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Add vs. Addition — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on May 8, 2024
To add is a verb meaning to combine or increase amounts, while addition is a noun that refers to the process of adding or the result of combining things.
Add vs. Addition — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Add and Addition


Key Differences

To add is an action verb describing the process of combining numbers or items, whereas addition is a noun that represents either the process of adding or something new that has been added.
To add can be used in different contexts, from mathematics to cooking, while addition primarily denotes the mathematical operation, the incorporation of new features, or an extra part of something.
To add is a flexible term that can be used with different direct objects (e.g., adding numbers or ingredients), whereas addition is more abstract and encompasses a broader concept.
To add focuses on the present action of combining items, while addition can also refer to something already done, like a new room added to a house or an enhancement to a collection.
To add can imply increasing or improving by including more, whereas addition emphasizes the completed result of that increase.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech



To combine or increase by joining
The process or result of adding

Usage Context

Action, immediate
Conceptual, result-oriented

Mathematical Meaning

To sum two or more numbers
The arithmetic operation of summing

Example Usage

"Add sugar to the recipe"
"The addition to our team is helpful"

Compare with Definitions


To put together to create a whole.
Add the eggs and sugar to the flour mixture.


The act or process of adding things together.
The addition of new software streamlined our workflow.


To contribute more to an existing amount.
His achievements add value to the organization.


Arithmetic summing of values.
The teacher explained how addition works with whole numbers.


To include as part of something larger.
Add more examples to the report for clarity.


Something included to augment existing components.
The recent addition to the document clarified our goals.


To improve by providing additional input.
This feature will add to the software's usability.


New elements added to a set or group.
The addition of new staff members increased productivity.


To perform an arithmetic operation to sum values.
Add 5 and 7 to get 12.


An extra part or enhancement added to something.
The new addition to the house has a sunroom.


Join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount
A new wing was added to the building
Some box offices now add on a convenience charge


Addition (usually signified by the plus symbol +) is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, the other three being subtraction, multiplication and division. The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount or sum of those values combined.


Put in (an additional element, ingredient, etc.)
Chlorine is added to the water to kill bacteria


The action or process of adding something to something else
The hotel has been extended with the addition of more rooms


Put together (two or more numbers or amounts) to calculate their total value
Add the two numbers together
They added all the figures up


The process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts
She began with simple arithmetic, addition and then subtraction


Say as a further remark
We would like to add our congratulations
‘I hope we haven't been too much trouble,’ she added politely


The operation that, for positive integers, consists of increasing by a definite number of increments of 1. The operation is extended to other numbers according to the additive properties of positive integers and other algebraic properties.


To join or combine (numbers) through addition
If you add 5 and 10 and 17, the result is 32. If you add 6 to 8, you get 14.


Any of certain analogous operations involving mathematical objects other than numbers.


To join or unite so as to increase in size, quantity, quality, or scope
Added 12 inches to the deck.
Flowers that added beauty to the dinner table.


The process of adding or joining something to something else, typically to make it larger
The addition of a porch to the house would increase its resale value.


To say or write further.


Something added
This painting would make a fine addition to the museum's collection.


To find a sum in arithmetic.


(uncountable) The act of adding anything.
The addition of five more items to the agenda will make the meeting unbearably long.


To constitute an addition
An exploit that will add to her reputation.


Anything that is added.


To create or make an addition
Gradually added to my meager savings.


(uncountable) The arithmetic operation of adding.


(transitive) To join or unite (e.g. one thing to another, or as several particulars) so as to increase the number, augment the quantity, or enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate.


(music) A dot at the right side of a note as an indication that its sound is to be lengthened one half.


To sum up; to put together mentally; to add up.
To add numbers


A title annexed to a person's name to identify him or her more precisely.


(transitive) To combine elements of (something) into one quantity.
To add a column of numbers


(heraldry) Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honour.


(transitive) To give by way of increased possession (to someone); to bestow (on).


The act of adding two or more things together; - opposed to subtraction or diminution.


(transitive) To append (e.g. a statement); to say further information; to add on.


Anything added; increase; augmentation; as, a piazza is an addition to a building.


(intransitive) To make an addition; to augment; to increase; to add on.
It adds to our anxiety.


That part of arithmetic which treats of adding numbers.


To perform the arithmetical operation of addition.
He adds rapidly.


A dot at the right side of a note as an indication that its sound is to be lengthened one half.


To summon minions or reinforcements.
Typically, a hostile mob will add whenever it's within the aggro radius of a player.


A title annexed to a man's name, to identify him more precisely; as, John Doe, Esq.; Richard Roe, Gent.; Robert Dale, Mason; Thomas Way, of New York; a mark of distinction; a title.


(radio) The addition of a song to a station's playlist.


Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honor; - opposed to abatement.


(computer science) An act or instance of adding.


A component that is added to something to improve it;
The addition of a bathroom was a major improvement
The addition of cinammon improved the flavor


(video games) An additional enemy that joins a fight after the primary target.
When the player has fought the boss for one minute, two adds will arrive from the back and must be dealt with.


The act of adding one thing to another;
The addition of flowers created a pleasing effect
The addition of a leap day every four years


To give by way of increased possession (to any one); to bestow (on).
The Lord shall add to me another son.


A quantity that is added;
There was an addition to property taxes this year
They recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks


To join or unite, as one thing to another, or as several particulars, so as to increase the number, augment the quantity, enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate. Hence: To sum up; to put together mentally; as, to add numbers; to add up a column.
Back to thy punishment,False fugitive, and to thy speed add wings.
As easily as he can add together the ideas of two days or two years.


Something added to what you already have;
The librarian shelved the new accessions
He was a new addition to the staff


To append, as a statement; to say further.
He added that he would willingly consent to the entire abolition of the tax.


A suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area


To make an addition. To add to, to augment; to increase; as, it adds to our anxiety.


The arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers;
The summation of four and three gives seven
Four plus three equals seven


To perform the arithmetical operation of addition; as, he adds rapidly.


A condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders


Make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, zise or scope of;
We added two students to that dorm room
She added a personal note to her letter
Add insult to injury
Add some extra plates to the dinner table


State or say further;
`It doesn't matter,' he supplied


Bestow a quality on;
Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
The music added a lot to the play
She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings
This adds a light note to the program


Make an addition by combining numbers;
Add 27 and 49, please!


Determine the sum of;
Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town


Constitute an addition;
This paper will add to her reputation

Common Curiosities

What does it mean to add something?

Adding means to combine or increase by joining different items together.

What is the mathematical meaning of addition?

Addition is the arithmetic operation of summing two or more values.

Is 'addition' only used for numbers?

No, it also applies to including new members, parts, or improvements.

Is there a difference between adding and addition?

Yes, adding is a verb indicating an action, while addition is a noun that refers to the result or process of that action.

What other synonyms are similar to 'add'?

Combine, include, and integrate are related terms that mean adding.

Can you add something intangible?

Yes, intangible items like value or experience can be added.

Does addition always imply something positive?

Not necessarily; addition might refer to anything that increases the amount, whether positive or negative.

What is an example of addition in construction?

An additional room or structure built onto an existing building is an example.

Can 'add' be used outside of mathematics?

Yes, it can refer to joining or incorporating items in non-mathematical contexts like recipes.

How do 'add' and 'addition' relate to computer programming?

'Add' might mean including a value or function, while 'addition' could refer to new features added to the software.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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