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Technologic vs. Technological — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 26, 2023
Technologic and Technological both refer to technology, but "Technologic" is an adjective used less commonly than "Technological."
Technologic vs. Technological — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Technologic and Technological


Key Differences

The English language is rife with words that often have nuanced differences, and this holds true for "Technologic" and "Technological." Both these terms originate from the noun "technology." While they both act as adjectives, "Technologic" is less commonly used in modern English than "Technological." This isn't to say that one is more correct than the other, but frequency of usage does give "Technological" a slight edge in terms of familiarity.
Both "Technologic" and "Technological" describe things pertaining to technology or its application. The choice between these two might often come down to preference or context, but there are some patterns. For instance, "Technological" is often seen in contexts like "technological advancements" or "technological innovations," while "Technologic" might be encountered less frequently in such contexts.
There's also the element of sound and flow in the sentence. "Technological" might sometimes be preferred simply because it flows better or sounds more natural in a given sentence than "Technologic." However, this is subjective and varies from person to person.
To conclude, while "Technologic" and "Technological" are both adjectives that pertain to technology, the latter is more commonly used. Regardless, it's important to remember that language is ever-evolving, and preferences can change over time.

Comparison Chart

Frequency of Usage

Less common
More common

Syllable Count

Four syllables (Tech-no-log-ic)
Five syllables (Tech-no-log-i-cal)

Common Contexts

Rarely seen in popular phrases
Often seen in "technological advancements"

Phonetics and Flow

Might sound abrupt in some contexts
Flows more naturally in most contexts


Derived from "technology" but less frequently used as an adj.
More direct adjectival form of "technology"

Compare with Definitions


Relating to technology.
The technologic innovations were groundbreaking.


Of or related to technology.
The technological advancements of the 21st century are unparalleled.


Pertaining to the application of technical processes.
The solution was both simple and technologic.


Concerning the application of science and technology.
This gadget is a testament to technological progress.


Descriptive of technological mechanisms.
The technologic aspects were discussed in depth.


Pertaining to techniques and tools.
The archaeological dig used technological tools for precision.


Concerning technical methodologies.
The talk focused on the technologic intricacies of AI.


Indicative of the methodology of tech processes.
The country is experiencing a technological renaissance.


Rare adjective form of technology.
The seminar covered technologic trends of the decade.


Relating to or involving technology, especially scientific technology.


"Technologic" is a song by French duo Daft Punk from the album Human After All. It was released as the second single on 14 June 2005.


Affected by or resulting from scientific and industrial progress.


Relating to or involving technology, especially scientific technology.


Of, relating to, or involving technology, especially modern scientific technology.


Affected by or resulting from scientific and industrial progress.


Of or pertaining to technology.


(archaic) technological


Based in scientific and industrial progress;
A technological civilization




Of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles;
Technical college
Technological development


Describing systems or devices using technology.
The smartphone is a technological marvel of its time.

Common Curiosities

Is Technologic incorrect to use?

No, "Technologic" is not incorrect, just less common.

Which word is more frequently used?

"Technological" is more frequently used than "Technologic."

Can I use Technologic and Technological interchangeably?

Generally yes, but "Technological" is more conventional in many contexts.

Are there specific contexts where one should be preferred over the other?

"Technological" is often preferred in phrases like "technological advancements," but context is key.

Is there a difference in meaning between the two?

Both pertain to technology, but their usage frequency and contexts can differ.

Is there any notable historical preference between the two?

Historically, "Technological" has been preferred due to its more direct derivation.

Which word has more syllables?

"Technological" has five syllables, while "Technologic" has four.

How can I decide which to use in my writing?

Consider the context, flow, and your audience's familiarity, but "Technological" is a safer bet in most cases.

What's the basic difference between Technologic and Technological?

Both are adjectives related to technology, but "Technologic" is less commonly used than "Technological."

Why might someone choose Technologic over Technological?

It might be for phonetic, rhythmic, or stylistic reasons in writing or speech.

Do both words have the same origin?

Yes, both originate from the noun "technology."

Are there any popular phrases using Technologic?

It's less common in popular phrases compared to "Technological."

Are there any nuances in meaning between Technologic and Technological?

While both relate to technology, nuances might arise based on context and regional preferences.

Can both words be used globally?

Yes, but "Technological" might be more universally recognized.

Which one flows better in speech?

It's subjective, but many find "Technological" to flow more naturally.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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