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Transcription vs. Transcript — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 27, 2023
Transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written form, while a Transcript is the written record resulting from that process.
Transcription vs. Transcript — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Transcription and Transcript


Key Differences

Transcription refers to the act or process of transcribing, or converting, spoken words, events, or other auditory data into a written or printed form. On the other hand, a Transcript is the tangible result or document produced from this process.
Transcription can be done manually by a person listening and typing or automatically using software. In contrast, a Transcript remains a static record of what was said or occurred, often used for reference or verification.
While Transcription emphasizes the act or method employed, a Transcript represents the outcome or product.
Both have value across various sectors, with Transcription services being sought after in industries like healthcare and media, and Transcripts being crucial for legal proceedings, education, and research.

Comparison Chart


Process of converting spoken words into written form.
Written record resulting from transcription.


On the act or method employed.
On the outcome or product.


Dynamic (an ongoing process).
Static (a finalized document).


In the context of services or actions.
As a reference or proof.


Transcription software, transcription services.
Official transcript, court transcript.

Compare with Definitions


Conversion of DNA to RNA in cells.
During Transcription, a segment of DNA serves as a template for mRNA synthesis.


The outcome of the transcription process.
The court provided a Transcript of the witness's testimony.


Manual or automated writing of spoken content.
The podcast offers Transcription for accessibility.


Official record of proceedings.
The meeting's Transcript was shared with all members.


Process of converting audio into text.
The journalist used a Transcription service to document the interview.


Document verifying academic performance.
His Transcript showcased impressive grades.


Representation of sounds or words in written form.
Transcription of the lecture took several hours.


Textual representation of any audio or video content.
The documentary included a Transcript for reference.


The act of transcribing.
Her Transcription skills were excellent, capturing every word accurately.


Something transcribed, especially a written, typewritten, or printed copy
The transcript of court testimony.


The act or process of transcribing.


A record of a student's academic performance issued by an institution of learning.


(Music) An adaptation of a composition.


(Biology) A sequence of RNA produced by transcription.


A recorded radio or television program.


Something which has been transcribed; a writing or composition consisting of the same words as the original; a written copy.


(Linguistics) A representation of speech sounds in phonetic symbols.


A copy of any kind; an imitation.


(Genetics) The synthesis of messenger RNA from a DNA template through the formation of base pairs, resulting in a transfer of genetic information that codes for amino acid sequences composing proteins.


A written version of what was said orally
The transcript of a trial


The act or process of transcribing.


(genetics) A molecule of RNA produced by transcription


Something that has been transcribed, including:


(education) An inventory of the courses taken and grades earned of a student alleged throughout a course.


(music) An adaptation of a composition.
These frame tale interludes frequently include transcriptions of Italian folk songs.


(rare) To write a transcript; to transcribe.


(broadcasting) A recorded radio or television programme.


That which has been transcribed; a writing or composition consisting of the same words as the original; a written copy.
The decalogue of Moses was but a transcript.


(linguistics) A representation of speech sounds as phonetic symbols.


A copy of any kind; an imitation.
The Grecian learning was but a transcript of the Chaldean and Egyptian.


(obsolete) A written document.


A written version of what was said orally; as, a transcript of a trial.


(genetics) The synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA.


Something that has been transcribed; a written record (usually typewritten) of dictated or recorded speech;
He read a transcript of the interrogation
You can obtain a transcript of this radio program by sending a self-addressed envelope to the station


The act or process of transcribing, or copying; as, corruptions creep into books by repeated transcriptions.


A reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)


A copy; a transcript.


A written or printed record of spoken words.
I received my college Transcript in the mail today.


An arrangement of a composition for some other instrument or voice than that for which it was originally written, as the translating of a song, a vocal or instrumental quartet, or even an orchestral work, into a piece for the piano; an adaptation; an arrangement; - a name applied by modern composers for the piano to a more or less fanciful and ornate reproduction on their own instrument of a song or other piece not originally intended for it; as, Liszt's transcriptions of songs by Schubert.


Something written, especially copied from one medium to another, as a typewritten version of dictation


(genetics) the organic process whereby the DNA sequence in a gene is copied into mRNA; the process whereby a base sequence of messenger RNA is synthesized on a template of complementary DNA


A sound or television recording (e.g., from a broadcast to a tape recording)


The act of arranging and adapting a piece of music


The act of making a record (especially an audio record);
She watched the recording from a sound-proof booth

Common Curiosities

How can I get a Transcript of my grades?

Most educational institutions provide Transcripts upon request, often for a fee.

Is Transcription always done by humans?

No, Transcription can be done manually by humans or automatically using software.

Does Transcription only relate to speech?

While commonly associated with speech, Transcription can also involve DNA to RNA conversion in biology.

What does Transcription involve?

Transcription involves converting spoken words or sounds into written form.

Why might someone need Transcription services?

Transcription services are useful for converting lectures, interviews, or meetings into text for accessibility or reference.

What is a Transcript used for?

A Transcript is a written record, often used for reference, verification, or academic purposes.

Is Transcription used in music?

Yes, Transcription in music involves writing down a piece as it is played.

Does Transcription always result in a Transcript?

Typically, yes. The purpose of Transcription is to produce a Transcript, whether official or informal.

Where can I find a Transcript of a court case?

Court Transcripts are usually available from the court's clerk or records office.

Is a Transcript always official?

Not always. While there are official Transcripts, like those from courts or schools, there are also informal Transcripts, like those for interviews.

How long does it take to receive a Transcript?

It varies; educational Transcripts might take weeks, while a court Transcript could be available sooner.

How accurate is automated Transcription?

While improving, automated Transcription may not always be as accurate as human transcription, especially in noisy environments.

Can I trust all Transcription services?

It's important to research and choose reputable Transcription services for accuracy and confidentiality.

Can I use a Transcript as proof of my grades when applying for jobs?

Yes, an official Transcript can serve as proof of academic achievements.

Is there a difference between a Transcript and a diploma?

Yes. A diploma is a certificate of completion, while a Transcript lists courses taken and grades received.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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