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Will Be vs. Will Have — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 29, 2023
"Will Be" denotes a future state or action, while "Will Have" indicates possession or completion in the future.
Will Be vs. Will Have — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Will Be and Will Have


Key Differences

"Will Be" and "Will Have" are both constructs used to discuss future events in English, but they serve different grammatical and contextual purposes. "Will Be" specifically points to a future state or condition. For instance, when we say, "The meeting will be at 3 PM," we're setting a specific time for a future event. "Will Be" thus often pairs with a state or action that's expected to take place.
On the other hand, "Will Have" projects into the future to discuss something one will possess or an action that will be completed by a certain time. In the sentence, "By tomorrow, I will have finished the report," "Will Have" denotes a completion. The nuance here is of a future point where an action will have already occurred.
Moreover, while "Will Be" focuses on a particular state or condition that is expected, "Will Have" introduces a sense of forward-looking certainty about possession or conclusion. For instance, saying, "She will be tired after the hike," predicts a future condition, while, "She will have hiked 10 miles by then," emphasizes the accomplishment.
Lastly, when we think about them in a broader sense, "Will Be" paints a picture of the future, and "Will Have" captures the idea of a future snapshot looking back at something completed or acquired.

Comparison Chart

Grammatical Use

Future tense indicating a state or action
Future perfect tense indicating possession or completion


Denotes a forthcoming condition or act
Indicates a future point where something is done or owned

Time Frame

Discusses the future directly
Looks ahead to a future point, then looks back


The concert will be tomorrow
I will have bought the tickets by then

Typical Constructions

"will be" + [verb-ing/adjective]
"will have" + [past participle of a verb]

Compare with Definitions

Will Be

Predicts a forthcoming action or event.
He will be attending the conference next week.

Will Have

Points to the completion of a future action.
By 5 PM, he will have left the office.

Will Be

Describes a future state of being.
They will be happy to hear the news.

Will Have

Future tense indicating possession.
She will have a new car by then.

Will Be

Sets a future scenario or circumstance.
The store will be closed on Sunday.

Will Have

Refers to an anticipated accomplishment.
By next year, she will have graduated.

Will Be

Refers to a future occurrence.
The movie will be starting in 10 minutes.

Will Have

Expresses assurance about a future event's occurrence.
By the end of the week, we will have reached our goal.

Will Be

Future tense indicating a specific condition.
The sky will be clear tomorrow.

Will Have

Predicts a future scenario of having something.
They will have enough funds for the project.

Common Curiosities

Can "Will Be" predict future emotions?

Yes, like "She will be happy when she hears this."

What does "Will Be" generally indicate?

A future state or action.

Do both "Will Be" and "Will Have" refer to future events?

Yes, but in different ways.

Which is used for an action's completion in the future?

"Will Have."

How is "Will Have" used to indicate future accomplishments?

With past participles, as in "He will have finished his task."

Which indicates a direct future event?

"Will Be."

Can "Will Be" be followed by a verb?

Yes, usually in its "-ing" form.

How does "Will Have" discuss the future?

It denotes future possession or action completion.

Can "Will Be" indicate future locations?

Yes, like "The party will be at John's house."

How can "Will Have" be used for predictions?

As in "By 2025, we will have colonized Mars."

Is "Will Have" used for assurances?

Yes, it often gives a sense of certainty about the future.

How do you describe a future state of being?

Using "Will Be."

Does "Will Have" always indicate possession?

Not always, it can also indicate action completion.

In which can you emphasize an accomplishment?

In "Will Have" constructions.

Which expresses the idea of a future snapshot?

"Will Have."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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