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Surreal vs. Unreal — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 26, 2024
"Surreal" refers to a dreamlike or fantastical quality that defies ordinary reality, often invoking a bizarre, altered state, whereas "unreal" generally describes something that is not real or believable, lacking authenticity or reality.
Surreal vs. Unreal — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Surreal and Unreal


Key Differences

The term surreal is often used to describe experiences or artistic expressions that are bizarre or fantastical, resembling a dream more than reality. Whereas, unreal is used to describe something that simply does not exist or is beyond belief, often in a more straightforward sense of being fictitious or imagined.
Surreal experiences or artworks are characterized by an illogical or irrational juxtaposition of images or events, as seen in surrealism, an artistic movement that seeks to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind. On the other hand, something that is unreal might be used to express disbelief in something's existence or occurrence, highlighting its lack of credibility or authenticity.
In literature or film, a surreal narrative might intentionally blur the lines between reality and imagination, creating a vivid, dreamlike atmosphere. Whereas, an unreal scenario in a story is typically one that the audience is expected to recognize as fabricated or exaggerated, often used to create dramatic or humorous effect.
The emotional impact of something surreal can be profound, leaving individuals with a sense of awe or disorientation. On the other hand, describing something as unreal might denote skepticism or a dismissal of its authenticity, often implying that it fails to convince or lacks emotional depth.
The use of surreal in describing art or experiences often suggests a deeper, sometimes unsettling exploration of reality, tapping into the subconscious. Whereas, unreal might be more casually used to express surprise or incredulity, without the deeper philosophical or psychological implications.

Comparison Chart


Resembling a dream; bizarre and fantastical.
Not real; lacking authenticity or believability.


Art, literature, psychology.
Common speech, critique, entertainment.

Emotional Impact

Can be profound, unsettling.
Often denotes disbelief or lack of depth.

Typical Use

To describe artistic movements or dreamlike states.
To express skepticism or highlight fabrication.

Philosophical Depth

Often deep, exploring subconscious influences.
Generally shallow, focused on surface-level perception.

Compare with Definitions


Resembling a bizarre, dream-like state.
Walking through the foggy, twisted landscape felt surreal.


Used to express astonishment or disbelief at something.
The amount of waste produced is unreal.


Art or experiences that transcend normal reality, often unsettling.
The artist's surreal paintings evoke a sense of another world.


Not based on reality; fictitious or imagined.
The plot of the movie was completely unreal and hard to believe.


Unexpectedly strange in a way that affects one's perception of reality.
The surreal silence that followed the speech was unnerving.


Lacking authenticity or verisimilitude.
His excuse for being late was totally unreal.


Characteristic of the surrealism movement in art.
Dali's clocks were not just melted; they were surreal.


So extraordinary as to seem impossible.
The view from the mountain was so spectacular it seemed unreal.


Depicting a fantasy world or illogical scenarios.
His stories are surreal, filled with creatures from his imagination.


Denoting artificiality or simulation.
The texture of the vegan burger was surprisingly unreal.


Having qualities attributed to or associated with surrealism
"Even with most facilities shut down ... a few mavericks managed to slip into the park to sample the almost surreal emptiness before the shutdown ended." (Peter H. King).


Not real or substantial; illusory.


Having an oddly dreamlike quality.


(Slang) So remarkable as to elicit disbelief; fantastic.


Resembling a dream: fantastic and incongruous




(math) surreal number


Not real or substantial; having no actual presence in reality; lacking the characteristics of reality.


Characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions;
A great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows
The incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature


(informal) very impressive; amazing; unbelievable; incredible; larger or more fantastic than typical of real life.
The video includes unreal footage of an eight-metre wave.
I just had an unreal hamburger.


Resembling a dream;
Night invested the lake with a dreamlike quality
As irrational and surreal as a dream


Not real; unsubstantial; fanciful; ideal.


Lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria;
Ghosts and other unreal entities
Unreal propaganda serving as news


Not actually such; being or seeming fanciful or imaginary;
This conversation is getting more and more unreal
The fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy
The unreal world of advertising art


Contrived by art rather than nature;
Artificial flowers
Artificial flavoring
An artificial diamond
Artificial fibers
Artificial sweeteners


Lacking material form or substance; unreal;
As insubstantial as a dream
An insubstantial mirage on the horizon

Common Curiosities

What distinguishes surreal art from other art forms?

Surreal art is distinguished by its exploration of the irrational and the subconscious, often using bizarre juxtapositions and dreamlike imagery to provoke thought and emotion.

What is the origin of the term "surreal"?

The term "surreal" originates from the 1920s Surrealism art movement, which sought to challenge the conventional reality by exploring the creative potential of the unconscious mind.

Is "unreal" used in formal contexts?

"Unreal" is generally used more in informal contexts to express disbelief or surprise, rather than in formal critiques or discussions.

How do surrealists manipulate reality in their works?

Surrealists manipulate reality by blending dream and fantasy elements with the real world, creating a super-reality or hyper-reality that questions the nature of perception.

How do surreal experiences influence art?

Surreal experiences often inspire artists to create works that explore deeper psychological truths and challenge the viewers' perceptions of reality.

Why might someone describe a situation as unreal?

Describing a situation as unreal typically indicates that the person finds it hard to believe or accept due to its extraordinary or exaggerated nature.

Can something be both surreal and unreal?

Yes, something can be both surreal and unreal if it is fantastical and dreamlike yet also lacks believability or authenticity.

Can the use of surreal and unreal in literature differ?

In literature, "surreal" is often used to create a specific atmosphere or theme, while "unreal" might be employed to critique or distance the narrative from reality.

How can understanding surreal and unreal help in psychological analysis?

Understanding these concepts can help in analyzing how individuals perceive reality and deal with experiences that are outside normal expectations, useful in therapeutic and diagnostic settings.

What effect does calling something unreal have on communication?

Calling something unreal can emphasize the speaker's strong emotional reaction to its implausibility or extraordinary nature, influencing how the information is received.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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