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Somersault vs. Somerset — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 20, 2024
A somersault is an acrobatic movement where one rotates the body over the head, while Somerset refers to a county in southwest England, known for its historic sites and landscapes.
Somersault vs. Somerset — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Somersault and Somerset


Key Differences

A somersault involves a complete rotation of the body, typically performed in gymnastics or as a playful act, often executed by tucking the knees and rolling either forwards or backwards. On the other hand, Somerset is a geographical location, renowned for its natural beauty and historical significance, including places like Glastonbury and Bath.
While performing a somersault requires physical skill and agility, engaging in physical rotation around one's axis, visiting Somerset involves exploring a variety of landscapes, from rolling hills to historic towns and coastal areas.
The purpose of a somersault is usually related to physical exercise, sports, or entertainment, showcasing bodily control and flexibility. In contrast, Somerset attracts visitors interested in its cultural heritage, including medieval architecture, festivals, and the arts.
Safety measures in executing a somersault include proper training and sometimes protective gear to prevent injury. Whereas, safety in Somerset pertains more to travel safety, like navigating rural roads or adhering to local guidelines at tourist sites.
A somersault can be performed almost anywhere, from a gymnastic mat to a grassy park. Meanwhile, Somerset's appeal lies in specific attractions and experiences unique to its region, such as cider production and archaeological sites.

Comparison Chart


An acrobatic flip of the body
A county in southwest England

Required Skills

Physical agility, balance
None (tourism)

Main Purpose

Exercise, sport, entertainment
Tourism, historical exploration

Safety Considerations

Training, protective gear
Travel safety, local guidelines

Typical Environment

Gymnastic area, outdoors
Historical sites, rural landscapes

Compare with Definitions


An acrobatic movement where the body rotates over the head by tucking in the knees.
The gymnast executed a perfect somersault during her routine.


An area celebrated for its agricultural products, particularly cider and cheese.
While in Somerset, we toured several cider farms and tasted different varieties.


A gymnastic feat performed by rolling the body.
She practiced her forward somersault at the park.


Known for hosting significant cultural events, like the Glastonbury Festival.
Every year, music fans flock to Somerset for the Glastonbury Festival.


An athletic roll involving the rotation of one's body.
He impressed everyone with his somersault off the diving board.


A county located in the southwest of England, known for its picturesque landscapes and historical sites.
We visited Somerset to explore its ancient ruins and beautiful countryside.


A playful or sportive tumbling movement.
The cheerleaders included several somersaults in their routine.


A region famous for its contributions to English history, including the legend of King Arthur.
Somerset's Glastonbury Abbey is said to be connected to the Arthurian legends.


A complete overturn of the body, usually performed in a forward or backward motion.
The children did somersaults on the lawn all afternoon.


A destination for tourists interested in rural England and coastal scenery.
Our trip to Somerset included a visit to the stunning Cheddar Gorge.


A somersault (also flip, heli, and in gymnastics salto) is an acrobatic exercise in which a person's body rotates 360° around a horizontal axis with the feet passing over the head. A somersault can be performed forwards, backwards or sideways and can be executed in the air or on the ground.


Somerset ( (listen); archaically Somersetshire) is a county in South West England which borders Gloucestershire and Bristol to the north, Wiltshire to the east, Dorset to the south-east and Devon to the south-west. It is bounded to the north and west by the Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel, its coastline facing southeastern Wales.


An acrobatic stunt in which the body rolls forward or backward in a complete revolution with the knees bent and the feet coming over the head. Also called somerset; also called regionally tumbleset.


See somersault.


A complete reversal, as of sympathies or opinions.


To perform a somersault.


To execute a somersault.


Archaic form of somersault


Starting on one's feet, an instance of rotating one's body 360 degree while airborne or on the ground, with one's feet passing over one's head.


Archaic form of somersault


To perform a somersault.
The performer somersaulted all the way across the stage.


A county in southwestern England on the Bristol Channel


A leap in which a person turns his heels over his head and lights upon his feet; a turning end over end.
Now I'll onlyMake him break his neck in doing a sommerset.


An acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return


Do a somersault

Common Curiosities

How does one prepare for a somersault?

Proper training, warm-up exercises, and sometimes using a gymnastic mat are important.

Are there historical sites in Somerset?

Yes, Somerset is home to numerous historical sites, including Roman baths and medieval castles.

What is the main physical skill needed for a somersault?

Physical agility and balance are crucial for performing a somersault.

Can a somersault be performed in water?

Yes, somersaults are also performed in diving and water sports.

What is Somerset famous for besides its landscapes?

Somerset is also famous for its cider production and historical connections to legends like King Arthur.

What types of tourism are popular in Somerset?

Cultural heritage tours, countryside hiking, and coastal visits are popular in Somerset.

What safety tips should one follow while visiting Somerset?

It's advised to follow local travel guidelines and be prepared for rural driving conditions.

Can beginners perform somersaults?

Beginners should learn somersaults under supervision to ensure safety and proper technique.

Can somersaults be dangerous?

Yes, without proper training and precautions, somersaults can lead to injuries.

Is a somersault a competitive sport?

Somersaults are often a part of competitive gymnastics and diving.

What is the best time to visit Somerset?

Summer is generally the best time to visit, especially for festivals and enjoying the outdoors.

How is Somerset significant to English culture?

Somerset has contributed significantly to English cultural history through its architecture, legends, and arts.

Are there any famous festivals in Somerset?

The Glastonbury Festival is a world-renowned music and arts festival held in Somerset.

What kind of landscapes can one expect in Somerset?

Somerset features a mix of hills, plains, and coastal areas.

Are somersaults included in Olympic sports?

Yes, somersaults are included in Olympic gymnastics and diving events.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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