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Adhere vs. Obey — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 19, 2024
Adhere refers to sticking firmly to a surface or maintaining loyalty to a principle; obey involves following orders or complying with laws or commands.
Adhere vs. Obey — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Adhere and Obey


Key Differences

Adhering implies a strong attachment or commitment, which can be literal, as substances sticking together, or figurative, such as upholding beliefs or agreements. Whereas obeying focuses specifically on the action of following directives or laws given by an authority. Adherence often suggests a voluntary choice to remain loyal or consistent, while obedience is more about submission to authority.
Adherence can occur in contexts like sticking to a diet, where personal commitment is key, demonstrating individual dedication and self-motivation. On the other hand, obedience is often seen in hierarchical structures, such as military or workplace environments, where following orders is crucial and typically mandated.
In legal contexts, adherence refers to following guidelines or standards, like adhering to safety protocols in construction; this suggests a commitment to maintaining certain practices. In contrast, obeying the law implies a mandatory compliance that is enforceable by legal authority, underscoring a more compulsory aspect.
Socially and culturally, adhering to traditions or norms reflects a community’s values and shared beliefs, indicating a collective agreement and personal choice. Obeying, however, might refer to complying with societal rules or expectations, often with a sense of necessity rather than voluntary agreement.
The nature of adherence allows for some degree of personal interpretation and flexibility in how principles or commitments are approached. However, obeying typically requires a stricter conformity to the specifics of instructions or legal statutes, highlighting a clear distinction in terms of personal autonomy.

Comparison Chart


Stick firmly to a surface or a principle
Follow orders or comply with laws


Often voluntary
Generally compulsory


Beliefs, commitments, practices
Commands, laws, authority directives

Key Connotation

Loyalty, consistency
Submission, compliance


Personal interpretation possible
Typically strict adherence required

Compare with Definitions


To stick fast or together by or as if by grasping, suction, or being glued.
Paint will not adhere well to a greasy surface.


To be governed or affected by a particular law or phenomenon.
The planet obeys the laws of physics.


To hold closely or firmly (to a belief or pursuit).
She adheres to the principles of veganism.


To act according to certain principles.
The device obeys the principles of thermodynamics.


To give support or maintain loyalty.
He adhered to his political party through various challenges.


To comply with or follow a rule, law, or instruction.
All participants must obey the rules of the game.


To carry out a plan, scheme, or operation without deviation.
The team adhered to the original strategy.


To submit to authority.
In that culture, children are expected to obey their elders.


To be devoted as a follower or supporter.
Adhering to traditional customs, the villagers celebrate the festival annually.


To follow the commands or guidance of.
The recruits were trained to obey their commanders without question.


To stick fast to something; stay attached
Glue makes the wallpaper adhere to the wall.


To carry out or fulfill the command, order, or instruction of.


To remain devoted to or be in support of something
Adhered to her beliefs.


To carry out or comply with (a command, for example).


To carry out a plan, scheme, or operation without deviation
We will adhere to our plan.


To behave obediently.


To cause to adhere; make stick.


(transitive) To do as ordered by (a person, institution etc), to act according to the bidding of.


(intransitive) To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does; to become joined or united.
Wax adhered to his finger


(intransitive) To do as one is told.


To be attached or devoted by personal union, in belief, on principle, etc.


To be obedient, compliant (to a given law, restriction etc.).


To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree.


To give ear to; to execute the commands of; to yield submission to; to comply with the orders of.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord.
Was she the God, that her thou didst obey?


To affirm a judgment.


To submit to the authority of; to be ruled by.
My will obeyed his will.
Afric and India shall his power obey.


To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does; to become joined or united; as, wax to the finger; the lungs sometimes adhere to the pleura.


To yield to the impulse, power, or operation of; as, a ship obeys her helm.


To hold, be attached, or devoted; to remain fixed, either by personal union or conformity of faith, principle, or opinion; as, men adhere to a party, a cause, a leader, a church.


To give obedience.
Will he obey when one commands?
His servants ye are, to whom ye obey.
He commanded the trumpets to sound: to which the two brave knights obeying, they performed their courses.


To be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree.


Be obedient to


Be compatible or in accordance with;
You must adhere to the rules


Follow through or carry out a plan without deviation;
They adhered to their plan


Come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation;
The dress clings to her body
The label stuck to the box
The sushi rice grains cohere


Be a devoted follower or supporter;
The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism
She sticks to her principles


Be loyal to;
She stood by her husband in times of trouble
The friends stuck together through the war


Stick to firmly;
Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?

Common Curiosities

How does obeying differ from adhering?

Obeying involves compliance with orders or laws, typically under authority, while adhering is more about voluntarily maintaining loyalty or commitment.

Is adhering the same as agreeing?

Not exactly; adhering involves a deeper level of commitment or loyalty to an idea or cause, while agreeing can be more general and less involved.

What does it mean to adhere to something?

To adhere to something means to stick firmly to it, either literally like glue or figuratively like following a principle closely.

What are the consequences of not obeying?

Consequences can include legal penalties, disciplinary actions, or social disapproval, depending on the context and the nature of the disobedience.

Can lack of adherence lead to legal issues?

While not typically resulting in legal repercussions unless specific laws or contracts are involved, lack of adherence can lead to breaches of agreement or policy issues.

Can adherence involve flexibility?

Yes, adherence allows for some personal interpretation or adaptation, reflecting individual understanding and application of principles.

Can someone adhere to laws?

Yes, one can adhere to laws in the sense of consistently following them out of personal commitment, rather than mere obedience to authority.

Why is obedience important in societal context?

Obedience ensures order and the smooth functioning of legal and social structures, helping maintain safety and organizational effectiveness.

Is it possible to both adhere and obey simultaneously?

Yes, one can adhere to principles or commitments while also obeying laws or commands, integrating both loyalty and compliance.

How does one teach obedience and adherence?

Teaching obedience often involves setting clear rules and consequences, while fostering adherence can be more about instilling values and the significance of commitments.

How do cultural values influence adherence and obedience?

Cultural values can define what and how people choose to adhere to traditions or norms and the extent to which they obey laws and social rules.

What role does leadership play in adherence and obedience?

Effective leadership can inspire adherence to shared goals and ensure obedience through respect and authority.

How do companies ensure employees adhere to policies?

Companies use training, clear communication, and enforcement mechanisms to ensure employees adhere to workplace policies.

What is the psychological basis of obedience?

Psychological theories suggest that obedience to authority stems from upbringing, socialization, and sometimes the perceived legitimacy of the authority.

How are new societal norms of adherence and obedience established?

New norms are often established through changes in laws, cultural shifts, and influential leadership, gradually leading to widespread acceptance and compliance.

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Author Spotlight

Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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