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Singing vs. Rapping — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 16, 2024
Singing involves melodic vocalization with varied pitch, focusing on musicality and harmony. Rapping emphasizes rhythmic speech and lyrical prowess, often with a focus on wordplay and flow.
Singing vs. Rapping — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Singing and Rapping


Key Differences

Singing is a form of musical expression that uses voice modulation to produce melodies, harmonies, and varying pitches. It often requires vocal techniques that focus on pitch control, vibrato, and timbre to convey emotions and stories through song. Rapping, on the other hand, is characterized by rhythmic spoken words, rhymes, and phrases, prioritizing lyrical content, flow, and rhythm over melody. It's a key element of hip-hop culture, with emphasis on wordplay, themes, and narrative.
While singing is commonly accompanied by musical instruments to enhance the melody and harmony, rapping frequently utilizes beats and samples as a backdrop to the vocal rhythm. This difference in accompaniment reflects the distinct musical priorities of each: singing aims to blend voice with music, whereas rapping focuses on the synergy between rhythm and lyrics.
Vocal training for singers often includes exercises to improve range, control, and technique, aimed at achieving a wide variety of musical styles and expressions. Rappers, whereas, focus on mastering timing, delivery, and the art of storytelling, often through personal or socio-political themes. Although some artists blend singing and rapping, each requires specific skills and approaches to performance.
Singing has been a part of human culture across the globe for centuries, evolving into numerous genres and styles. Rapping emerged more recently, in the 20th century, as a distinct vocal style within the hip-hop genre, reflecting social commentary and urban life. Both forms of expression have influenced countless genres and have been adapted to convey a wide range of emotions and messages.
Understanding the nuances between singing and rapping is essential for appreciating the diversity in vocal arts. Each offers unique ways to express creativity and emotion, showcasing the versatility of the human voice in music.

Comparison Chart

Primary Focus

Melody, harmony, and musicality.
Rhythm, lyrics, and flow.

Vocal Technique

Pitch control, vibrato, timbre.
Timing, delivery, storytelling.


Musical instruments for melody and harmony.
Beats and samples emphasizing rhythm.

Historical Origins

Ancient, global tradition in various cultures.
Emerged in the 20th century within hip-hop culture.

Skills Required

Vocal range, control, musical expression.
Mastery of rhythm, wordplay, thematic expression.

Compare with Definitions


Singing involves producing musical sounds with the voice, often with instrumental accompaniment.
She captivated the audience with her singing of classical arias.


Rapping is the rhythmic delivery of rhymes and wordplay, often over a beat.
His rapping captivated the crowd with its complex rhymes and energetic pace.


Pop singing often incorporates contemporary styles and production techniques.
The artist's pop singing resonated with young audiences worldwide.


Storytelling in rapping is used to narrate experiences or fictional tales.
His storytelling in rapping drew listeners into a vivid narrative journey.


Opera singing requires strong vocal techniques and the ability to convey emotion through music.
His operatic singing was praised for its emotional depth and technical prowess.


Freestyle rapping involves improvising lyrics on the spot.
The artist amazed the audience with his skill in freestyle rapping.


Singing in a choir involves harmonizing with other voices.
She enjoyed the sense of unity and harmony when singing in the choir.


Political rapping uses the genre to address social and political issues.
Her political rapping brought attention to important social justice issues.


Singing lullabies is a universal way to soothe children.
Her gentle singing of lullabies quickly lulled the baby to sleep.


Battle rapping is a competitive form where rappers exchange insults in a lyrical duel.
The battle rapping event showcased the competitors' quick wit and lyrical skill.


Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice. A person who sings is called a singer or vocalist (in jazz and popular music).


Rapping (also rhyming, spitting, emceeing or MCing) is a musical form of vocal delivery that incorporates "rhyme, rhythmic speech, and street vernacular", which is performed or chanted in a variety of ways, usually over a backing beat or musical accompaniment. The components of rap include "content" (what is being said), "flow" (rhythm, rhyme), and "delivery" (cadence, tone).


To utter a series of words or sounds in musical tones.


To hit sharply and swiftly; strike
Rapped the table with his fist.


To vocalize songs or selections.


To utter sharply
Rap out a complaint.


To perform songs or selections as a trained or professional singer.


To criticize or blame.


To produce sounds when played
Made the violin sing.


To strike a quick light blow
Rapped on the door.


To make melodious sounds
Birds singing outside the window.


(Slang) To discuss something freely and at length.


To give or have the effect of melody; lilt.


To perform rap music.


To make a high whining, humming, or whistling sound.


To perform as rap music
Lyrics that were rapped.
Rapped the chorus of the song.


To be filled with a buzzing or ringing sound.


A quick light blow or knock.


To proclaim or extol something in verse.


A knocking or tapping sound.


To write poetry.


A reprimand.


(Slang) To give information or evidence against someone.


A sentence to serve time in prison.


To produce the musical sound of
Sang a love song.


(Slang) A negative quality or characteristic associated with a person or an object.


To utter with musical inflections
She sang the message.


(Slang) A talk, conversation, or discussion.


To bring to a specified state by singing
Sang the baby to sleep.


A form of popular music developed especially in African American urban communities and characterized by spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a strong rhythmic accompaniment.


To intone or chant (parts of the Mass, for example).


A composition or performance of such music.


To proclaim or extol, especially in verse
Sang his praises.


Present participle of rap


A gathering of people for group singing.


The sound of a rap or knock.
During the séance, we heard mysterious rappings on the table.


The act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing.


(music) Musical speech accompanied by a rhythm, most commonly as part of hip-hop music.


(informal) Disclosing information, or giving evidence about another.


Remarkably large; whopping.


(US) A gathering for the purpose of singing shape note songs.


(music) Smooth and flowing.


(of a kettle etc.) Producing a whistling sound due to the escape of steam.


Present participle of sing


The act of singing vocal music


Disclosing information or giving evidence about another


Smooth and flowing

Common Curiosities

How does vocal technique differ between singing and rapping?

Vocal technique in singing involves pitch control, vibrato, and timbre, while in rapping, it focuses on timing, delivery, and articulation.

Can someone be good at both singing and rapping?

Yes, many artists are skilled at both singing and rapping, showcasing versatility in vocal performance.

What is the main difference between singing and rapping?

The main difference is that singing focuses on melody and harmony using varied pitches, while rapping emphasizes rhythmic speech and lyrical content.

Is rapping considered a form of music?

Yes, rapping is considered a form of music, characterized by its rhythmic and lyrical expression within the broader hip-hop genre.

Can rapping include melodies?

While rapping mainly focuses on rhythm and speech, some rappers incorporate melodic elements into their performance, blending singing and rapping.

What role does storytelling play in rapping?

Storytelling is a significant aspect of rapping, allowing artists to convey personal stories, fictional narratives, or socio-political commentaries.

How do beats in rapping differ from instrumental accompaniment in singing?

Beats in rapping primarily provide a rhythmic foundation for the vocal performance, while instrumental accompaniment in singing supports melody and harmony.

Do singers need to know how to read music?

While not always necessary, reading music can be a valuable skill for singers, especially in classical and theatrical settings.

How important are lyrics in rapping compared to singing?

Lyrics are central to rapping, often carrying the primary message and themes, while in singing, lyrics are important but share focus with melody and harmony.

How has rapping influenced popular music?

Rapping has significantly influenced popular music by introducing innovative lyrical styles, rhythms, and cultural perspectives.

What genres of music incorporate both singing and rapping?

Genres such as hip-hop, R&B, pop, and certain forms of electronic music often incorporate both singing and rapping.

What is the significance of flow in rapping?

Flow refers to the rhythm, speed, and pattern of the rapper's delivery, crucial for creating a compelling and cohesive performance.

Why is rhythm so important in rapping?

Rhythm is crucial in rapping because it determines the flow and pace of the lyrics, directly impacting the delivery and reception of the message.

Is it necessary to have a good singing voice to rap?

A traditional good singing voice is not necessary for rapping, as it emphasizes rhythm, timing, and lyrical delivery over pitch and melody.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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