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Thrice vs. Triple — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 3, 2024
"Thrice" means three times in succession, commonly used in the context of frequency; "triple" means to multiply by three, typically used to describe an increase in quantity or size.
Thrice vs. Triple — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Thrice and Triple


Key Differences

"Thrice" is an adverb used to indicate that an action or event occurs three times. For example, saying "She checked her messages thrice" implies the action was repeated three times. On the other hand, "triple" is used both as a verb and an adjective, meaning to increase threefold or to describe something consisting of three parts.
While "thrice" is often associated with the frequency of actions within a given timeframe, "triple" commonly refers to numerical increase or scale. For instance, if a company says it plans to triple its output, this indicates a multiplication of production levels by three.
The use of "thrice" can be seen as somewhat archaic or formal in modern conversational English, often replaced by "three times." Conversely, "triple" remains widely used in both colloquial and formal contexts, especially in expressions like "triple threat" in entertainment or "triple layer" in descriptions of products.
In terms of linguistic preference, "thrice" is less likely to be used in casual dialogue, fitting better into written or formal speeches. Whereas "triple" is adaptable, fitting comfortably in both everyday conversations about measurements or quantities and in technical or business discussions.
The utility of "thrice" is primarily in literary or detailed descriptive contexts, enhancing the rhythmic or traditional tone of texts. Meanwhile, "triple" serves a broader function, from sports commentary (e.g., triple jump) to financial reports (e.g., triple the revenue).

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech

Adjective, verb


Indicates an action occurs three times
To multiply by three; consisting of three parts

Usage Context

Formal, less common in modern speech
Common in various contexts, versatile

Example of Use

Thrice a year
Triple the amount, triple-layer cake


Somewhat archaic, formal
Neutral, adaptable

Compare with Definitions


Used to describe something happening three times.
He rang the bell thrice.


Describing something made up of three parts.
She ordered a triple scoop ice cream.


Seen as traditional or old-fashioned.
She visited thrice before receiving a response.


To increase or become three times as much.
His investment tripled in value over five years.


Conveys a precise frequency in actions or events.
Thrice I called, and thrice he failed to answer.


Used as a verb in contexts of multiplication.
The company aims to triple its production by next year.


Indicates repetition in specific intervals.
The meeting occurs thrice annually.


Common in sports and measurements.
He won the triple jump event at the school sports day.


Often used for emphasis in formal or literary contexts.
Thrice blessed are those who persevere.


Versatile in modern usage, fitting various contexts.
The device features a triple camera system.


Thrice is an American rock band from Irvine, California, formed in 1998. The group was founded by guitarist/vocalist Dustin Kensrue and lead guitarist Teppei Teranishi while they were in high school.


Consisting of or involving three items or people
Triple somersaults
A triple murder


Three times
A dose of 25 mg thrice daily


A thing that is three times as large as usual or is made up of three standard units or items
Two whiskies—triples, please


Three times.


A sporting contest in which each side has three players.


In a threefold quantity or degree.


A system of change-ringing using seven bells, with three pairs changing places each time.


(Archaic) Extremely; greatly.


A hit which enables the batter to reach third base.


(dated) Three times.


Become three times as much or as many
Grain prices were expected to triple


Three times.
Verily I say unto thee. That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.


Hit a triple
He tripled into right field


In a threefold manner or degree; repeatedly; very.
Thrice noble lord, let me entreat of youTo pardon me.
Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just.


Consisting of three parts or members.


Three times;
I called you thrice last night


Three times as much in size, strength, number, or amount.


(Music) Having three beats to a measure.


A number or quantity three times as great as another.


Something having three identifiable or prominent parts or members.


Something capable of carrying or moving three people or things, as a chairlift.


(Baseball) A hit enabling the batter to reach third base. Also called three-bagger, three-base hit.


See trifecta.


To make three times as great in number or amount.


To be or become three times as great in number or amount.


(Baseball) To make a triple.


Made up of three related elements, often matching
The triple markings on this vase are quite unique.


Of three times the quantity.
Give me a triple serving of mashed potatoes.


Designed for three users.
A triple room


Folded in three; composed of three layers.


Having three aspects.
A triple meaning


(music) Of time, three times as fast as very fast.


(obsolete) One of three; third.


Three times or thrice the number, amount, size, etc..


(informal) A drink with three portions of alcohol.
I've had a hard day; make that a triple.


(US) A hamburger with three patties.
I'd like a triple with cheese.


(baseball) A three-base hit.
The shortstop hit a triple to lead off the ninth.


(basketball) A three-point field goal.


(curling) A takeout shot in which three stones are removed from play.


A sequence of three elements or 3-tuple.


To multiply by three.
The company tripled their earnings per share over last quarter.


(baseball) To get a three-base hit.
The batter tripled into the gap.


To become three times as large.
Our earnings have tripled in the last year.


To serve or operate as (something), in addition to two other functions.


Consisting of three united; multiplied by three; threefold; as, a triple knot; a triple tie.
By thy triple shape as thou art seen.


Three times repeated; treble. See Treble.


One of three; third.


To make threefold, or thrice as much or as many; to treble; as, to triple the tax on coffee.


A base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base


A quantity that is three times as great as another


Increase threefold;
Triple your income!


Hit a three-base hit


Having three units or components or elements;
A ternary operation
A treble row of red beads
Overcrowding made triple sessions necessary
Triple time has three beats per measure
Triplex windows


Three times as great or many;
A claim for treble (or triple) damages
A threefold increase

Common Curiosities

How is "triple" used differently from "thrice"?

"Triple" is used to describe multiplication by three or something composed of three parts, whereas "thrice" refers to frequency.

Can "triple" be used as both a verb and an adjective?

Yes, "triple" can function as both, e.g., to triple an amount or a triple-layer cake.

What does "thrice" mean?

It means something occurs three times.

Is there a difference in formality between "thrice" and "triple"?

"Thrice" is more formal and traditional, while "triple" is more versatile and commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

What are the origins of "thrice"?

It comes from the Old English "thrīga", which means three times.

Does "triple" have synonyms?

Yes, synonyms include treble, threefold, or tripartite.

How can I replace "thrice" in modern English?

You can simply say "three times" as a more modern and common replacement.

Is "triple" ever used in technology?

Yes, it's used to describe features like triple-camera systems in smartphones.

What are some examples of "triple" in everyday usage?

Examples include triple the size, triple the speed, or a triple-threat performer.

Is "thrice" common in everyday language?

No, it's considered formal and somewhat archaic, less common in casual speech.

How does "triple" relate to measurements?

It's often used in contexts where amounts, sizes, or capacities are increased by three times.

Can "triple" imply success in business contexts?

Yes, using "triple" can imply significant growth or success, as in tripling profits or output.

What literary effect does "thrice" have?

It can add a rhythmic or solemn tone to writing, often used for emphasis in literary texts.

What makes "thrice" less preferred in modern speech?

Its somewhat archaic sound and formality make it less preferred in casual conversation.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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