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Skinwalker vs. Shapeshifter — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 9, 2024
A skinwalker is a specific type of shapeshifter rooted in Native American Navajo culture, capable of transforming into animals through malevolent means, while shapeshifters broadly refer to beings in various mythologies that can change form at will.
Skinwalker vs. Shapeshifter — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Skinwalker and Shapeshifter


Key Differences

Skinwalkers are a deeply cultural and feared part of Navajo lore, specifically known for their ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as animals, often using these forms to cause harm. Conversely, shapeshifters appear in many cultures worldwide and their transformations aren't necessarily intended to be harmful.
The transformation of a skinwalker is traditionally linked to evil and malevolence, involving rituals that are frowned upon within their communities. On the other hand, shapeshifters can be benign or even heroic, with transformations that serve various purposes, including protection, trickery, or survival.
Skinwalkers require specific and often taboo rituals to gain their powers, which include wearing the skins of animals they wish to transform into. In contrast, other shapeshifters may naturally possess their abilities or acquire them through magic, curses, or divine intervention without such morally dubious practices.
In terms of cultural perception, skinwalkers are almost universally viewed with fear and suspicion within their originating cultures. Shapeshifters, however, can have a wide range of roles in their respective mythologies, from monsters to gods, reflecting a broader spectrum of moral alignments.
The lore surrounding skinwalkers is specific to the Navajo and broader Native American cultures and is considered a sensitive and secretive subject. Shapeshifter myths, however, are often shared openly in folklore and literature across various cultures, highlighting their diverse origins and roles in storytelling.

Comparison Chart

Cultural Origin

Navajo and broader Native American
Various global cultures

Transformation Purpose

Primarily malevolent
Varies, not necessarily malevolent

Means of Transformation

Rituals involving wearing animal skins
Magic, curses, divine intervention, natural ability

Cultural Perception

Feared and secretive
Ranges from feared to revered

Typical Roles in Folklore

Antagonists, harbingers of bad omens
Antagonists, protagonists, deities

Compare with Definitions


Must wear the skin of the animal they transform into.
The skinwalker wore the hide of a coyote to change its shape.


A mythical being capable of altering its physical form at will.
The shapeshifter turned into a bird to escape the hunters.


Feared within their communities as witches and harbingers of death.
People avoided speaking of the skinwalker, fearing its attention.


Powers can be innate or granted through external means.
The witch bestowed the young warrior with shapeshifting powers.


A malevolent being from Navajo culture that can transform into animals using forbidden rituals.
The legend speaks of a skinwalker seen as a wolf under the moonlight.


Often featured in tales of adventure and moral lessons.
The shapeshifter taught them that appearances can be deceiving.


Associated with evil and dark magic in lore.
The skinwalker used dark magic to sow discord in the tribe.


Not restricted to evil deeds; roles vary widely.
The shapeshifter helped the hero by transforming into a bridge over the chasm.


Their stories are often not shared outside of Native American communities.
Out of respect, he did not share stories of the skinwalker with outsiders.


Appears in various mythologies, from Norse to African.
In Norse mythology, Loki often used his shapeshifting abilities for mischief.


A person, in certain Native American mythologies, who can transform into any animal when wearing its pelt.


A mythical creature or being that can change shape at will or when certain conditions are met.


A person or creature capable of changing their appearance or form at will.

Common Curiosities

Are skinwalkers always considered evil?

Yes, in their cultural context, skinwalkers are associated with malevolence.

Can shapeshifters be good?

Yes, shapeshifters in mythology can range from malevolent to benevolent.

What animals do skinwalkers typically transform into?

Common forms include wolves, coyotes, bears, and birds.

What is the difference between a skinwalker and a werewolf?

Skinwalkers are witches who can transform into various animals, while werewolves are typically cursed humans who turn into wolves.

How do skinwalkers acquire their powers?

They acquire powers through complex, forbidden rituals involving dark magic.

What exactly is a skinwalker?

A skinwalker is a malevolent witch capable of transforming into animals in Navajo culture.

How does a shapeshifter change form?

Shapeshifters can change form through magic, divine intervention, or innate abilities.

Are shapeshifters common in all cultures?

Many cultures have myths of beings with the ability to change shape.

How are shapeshifters depicted in popular culture?

They are depicted in a variety of ways, from villains in horror films to heroes in fantasy novels.

Do shapeshifters always need a trigger to change form?

Not necessarily; some have control over their abilities, while others may need specific conditions or triggers.

Is it taboo to talk about skinwalkers?

Yes, discussing skinwalkers is often avoided in Native American communities.

What is the role of a skinwalker in Navajo stories?

They often serve as warnings against moral transgressions and the misuse of spiritual power.

What is the most common form taken by shapeshifters in folklore?

Forms vary widely, but common ones include animals, mythical creatures, and other humans.

Are there protective measures against skinwalkers?

Yes, cultural practices and rituals are employed to protect against them.

Can anyone become a skinwalker?

Traditionally, becoming a skinwalker involves secret rituals and is not open to just anyone.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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