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Windows Pro N vs. Windows Pro — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 6, 2023
Windows Pro N is a version of Windows without media-related technologies, while Windows Pro is a full-featured professional edition including all media-related features.
Windows Pro N vs. Windows Pro — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Windows Pro N and Windows Pro


Key Differences

Windows Pro N is a unique edition that Microsoft developed in response to European regulations, lacking some media-related technologies. On the flip side, Windows Pro is a comprehensive version, encompassing all features without any omissions.
The most significant difference between Windows Pro N and Windows Pro is the absence of media features like Windows Media Player in the former. Such features come pre-installed and integrated in Windows Pro.
For those who might not require built-in media functionalities, Windows Pro N could be seen as a suitable alternative. However, Windows Pro is often preferred due to its all-inclusive nature and wide compatibility with various media formats.
It's worth noting that the "N" in Windows Pro N signifies its European origin, where it was crafted to comply with the European Commission's regulations. In contrast, Windows Pro is available worldwide and isn't subjected to such specific regional regulations.
While Windows Pro N might seem stripped down due to the omission of certain features, it offers similar performance, security, and management capabilities as Windows Pro. The primary divergence remains in the media domain.

Comparison Chart

Media Features

Lacks certain media-related technologies.
Includes all media-related features.


Developed for European market compliance.
Available globally without regional restrictions.


May need additional downloads for media playbacks.
Directly supports various media formats.

Edition Purpose

To satisfy European Commission regulations.
Standard professional edition for businesses.

Performance & Security

Comparable to other Windows editions.
Comprehensive features ensuring robust performance.

Compare with Definitions

Windows Pro N

An alternative for those not needing built-in media functions.
Many European enterprises opt for Windows Pro N for its streamlined feature set.

Windows Pro

Incorporates all media-related technologies.
With Windows Pro, users don't need additional media software for most formats.

Windows Pro N

Offers similar functionalities minus media capabilities.
Even without some media features, Windows Pro N delivers reliable performance.

Windows Pro

A full-featured, professional Windows edition.
Businesses often prefer Windows Pro for its comprehensive functionalities.

Windows Pro N

A Windows edition sans specific media features.
For regulatory compliance, European users might choose Windows Pro N.

Windows Pro

Globally available without regional restrictions.
Unlike its N counterpart, Windows Pro is accessible to users worldwide.

Windows Pro N

Windows version aligning with European Commission regulations.
Windows Pro N is tailored to adhere to specific European guidelines.

Windows Pro

Designed for businesses needing robust features.
For top-tier performance and security, companies lean towards Windows Pro.

Windows Pro N

Developed for the European market.
The absence of Windows Media Player in Windows Pro N differentiates it from other versions.

Windows Pro

A standard in professional Windows offerings.
The IT department installed Windows Pro on all corporate machines.

Common Curiosities

How is Windows Pro different?

Windows Pro is a comprehensive professional edition, including all media-related features and is available globally.

Why was Windows Pro N developed?

It was created in response to European Commission regulations concerning media playback functionalities.

Does Windows Pro N lack features?

It primarily omits certain media-related features, but retains most other functionalities.

Can I use Windows Pro N outside Europe?

Yes, but it's specifically tailored for European regulatory compliance.

Is Windows Pro available in Europe?

Yes, Windows Pro is available worldwide without regional restrictions.

Which edition is suitable for businesses?

Both are suitable, but Windows Pro offers a more comprehensive feature set.

Which one is more popular globally?

Windows Pro, due to its all-inclusive nature and global availability.

What is Windows Pro N?

It's a Windows edition without certain media-related technologies, crafted for European market compliance.

Do I need extra software for media in Windows Pro N?

Yes, certain media functions might need additional downloads or software.

Is there a price difference between Windows Pro N and Windows Pro?

Pricing might vary based on region and vendor, but generally, the difference is minimal.

Is performance affected in Windows Pro N?

No, performance remains comparable to other editions, including Windows Pro.

Can I upgrade from Windows Pro N to Windows Pro?

Yes, upgrades can be done, but it might require purchasing a license for Windows Pro.

Is the security framework different in Windows Pro N?

No, both editions offer similar security features and updates.

Which version supports more media formats by default?

Windows Pro, as it includes all media-related technologies.

Are there other "N" versions of Windows?

Yes, other editions like Windows Home also have an "N" version for the European market.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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