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Typescript vs. Manuscript — What's the Difference?

Typescript is a typed superset of JavaScript used for large-scale applications. Manuscript refers to a handwritten or typed document, often a draft of a work. Both relate to written content but in different contexts.
Typescript vs. Manuscript — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Typescript and Manuscript


Key Differences

Typescript is a superset of JavaScript, designed to scale up the capabilities of the language. On the other hand, a Manuscript is a document written by hand or typewritten, not printed or digitally created.
While Typescript helps developers with static typing, advanced typing features, and better tooling for large-scale applications, a Manuscript often pertains to books, papers, or documents created before the invention of the printing press or in some cases, a draft for a novel or academic paper.
Typescript is developed and maintained by Microsoft, providing enhanced productivity and predictability in coding. Manuscript, in contrast, carries a more historical or literary connotation, often representing original works of authors or historical records.
Typescript, when compiled, gets converted into plain JavaScript code, making it usable across browsers. Manuscripts, when published, often get converted into printed books or articles, allowing for widespread dissemination.

Comparison Chart


Programming language
Handwritten or typewritten document


Software development
Original drafts, historical documents


By Microsoft
By individual authors or scribes

End Product

Compiles to JavaScript
Can be published as books or articles

Main Benefit

Static typing, better tooling
Originality, personal touch

Compare with Definitions


Typescript provides static typing.
With Typescript, I could catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime.


Manuscript is often a draft of a work.
He submitted his Manuscript to several publishing houses.


Typescript is developed by Microsoft.
The Typescript language has gained popularity since its introduction by Microsoft.


Manuscripts can be typewritten or handwritten.
The author preferred to type his Manuscripts before submitting.


Typescript is a superset of JavaScript.
I coded the application using Typescript to utilize its strong typing features.


Manuscript indicates a work before it's published.
Her Manuscript received positive reviews, hinting at a successful publication.


Typescript can be transcompiled to JavaScript.
After writing in Typescript, I transcompiled my code to JavaScript for broader compatibility.


Manuscript refers to a document written by hand.
She discovered an ancient Manuscript in the attic.


Typescript offers enhanced tooling and interfaces.
Utilizing Typescript enabled me to take advantage of its advanced IDE features and interfaces.


A manuscript (abbreviated MS for singular and MSS for plural) was, traditionally, any document written by hand – or, once practical typewriters became available, typewritten – as opposed to mechanically printed or reproduced in some indirect or automated way. More recently, the term has come to be understood to further include any written, typed, or word-processed copy of an author's work, as distinguished from its rendition as a printed version of the same.


A typewritten copy, as of a manuscript.


A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed
Early Gothic manuscripts
An illuminated manuscript


Typewritten matter.


A handwritten book, poem, or other document, or a collection of such handwritten documents bound together
The contents of the manuscript include a romance and a saint's life.


Typewritten material, especially such a copy of a manuscript


A version of a book, article, or other work before being published or prepared for publication
The author submitted the manuscript as a text file.


(transitive) To transcribe into typewritten form.


Handwriting, especially in contrast to print
Her last poems were left in manuscript.


Typewritten matter especially a typewritten copy of a manuscript


Handwritten, or by extension manually typewritten, as opposed to being mechanically reproduced.


A book, composition or any other document, written by hand (or manually typewritten), not mechanically reproduced.


A single, original copy of a book, article, composition etc, written by hand or even printed, submitted as original for (copy-editing and) reproductive publication.


Written with or by the hand; not printed; as, a manuscript volume.


An original literary or musical composition written by the author, formerly with the hand, now usually by typewriter or word processor. It is contrasted with a printed copy.


Writing, as opposed to print; as, the book exists only in manuscript.


The form of a literary work submitted for publication


Handwritten book or document


Manuscripts may represent historical documents.
The museum displayed Manuscripts from the Renaissance period.

Common Curiosities

Can Typescript run directly in browsers?

No, Typescript needs to be transcompiled to JavaScript to run in browsers.

What is Typescript primarily used for?

Typescript is used for software development, enhancing JavaScript with static typing and better tooling.

Is a Manuscript always handwritten?

No, a Manuscript can be both handwritten or typewritten.

Does Typescript replace JavaScript?

No, Typescript enhances JavaScript by adding features but transcompiles to JavaScript.

Why are Manuscripts important in history?

Manuscripts offer firsthand, original accounts, serving as valuable historical and literary records.

Who developed Typescript?

Typescript was developed by Microsoft.

How is a Manuscript different from a book?

A Manuscript is an original draft or document, while a book is usually a published version of a Manuscript.

What do Manuscripts represent in the literary world?

Manuscripts represent an author's original work, often submitted for publishing.

Is Typescript an independent language?

Typescript is a superset of JavaScript, meaning it builds on JavaScript, adding new features.

How are Manuscripts preserved?

Manuscripts are often kept in controlled environments, like archives or libraries, to protect from decay.

Are there any popular frameworks that use Typescript?

Yes, frameworks like Angular heavily utilize Typescript.

What are the main benefits of Typescript?

Typescript provides static typing, better tooling, and enhanced scalability.

Does Typescript support all JavaScript libraries?

Generally, Typescript can work with JavaScript libraries, especially with the help of type definitions.

Can Manuscripts be in digital format?

Traditionally, Manuscripts are handwritten or typewritten, but in modern usage, it can refer to a draft in digital format.

Are all Manuscripts valuable?

While many Manuscripts have historical or literary value, not all are deemed valuable or significant.

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