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Surname vs. First Name — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 24, 2023
Surname is the family name shared by members of a family, while First Name is the personal name given to an individual at birth or during a naming ceremony.
Surname vs. First Name — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Surname and First Name


Key Differences

Surname, often known as the family name or last name, is a name that is passed down from generation to generation. It's a shared identifier for members of a family. On the contrary, the First Name is unique to the individual, often chosen by their parents. It's the name that typically precedes the surname in many cultures.
While the Surname connects individuals to their ancestry or lineage, the First Name gives them a distinct identity within that lineage. In official documents, the Surname often comes after the First Name, though this can vary based on cultural norms.
The combination of First Name and Surname helps in uniquely identifying a person in the vast human population.

Comparison Chart


Family name passed down generations.
Personal name given at birth or naming ceremony.


Shared by family members.
Unique to the individual.

Position in Name

Typically appears last in Western cultures.
Typically appears first in Western cultures.


Connects to lineage or ancestry.
Provides individual identity within family.


Remains constant in immediate family.
Varies widely even within a family.

Compare with Definitions


A family's shared last name.
Every member of the Smith family shares the surname Smith.

First Name

Often used informally or by acquaintances.
Friends and family always use her first name.


The name that often follows the first name.
In John Doe, Doe is the surname.

First Name

Can be chosen to carry a specific meaning or significance.
Her first name means light in another language.


Used formally in many cultures.
Official documents often require the surname.

First Name

Precedes the surname in many Western cultures.
In Alice Johnson, Alice is the first name.


An indicator of lineage or ancestry.
Her surname traces back to Irish origins.

First Name

The individual's primary personal name.
Her first name is Emily, but everyone calls her Em.


A name shared in common to identify the members of a family, as distinguished from each member's given name. Also called family name, last name.

First Name

Usually given at birth or during a naming ceremony.
They named him David after his grandfather.


A nickname or epithet added to a person's name.


To give a surname to.


(obsolete) An additional name, particularly those derived from a birthplace, quality, or achievement; an epithet.


(obsolete) An additional name given to a person, place, or thing; a byname or nickname.


The name a person shares with other members of that person's family, distinguished from that person's given name or names; a family name.
James is my first name, and Smith is my surname.


(Classical studies) The cognomen of Roman names.


A clan.


(transitive) To give a surname to.


(transitive) To call by a surname.


A name or appellation which is added to, or over and above, the baptismal or Christian name, and becomes a family name.


An appellation added to the original name; an agnomen.


To name or call by an appellation added to the original name; to give a surname to.
Another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel.
And Simon he surnamed Peter.


The name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name)


Can denote clan affiliations in some cultures.
In some cultures, the surname indicates the clan one belongs to.

Common Curiosities

Is the surname the same as the family name?

Yes, the surname is often referred to as the family name or last name.

Why might someone change their first name or surname?

Reasons can include personal preference, marriage, religious conversion, or legal reasons.

Which typically comes first, the surname or the first name?

In many Western cultures, the first name usually precedes the surname.

Is the surname passed down through generations?

Typically, yes, the surname is a family name passed down through generations.

Can the surname indicate one's country or region of origin?

Sometimes, certain surnames are strongly associated with specific regions or countries.

Can two people have the same first name and surname?

Yes, it's possible for multiple individuals to share both a first name and a surname, but additional details differentiate them.

How do naming conventions vary across cultures?

While many Western cultures follow the "first name + surname" format, other cultures might include clan names, paternal or maternal names, or other variations.

Is it common for people to have multiple first names?

Yes, in many cultures, it's common to have a first name followed by one or more middle names.

Why do some people use initials instead of their full first name?

Personal preference, cultural norms, or the length of the name might lead individuals to use initials.

Does the first name have a cultural significance?

Often, yes, the first name can carry cultural, familial, or historical significance.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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