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Ambition vs. Goal — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 4, 2023
Ambition refers to the strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction, while a Goal is a specific, measurable target or outcome one intends to achieve.
Ambition vs. Goal — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Ambition and Goal


Key Differences

Nature: Ambition is a strong inner desire to achieve something in life; it's more about the feeling or drive. Goal, on the other hand, is a clear, specific target or milestone that an individual or organization aspires to achieve.
Duration: Ambition often has a long-term perspective, and it may remain unchanged over a long period. A Goal can be short-term or long-term but typically has a definite timeframe attached to it.
Specificity: While Ambition is often broad and general, like wanting to be successful, a Goal is typically precise, like aiming to achieve a specific position in a company by a certain age.
Measurability: Goals are usually measurable and specific, allowing one to track progress and know when they are achieved. Ambition, being more abstract, isn't something you can easily measure or quantify.
Change: Ambitions fuel an individual's journey throughout life and might evolve but remain consistent in nature. Goals can be achieved, modified, replaced, or abandoned based on circumstances.

Comparison Chart


A strong desire for achievement or distinction.
A specific, measurable target or endpoint to achieve.


Abstract, often long-term desire or aspiration.
Concrete, often has specific steps and timeframe.


Can be ongoing, without a defined endpoint.
Typically has a clear endpoint or deadline.


Difficult to measure, subjective.
Can be clearly measured and assessed.


Wanting to be successful in one's career.
Completing a project by the end of the month.

Compare with Definitions


The object or goal of an endeavor.
Becoming a lawyer was his primary Ambition.


An objective or aim toward which efforts are directed.
The team's Goal was to win the championship.


Personal motivation or aspiration.
With sheer Ambition, he overcame numerous challenges.


The end toward which effort or ambition is directed.
His main Goal in life was to help others.


A strong desire to achieve something or become successful.
His Ambition was to become a renowned author.


A specific target or result one aims to achieve.
Her Goal was to complete the marathon in under 4 hours.


An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power.


The result or achievement toward which effort is directed.
Reaching the summit was his ultimate Goal.


The object or goal desired
Her ambition is the presidency.


A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve. People endeavour to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.


Desire for exertion or activity; energy
Had no ambition to go dancing.


The object toward which an endeavor is directed; an end.


Eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor, superiority, political power, or fame; desire to distinguish one's self from other people.
My son, John, wants to be a firefighter very much. He has a lot of ambition.


A structure or area into which players endeavor to propel a ball or puck in order to score points.


(countable) An object of an ardent desire.
My ambition is to own a helicopter.


A play or shot that sends a ball or puck into or through the goal.


A desire, as in (sense 1), for another person to achieve these things.


The score awarded for such an act.


(uncountable) A personal quality similar to motivation, not necessarily tied to a single goal.


The finish line of a race.


(obsolete) The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of desire; canvassing.


A noun or noun phrase referring to the place to which something moves.


To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet.


See patient.


The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of desire; canvassing.
[I] used no ambition to commend my deeds.


A result that one is attempting to achieve.
My lifelong goal is to get into a Hollywood movie.
She failed in her goal to become captain of the team.


An eager, and sometimes an inordinate, desire for preferment, honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something.
Cromwell, I charge thee, fling a way ambition:By that sin fell the angels.
The pitiful ambition of possessing five or six thousand more acres.


(sport) In many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object.


To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet.
Pausanias, ambitioning the sovereignty of Greece, bargains with Xerxes for his daughter in marriage.


(sport) The act of placing the object into the goal.


A cherished desire;
His ambition is to own his own business


A point scored in a game as a result of placing the object into the goal.


A strong drive for success


A noun or noun phrase that receives the action of a verb. The subject of a passive verb or the direct object of an active verb. Also called a patient, target, or undergoer.


Have as one's ambition


To score a goal.


A determination to succeed, regardless of challenges.
His Ambition pushed him to continue even when things were tough.


The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the constestants run, or from which they start to return to it again; the place at which a race or a journey is to end.
Part curb their fiery steeds, or shun the goalWith rapid wheels.


The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain.
Each individual seeks a several goal.


A base, station, or bound used in various games as the point or object which a team must reach in order to score points; in certain games, the point which the ball or puck must pass in order for points to be scored. In football, it is a line between two posts across which the ball must pass in order to score points; in soccer or ice hockey, it is a net at each end of the soccer field into which the soccer ball or hocjey puck must be propelled; in basketball, it is the basket{7} suspended from the backboard, through which the basketball must pass.


The act or instance of propelling the ball or puck into or through the goal{3}, thus scoring points; as, to score a goal.


The state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it;
The ends justify the means


A successful attempt at scoring;
The winning goal came with less than a minute left to play


Game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points


The place designated as the end (as of a race or journey);
A crowd assembled at the finish
He was nearly exhuasted as their destination came into view


A point scored in a game or match.
She scored the winning Goal in the final minute.

Common Curiosities

Can you have multiple Goals for one Ambition?

Absolutely, one Ambition, like becoming fit, can have multiple Goals such as losing weight or running a marathon.

Why is Ambition important?

Ambition can provide direction, purpose, and motivation in one's life or career.

How is Ambition viewed in society?

Typically, Ambition is viewed positively as it indicates drive and determination, but excessive Ambition might be seen as greed or obsession.

Can an Ambition be a Goal?

Ambition can lead to setting goals, but they aren't the same; Ambition is broader while a Goal is specific.

Is Ambition always positive?

While Ambition is often seen as a positive drive, excessive Ambition can lead to negative behaviors or outcomes.

Is Ambition innate or cultivated?

While some might have a natural inclination towards Ambition, experiences and environment also play roles in cultivating it.

Is it necessary to have Ambition to set Goals?

No, Goals can be set without overarching Ambitions. They can be standalone targets.

What is the main difference between Ambition and Goal?

Ambition is the desire or drive to achieve something, while a Goal is a specific target or milestone one aims for.

Do all Goals arise from Ambitions?

No, some Goals are set due to external factors or requirements and might not be tied to personal Ambitions.

Can Goals change?

Yes, Goals can be modified based on changing circumstances or priorities.

How do you measure the success of a Goal?

Goals are often measurable and specific, so success is usually determined by achieving the set criteria.

How does Ambition relate to motivation?

Ambition can be a source of motivation, pushing an individual to strive and achieve.

Can a person have Ambition but no Goals?

Yes, someone might have a general desire or drive (Ambition) without setting specific Goals.

What's a short-term Goal example?

An example is aiming to read a book within a month.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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