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Accentuate vs. Attenuate — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 8, 2024
Accentuate means to make more noticeable or prominent, while attenuate involves reducing in force, effect, or value.
Accentuate vs. Attenuate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Accentuate and Attenuate


Key Differences

Accentuate refers to emphasizing or highlighting a feature, characteristic, or aspect, making it more apparent or distinguished. This can apply to physical attributes, flavors, sounds, or even abstract qualities. On the other hand, attenuate means to lessen the intensity, magnitude, or value of something, which can apply to sounds, light, effects, or feelings, making them weaker or diluted.
In the realm of fashion and aesthetics, to accentuate is to draw attention to a particular area or feature, using colors, shapes, or accessories. For instance, a belt can accentuate the waistline. Whereas, in the same realm, attenuation might refer to using softer colors or looser clothing to lessen the emphasis on body shapes, making certain features less noticeable.
In music and audio, accentuating could involve boosting certain frequencies or dynamics to make a part of the music stand out more. This could be done through equalization or mixing techniques. Conversely, attenuating in this context would mean reducing certain frequencies or the overall volume to ensure balance or to blend a sound more smoothly into the mix.
With regard to language and communication, to accentuate a point might mean to use stronger words, repetition, or vocal emphasis to make it more compelling or to ensure it is noticed by the audience. Attenuating a statement, on the other hand, would involve softening its impact, perhaps by choosing less forceful words or by qualifying the statement to make it less direct or less likely to provoke a strong reaction.
In the context of flavors and cooking, chefs might accentuate the taste of a dish with spices or herbs to make it more vibrant and appealing. In contrast, they might attenuate overly strong flavors with ingredients like dairy or starches to achieve a more balanced and palatable dish.

Comparison Chart


To make more noticeable or prominent
To reduce in force, effect, or value

Application Examples

Fashion, music, language
Sound engineering, cooking, communication


Highlighting, emphasizing
Reducing, diluting


Not typically measured; qualitative
Can be measured (e.g., decibels for sound)

Desired Outcome

Increased visibility or emphasis
Decreased intensity or prominence

Compare with Definitions


Stressing important points in a speech.
The speaker accentuated the benefits of the proposal.


Softening the impact of a statement.
The politician attenuated his criticism with a compliment.


Highlighting facial features with makeup.
Eyeliner can accentuate the eyes, making them appear larger.


Diminishing the brightness of lights.
The dimmer was used to attenuate the lighting for a cozy atmosphere.


Enhancing the flavor of a dish.
Lemon zest can accentuate the freshness of seafood.


Decreasing the strength of a signal.
The signal was attenuated by the long cable, reducing its quality.


Emphasizing a musical phrase.
The guitarist accentuated the solo by increasing the volume.


Lowering the intensity of a flavor.
Cream is often added to attenuate the spiciness of a dish.


Drawing attention to a piece of art.
A spotlight can accentuate the colors in a painting.


Reducing the volume of background music.
The audio engineer attenuated the music during the dialogue scenes.


Make more noticeable or prominent
His jacket unfortunately accentuated his paunch


To make slender, fine, or small
The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel.


To stress or emphasize; intensify
"land-reform plans that accentuated the already chaotic pattern of landholding" (James Fallows).


To reduce in force, value, amount, or degree; weaken
Medicine attenuated the fever's effect.


To pronounce with a stress or accent.


To lessen the density of; rarefy.


To mark with an accent.


(Biology) To make (bacteria or viruses) less virulent.


(transitive) To pronounce with an accent or vocal stress.


(Electronics) To reduce (the amplitude of an electrical signal) with little or no distortion.


(transitive) To bring out distinctly; to make more noticeable or prominent; to emphasize.


To become thin, weak, or fine.


(transitive) To mark with a written accent.


Reduced or weakened, as in strength, value, or virulence.


To pronounce with an accent or with accents.


(Botany) Gradually tapering to a slender point.


To bring out distinctly; to make prominent; to emphasize.
In Bosnia, the struggle between East and West was even more accentuated.


(transitive) To reduce in size, force, value, amount, or degree.


To mark with the written accent.


(transitive) To make thinner, as by physically reshaping, starving, or decaying.


To stress, single out as important;
Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet


(intransitive) To become thin or fine; to grow less.


Put stress on; utter with an accent;
In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word


(transitive) To weaken.


(transitive) To rarefy.


To reduce the virulence of a bacterium or virus.


To reduce the amplitude of an electrical, radio, or optical signal.


(brewing) of a beer To become less dense as a result of the conversion of sugar to alcohol.


Gradually tapering into a petiole-like extension toward the base.


To make thin or slender, as by mechanical or chemical action upon inanimate objects, or by the effects of starvation, disease, etc., upon living bodies.


To make thin or less consistent; to render less viscid or dense; to rarefy. Specifically: To subtilize, as the humors of the body, or to break them into finer parts.


To lessen the amount, force, or value of; to make less complex; to weaken.
To undersell our rivals . . . has led the manufacturer to . . . attenuate his processes, in the allotment of tasks, to an extreme point.
We may reject and reject till we attenuate history into sapless meagerness.


To become thin, slender, or fine; to grow less; to lessen.
The attention attenuates as its sphere contracts.


Made thin or slender.


Made thin or less viscid; rarefied.


Weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance)


Become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude


Reduced in strength;
The faded tones of an old recording

Common Curiosities

Can attenuation apply to physical sensations?

Yes, physical sensations like pain or temperature can be attenuated or lessened.

What does it mean to accentuate something?

To make a feature or quality more noticeable or prominent.

Is accentuating always deliberate?

While it can be accidental, accentuating is often a deliberate act to draw attention to something.

How is attenuation measured in audio?

It is often measured in decibels (dB), indicating the reduction in sound level.

Why might someone want to attenuate a flavor?

To achieve a more balanced and enjoyable taste profile, especially if an ingredient is overpowering.

What is an example of attenuation in communication?

Softening a critique by using gentler language or providing context to lessen its impact.

Can accentuating apply to negative aspects?

Yes, accentuating can highlight both positive and negative aspects, making them more apparent.

Can foods be attenuated?

Yes, strong or overpowering flavors in food can be attenuated with other ingredients to balance the taste.

Do accentuation and attenuation apply in visual arts?

Yes, artists can accentuate certain elements through contrast or focus, while attenuating others by blending or softening.

How do writers accentuate themes in literature?

Through repetition, imagery, and emphasis on certain plot points or characters to make themes more prominent.

Can technology be used to attenuate sounds?

Yes, noise-canceling headphones use technology to attenuate ambient sounds.

Is it possible to both accentuate and attenuate in the same context?

Yes, for example, in music production, certain frequencies may be accentuated while others are attenuated for balance.

Can accentuating affect perception?

Yes, accentuating certain aspects can significantly alter perception, focusing attention on specific details.

How does fashion utilize accentuation?

Fashion uses colors, patterns, and designs to accentuate body features or personal style.

What role does attenuation play in safety equipment?

Safety equipment, like earplugs, attenuates harmful sound levels to protect hearing.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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