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Vaseline vs. Petroleum Jelly — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 26, 2023
Vaseline is a brand of petroleum jelly, while petroleum jelly is the generic name for a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons.
Vaseline vs. Petroleum Jelly — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Vaseline and Petroleum Jelly


Key Differences

Vaseline is a specific brand that has become synonymous with the product it sells: petroleum jelly. Petroleum Jelly, on the other hand, is the actual product – a semi-solid hydrocarbon blend used for various skin care and medical purposes.
Vaseline has its origins dating back to the 1870s when Robert Chesebrough introduced the product as a healing ointment. Today, while many other companies produce their versions of Petroleum Jelly, the Vaseline brand remains one of the most recognized and widely used.
The primary component in Vaseline is Petroleum Jelly. In essence, when someone refers to Vaseline, they are often referring to the brand's specific formulation of petroleum jelly, which may have added ingredients for various specific product lines.
Petroleum Jelly has a myriad of uses, including moisturizing skin, aiding with minor cuts and burns, and serving as a barrier to external elements. Vaseline, being a brand of petroleum jelly, is used for these same purposes, often enhanced by additional ingredients such as aloe or cocoa butter in some of its product variations.
In essence, while Vaseline and Petroleum Jelly are often used interchangeably in conversation, the distinction lies in brand vs. product. Vaseline represents a particular brand's version of the universally known product, petroleum jelly.

Comparison Chart


A branded version of petroleum jelly.
A semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons.


Introduced by Robert Chesebrough in the 1870s.
Discovered as a residue in oil rigs in the 1850s.


Often specified by brand, e.g., "Vaseline lip balm".
Used generically, e.g., "a jar of petroleum jelly".


Comes in different variants with added ingredients.
Generally consistent in composition.

Primary Component

Petroleum Jelly.

Compare with Definitions


A brand name for petroleum jelly.
I always keep a small jar of Vaseline in my bag for chapped lips.

Petroleum Jelly

Often used as a base for many skin care products.
The lip balm has Petroleum Jelly as its primary ingredient.


A specific branded formulation of petroleum jelly.
While there are many brands on the shelf, I trust Vaseline the most.

Petroleum Jelly

Effective in sealing moisture into the skin.
For cracked heels, nothing works better than Petroleum Jelly.


Often infused with additional ingredients like aloe or cocoa butter.
I bought the Vaseline with cocoa butter for extra moisture.

Petroleum Jelly

Used to protect skin from chapping and drying.
Before going skiing, she applied Petroleum Jelly to her face.


Used for multiple purposes from cosmetic to medical.
When I got a minor burn, I applied Vaseline to soothe it.

Petroleum Jelly

Has a transparent or pale yellow hue.
The Petroleum Jelly in the jar has a slight yellowish tint.


A popular skin protectant and moisturizer.
My hands are dry; could you pass the Vaseline?

Petroleum Jelly

A semi-solid blend of hydrocarbons used as a skin moisturizer.
The doctor recommended using Petroleum Jelly on the dry patch of skin.


Petroleum jelly.


Any particular kind of petroleum jelly or of any similar lubricant.


(informal) Vaseline glass or the colouring used in making it.


To lubricate with vaseline.
Even at this late date, vaselining will preserve the best of these leathers.


A yellowish translucent substance, almost odorless and tasteless, obtained as a residue in the purification of crude petroleum, and consisting essentially of a mixture of several of the higher members of the paraffin series. It is used as an unguent, and for various purposes in the arts. See the Note under Petrolatum.


A trademarked brand of petroleum jelly

Common Curiosities

Can Petroleum Jelly be used on all skin types?

Generally, yes. However, some people might prefer specific formulations or brands like Vaseline.

Why do some people prefer Petroleum Jelly over lotions?

Petroleum Jelly, like Vaseline, provides a barrier, sealing in moisture effectively.

Is there a difference in quality between Vaseline and generic Petroleum Jelly?

While the base ingredient is similar, Vaseline may have added ingredients for specific product lines.

Is Vaseline the same as Petroleum Jelly?

Essentially, yes. Vaseline is a brand name for petroleum jelly.

Why is Vaseline so popular compared to other petroleum jellies?

Vaseline has been around for a long time and has established trust through consistent quality.

Can I use Petroleum Jelly on my face?

Yes, many people use it, including products from the Vaseline brand, as a moisturizer.

Are there scented versions of Vaseline?

Yes, Vaseline offers variants with added fragrances and ingredients.

How is Petroleum Jelly made?

It's derived from oil refining and is a mixture of hydrocarbons.

Is Vaseline petroleum jelly edible?

While it's non-toxic, it's not meant for consumption. Always use as directed.

Can Vaseline be used to remove makeup?

Yes, many people use Vaseline or other petroleum jellies to gently remove makeup.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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