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Besides vs. Beyond — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 6, 2024
"Besides" implies addition or inclusion, used to introduce additional points or alternatives, while "beyond" refers to something that exceeds or lies outside of established limits.
Besides vs. Beyond — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Besides and Beyond


Key Differences

"Besides" is used to add information to a discussion, indicating inclusion or an alternative aspect, such as in "Besides the main points, we should consider the budget implications." On the other hand, "beyond" conveys a sense of extending past limits or ranges, often used to describe something that is outside the scope or exceeds expectations, like "The results went beyond all predictions."
In language usage, "besides" can serve as a preposition or a conjunction, typically introducing something additional or supplementary to what has already been mentioned. Whereas, "beyond" is used primarily as a preposition or adverb, focusing on spatial, temporal, or metaphorical extension past a certain point.
"Besides" often introduces exceptions or additions in arguments or discussions, helping to broaden the scope by including more information or alternatives. Conversely, "beyond" is frequently used to emphasize the surpassing of norms, boundaries, or limits, whether they be physical, metaphorical, or abstract.
The phrase "besides that" is commonly used to append minor points or less central information to the main discussion. In contrast, "beyond this" often sets the stage for discussing phenomena or ideas that are out of the ordinary range or understanding, pushing the boundaries of what is considered normal or expected.
While "besides" integrates elements into a conversation or narrative that might be considered peripheral but still related, "beyond" often deals with elements that are not just peripheral but distinctly separate or in a different category altogether, such as exploring topics that go beyond the current scope of study.

Comparison Chart


Adds additional information or alternatives
Indicates exceeding limits or extending past a point

Part of Speech

Preposition or conjunction
Preposition or adverb

Usage in Sentences

"Besides the cost, we need to consider the time."
"His influence extends beyond the local community."

Contextual Meaning

Inclusion, addition
Exceeding, surpassing, outside of

Common Phrases

"besides that," "besides which"
"beyond this," "beyond measure," "beyond comparison"

Compare with Definitions


Moreover; furthermore.
Besides, we need to consider the team's morale.


Outside the understanding, limits, or scope of.
The concept was beyond the understanding of the young students.


In addition to; also.
Besides basketball, she also excels in volleyball.


To a degree or amount greater than; more than.
His enthusiasm went beyond mere interest; it was a passion.


To say nothing of; not to mention.
The trip is too expensive, besides being too long.


Out of the reach or scope of.
The situation is beyond our control now.


Apart from; except.
There is no one here besides me.


On the far side of; past.
The farm is just beyond the river.


Used to introduce an additional and emphatic point.
You shouldn't go, and besides, it's too late now.


To a degree that is past the understanding, reach, or scope of.
Her success was beyond what anyone expected.


In addition to; apart from
I have no other family besides my parents
Besides being a player, he was my friend


On the far side of; past
Just beyond the fence.


In addition; as well
I'm capable of doing the work, and a lot more besides


Later than; after
Beyond midnight.


In addition; also
I could smell the ocean, some pine trees, and something else besides.


To a degree that is past the understanding, reach, or scope of
An evil beyond remedy.


Moreover; furthermore
I'm too tired to go for a walk. Besides, it's raining.


To a degree or amount greater than
Rich beyond his wildest dreams.


Otherwise; else
Has been to Mexico but nowhere besides.


In addition to
Asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet.


In addition to
She was given a scholarship besides the award.


Farther along or away.


Except for; other than
No one besides the owner could control the angry dog.


In addition; more
Wanted her share but nothing beyond.


In addition, in addition to.


That which is past or to a degree greater than knowledge or experience; the unknown
"Sputnik, the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space" (Dale Russakoff).


Other than; except for; instead of.
I don't want to go anywhere besides India.


The world beyond death; the hereafter.


(obsolete) Beside.


Further away than.


(conjunctive) Also; in addition.


On the far side of.
No swimming beyond this point.


(conjunctive) Used to emphasize an additional point, especially an important or stronger reason; moreover; furthermore.
I don't feel like going out tonight. Besides, I have to work tomorrow morning anyway.


Later than; after.


Otherwise; else.
I have been to Spain but nowhere besides.


Greater than; so as to exceed or surpass.
Your staff went beyond my expectations in refunding my parking ticket.


(obsolete) On one side.


In addition to; supplementing.
She had no reason for the conviction beyond the very inadequate one that she had seen him around London.


On one side.


Past, or out of reach of.
You won't last beyond my first punch.
The patient was beyond medical help.


More than that; over and above; not included in the number, or in what has been mentioned; moreover; in addition.
The men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides ?
To all beside, as much an empty shade,An Eugene living, as a Cæsar dead.


(figurative) Not within the comprehension of.
He understood geometry well, but algebraic topology was beyond him.


Over and above; separate or distinct from; in addition to; other than; else than. See Beside, prep., 3, and Syn. under Beside.
Besides your cheer, you shall have sport.


Farther along or away.
Next year and beyond.


Making an additional point; anyway;
I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it
She couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her


In addition; more.


In addition;
He has a Mercedes, too


(informal) extremely, more than


The unknown.


The hereafter.


Something that is far beyond.


On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than.
Beyond that flaming hill.


At a place or time not yet reached; before.
A thing beyond us, even before our death.


Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength.


In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind.
Beyond any of the great men of my country.
That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter.


Further away; at a distance; yonder.
Lo, where beyond he lyeth languishing.


Farther along in space or time or degree;
Through the valley and beyond
To the eighth grade but not beyond
Will be influential in the 1990s and beyond


On the farther side from the observer;
A pond with a hayfield beyond


In addition;
Agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond

Common Curiosities

Is "besides" used in formal writing?

Yes, "besides" is appropriate in both formal and informal contexts to add points or alternatives.

How does "besides" differ from "beside"?

"Besides" means 'in addition to' or 'also', while "beside" means 'next to'.

What contexts are suitable for using "beyond"?

"Beyond" is suitable for discussing limits, extents, and capacities in various contexts.

What is the primary use of "besides" in a sentence?

"Besides" is primarily used to introduce additional information or considerations.

What does it mean when something is described as "beyond belief"?

It means something is so extreme that it is hard to believe.

Can "beyond" imply advancement or progress?

Yes, it can imply advancement or reaching new levels or stages beyond current norms.

How do "besides" and "including" differ?

"Besides" adds non-essential, often supplementary information, while "including" is used to specify essential elements as part of a larger group.

Can "beyond" be used in terms of time?

Yes, "beyond" can refer to time, suggesting a point in time further than a specific moment.

Is "beyond" ever used figuratively?

Yes, it is often used figuratively to describe concepts or qualities that are extraordinarily beyond the usual scope.

How can "besides" enhance a conversation?

It can make discussions more comprehensive by introducing additional viewpoints or considerations.

How does the meaning of "beyond" change in philosophical texts?

In philosophy, it often deals with concepts that are beyond the physical, observable world, suggesting metaphysical realms or ideas.

What's the difference between "beyond" and "above"?

"Beyond" often indicates something further or more extensive, while "above" refers to a higher position physically or hierarchically.

Is "besides" suitable for arguing a point?

Yes, it can effectively introduce additional arguments or reinforce a point by adding supplementary information.

What implications does "beyond" have in scientific contexts?

It often denotes phenomena or theories that extend past known or accepted boundaries.

Can "beyond" express a metaphorical distance?

Yes, it can metaphorically describe concepts that are far removed from what is common or expected.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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