versatility beyond military uses.

What is an armory?

An armory is a facility for storing arms and military equipment, often associated with the military or law enforcement, and can also serve as a place for military training or a community center.

What does armoury mean?

Armoury refers to a place where arms and military equipment are stored, primarily in British English, and can also denote a facility for military training or a collection of weapons.

Are armory and armoury interchangeable?

While armory and armoury have the same functions, their usage depends on the regional spelling preference, with "armory" being American English and "armoury" British English.

What can be found in an armoury?

An armoury typically houses weapons, military equipment, and can also be a place for the training and drilling of soldiers.

Can armory refer to a personal collection of weapons?

Yes, armory can extend to a personal or historical collection of weapons, not limited to military or law enforcement contexts.

How is armoury used in a historical context?

In a historical context, an armoury can refer to a storeroom for arms in castles or fortresses, or a collection of historical weapons.

How does the role of an armory in community engagement differ in the U.S.?

In the U.S., armories often play a significant role in community engagement by serving as venues for various events and activities.

What is the significance of an armoury in a castle?

In a castle, an armoury is crucial for housing the defensive and offensive weapons, reflecting the historical military importance of the structure.

Can the term armory be used metaphorically?

Yes, armory can be used metaphorically to describe a source of strength or a collection of valuable assets.

How do armory and armoury reflect cultural differences?

The terms reflect the cultural and linguistic differences between American and British English, while maintaining similar functions and significances.

What other functions can an armoury have?

Beyond storing weapons, armouries can function as cultural or community hubs, hosting events and activities.

Is the use of armoury limited to military contexts in British English?

While commonly used in military contexts, armoury can also be used metaphorically or to describe historical collections of arms.

Is the spelling difference between armory and armoury significant?

The spelling difference is not significant in terms of function but reflects the linguistic distinction between American and British English.

Can the term armory apply to non-physical collections?

Yes, armory can refer to non-physical collections, such as a metaphorical arsenal of skills or resources.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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