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Study vs. Studying — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 31, 2023
Study refers to the act of learning or examining, which can be a one-time event or a continuous effort, while studying is the ongoing process of being engaged in such educational activities.
Study vs. Studying — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Study and Studying


Key Differences

Study is both a noun and a verb referring to the act of learning or examining closely. As a noun, it can mean a room designated for reading and writing, or an academic work or research on a particular subject. As a verb, it suggests the action of trying to learn by reading, observing, or practicing.
Studying, on the other hand, is the present participle of the verb 'study.' It describes the continuous action of the verb, often used to indicate the ongoing process of learning or examination. It is commonly used in progressive tenses to depict the action in progress at the moment of speaking.
Study can also mean a particular course of learning or a field of academic interest, such as 'He chose to study medicine.' It encompasses both the general action and the specific subjects or themes under scrutiny. As a noun, it suggests a singular focus, while as a verb, it could indicate either a single instance or a habitual action.
Studying is more active and immediate, suggesting a current engagement with material or a subject. It is dynamic, often used to describe someone in the midst of the learning process. For example, 'She is studying for her finals' implies that she is currently in the act of learning.
Study can denote a methodical or careful approach, implying a depth and thoroughness, as in 'conducting a study of sea levels.' It carries a sense of deliberation and intention. In contrast, studying implies a personal action, a routine part of someone's life or schedule as in 'His evenings are spent studying.'

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech

Noun/Verb (depending on usage)
Present Participle/Verb (progressive form)


Refers to both the action and the subject of examination
Indicates the ongoing process of learning

Time Reference

General, can be past, present, or future
Present continuous, happening now


Can be an event or a broad field
Personal action, current engagement


"I will study science."
"I am studying for the test right now."

Compare with Definitions


The activity of learning or gaining knowledge.
He went to the library for a quiet place to study.


Being busy with academic work.
They're studying together for the GRE.


To learn about a subject, usually at school or university.
She plans to study biology in college.


Actively applying oneself to learn.
She spends her evenings studying for her medical degree.


The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books
An application to continue full-time study
The study of English


The process of reviewing and learning specific material.
I'll be studying the Renaissance period for my thesis.


A detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation
The study of global problems
A study of a sample of 5,000 children


The effort to acquire knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research
The study of language has overturned many misconceptions.


A room used or designed for reading, writing, or academic work
The third bedroom was used as a study


An act or effort made in the pursuit of knowledge
Applied himself to his studies.


A piece of work, especially a drawing, done for practice or as an experiment.


A branch of knowledge or department of learning
The study of geography.
Graduate studies.


A thing or person that is an embodiment or good example of something
He perched on the edge of the bed, a study in confusion and misery


Attentive examination or analysis
The new drug is still under study.


Devote time and attention to gaining knowledge of (an academic subject), especially by means of books
I studied classics at college


A detailed examination, analysis, or experiment investigating a subject or phenomenon
Conducted a study of children's reading habits.


Look at closely in order to observe or read
She bent her head to study the plans


A document or publication presenting the results of such an endeavor.


Make an effort to achieve (a result) or take into account (a person or their wishes)
With no husband to study, housekeeping is mere play


A literary work treating a particular subject or character
The novel is a study of Irish childhood.


The effort to acquire knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research
The study of language has overturned many misconceptions.


A preliminary sketch, as for a work of art or literature.


An act or effort made in the pursuit of knowledge
Applied himself to his studies.


(Medicine) A diagnostic test.


A branch of knowledge or department of learning
The study of geography.
Graduate studies.


(Music) A composition intended as a technical exercise.


Attentive examination or analysis
The new drug is still under study.


A state of mental absorption
She is in a deep study.


A detailed examination, analysis, or experiment investigating a subject or phenomenon
Conducted a study of children's reading habits.


A room intended or equipped for studying or writing.


A document or publication presenting the results of such an endeavor.


A noteworthy or interesting example
He is a study in contradictions.


A literary work treating a particular subject or character
The novel is a study of Irish childhood.


To apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of (a subject).


A preliminary sketch, as for a work of art or literature.


To take (a course) at a school.


(Medicine) A diagnostic test.


To try to memorize
Studied the lines for her role in the play.


(Music) A composition intended as a technical exercise.


To perform a study of; investigate
We need to study the problem further.


A state of mental absorption
She is in a deep study.


To read or look at carefully
Studied the map.
Studied his expression.


A room intended or equipped for studying or writing.


To give careful thought to; contemplate
Let's study our next move.


A noteworthy or interesting example
He is a study in contradictions.


(Medicine) To perform a diagnostic test on (a part of the body, for example).


To apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of (a subject).


To apply oneself to learning, especially by reading
Studied for the exam.


To take (a course) at a school.


To pursue a course of study
Studied at Yale.


To try to memorize
Studied the lines for her role in the play.


To ponder; reflect.


To perform a study of; investigate
We need to study the problem further.


The action of the verb to study.


To read or look at carefully
Studied the map.
Studied his expression.


Present participle of study


To give careful thought to; contemplate
Let's study our next move.


Reading carefully with intent to remember


(Medicine) To perform a diagnostic test on (a part of the body, for example).


The act of learning about a subject, typically in an educational context.
He's studying chemistry this semester.


To apply oneself to learning, especially by reading
Studied for the exam.


Engaging in academic reading.
She was studying her notes for the final exam.


To pursue a course of study
Studied at Yale.


To ponder; reflect.


To review materials already learned in order to make sure one does not forget them, usually in preparation for an examination.
Students are expected to start studying for final exams in March.
I need to study my biology notes.


(academic) To take a course or courses on a subject.
I study medicine at the university.


To acquire knowledge on a subject with the intention of applying it in practice.
Biologists study living things.


To look at minutely.
He studied the map in preparation for the hike.


To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse; to ponder.


To endeavor diligently; to be zealous.


Mental effort to acquire knowledge or learning.
The study of languages is fascinating.


The act of studying or examining; examination.
I made a careful study of his sister.


Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any object of attentive consideration.


A room in a house intended for reading and writing; traditionally the private room of the male head of household.
Father spends all his time in the study poring over manuscripts.


An artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique.
A study of heads or of hands for a figure picture


The human face, bearing an expression which the observer finds amusingly typical of a particular emotion or state of mind.
Geoffrey's face was a study.
Geoffrey's face was a study in amazement [or in bewilderment, irritation, distress etc.]


(music) A piece for special practice; an étude.


(academic) An academic publication.
That new study on noncommutative symmetries looks promising.


One who commits a theatrical part to memory.


(chess) An endgame problem composed for artistic merit, where one side is to play for a win or for a draw.


(obsolete) A state of mental perplexity or worried thought.


(archaic) Thought, as directed to a specific purpose; one's concern.
My study was to avoid disturbing her.


A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence, application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge.
Hammond . . . spent thirteen hours of the day in study.
Study gives strength to the mind; conversation, grace.


Mental occupation; absorbed or thoughtful attention; meditation; contemplation.
Just men they seemed, and all their study bentTo worship God aright, and know his works.


Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any object of attentive consideration.
The Holy Scriptures, especially the New Testament, are her daily study.
The proper study of mankind is man.


A building or apartment devoted to study or to literary work.


A representation or rendering of any object or scene intended, not for exhibition as an original work of art, but for the information, instruction, or assistance of the maker; as, a study of heads or of hands for a figure picture.


A piece for special practice. See Etude.


To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse; to ponder.
I found a moral first, and then studied for a fable.


To apply the mind to books or learning.


To endeavor diligently; to be zealous.


To apply the mind to; to read and examine for the purpose of learning and understanding; as, to study law or theology; to study languages.


To consider attentively; to examine closely; as, to study the work of nature.
Study thyself; what rank or what degreeThe wise Creator has ordained for thee.


To form or arrange by previous thought; to con over, as in committing to memory; as, to study a speech.


To make an object of study; to aim at sedulously; to devote one's thoughts to; as, to study the welfare of others; to study variety in composition.
For their heart studieth destruction.


A detailed critical inspection


Applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading);
Mastering a second language requires a lot of work
No schools offer graduate study in interior design


A written document describing the findings of some individual or group;
This accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale


A state of deep mental absorption;
She is in a deep study


A room used for reading and writing and studying;
He knocked lightly on the closed door of the study


A branch of knowledge;
In what discipline is his doctorate?
Teachers should be well trained in their subject
Anthropology is the study of human beings


Preliminary drawing for later elaboration;
He made several studies before starting to paint


Attentive consideration and meditation;
After much cogitation he rejected the offer


Someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play);
He is a quick study


A composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique;
A study in spiccato bowing


Consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning;
Analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare
Analyze the evidence in a criminal trial
Analyze your real motives


Be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning


Give careful consideration to;
Consider the possibility of moving


Be a student of a certain subject;
She is reading for the bar exam


Learn by reading books;
He is studying geology in his room
I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now


Think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes;
He is meditating in his study


A room in a house used for work and reading.
She decorated her study with shelves of books.


Detailed examination and analysis of a subject or issue.
The environmental study highlighted several concerns.


A piece of academic or scholarly work.
His study on ancient languages won an award.

Common Curiosities

Can 'studying' refer to casual reading?

It usually implies more focused and intentional learning.

Is 'study' used in formal writing?

Yes, 'study' is appropriate for formal academic writing.

Is 'studying' only for academic subjects?

Mostly, but it can also refer to learning skills or trades.

Is 'study' always a solitary activity?

No, 'study' can involve group work or classes.

Can 'studying' be used to refer to past events?

In its base form, no, but it can be used in perfect tenses for past actions.

Are 'study' and 'studying' interchangeable?

Not always; 'study' can be a noun or verb, 'studying' is the action in progress.

Can 'studying' describe a hobby?

If the hobby involves learning or practicing a skill, yes.

Can 'studying' be used in all tenses?

'Studying' is typically used in present progressive or continuous tenses.

Can 'studying' be done without books?

Absolutely, studying can involve various methods, not just reading.

Does 'study' imply success in learning?

Not necessarily; it denotes the effort, not the outcome.

Does 'study' have a plural form?

Yes, when referring to multiple instances or research projects.

Can 'study' mean the same as 'research'?

Yes, especially when referring to academic or scientific investigation.

Is 'study' ever a command?

Yes, as in "Study for your test!"

Is 'study' related to 'studio'?

Historically, yes; both come from Latin roots for work or study.

Can 'studying' refer to a long-term activity?

Yes, it can describe the process over any duration.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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