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Sincere vs. Honest — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on November 2, 2023
Sincere is expressing genuine feelings, while honest is telling the truth. Sincerity is about emotion, honesty about facts.
Sincere vs. Honest — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Sincere and Honest


Key Differences

Sincere is derived from the Latin word ‘sincerus’ meaning clean, pure, or untainted. It implies a genuineness of expression, emotion, or intention without pretense or deceit. Honest, on the other hand, comes from the Old English ‘honeste’ meaning honor or decency, particularly in one’s actions and words. Honesty is the quality of being truthful and free from deceit in one’s statements and actions.
When someone is sincere, they communicate from the heart, showing true feelings and intentions. For example, a sincere apology is one where the person truly feels remorse. An honest person focuses on conveying factual truth. If they recount an event, they will do so accurately, without embellishment or omission.
Sincerity can involve emotional transparency. It's about being genuine in what one feels and says. Honesty, conversely, relates to the accuracy of facts and truthfulness in one’s statements. One can be honest without being sincere if they truthfully express something without personal conviction or feeling.
Sincerity does not always involve facts but is about the truthfulness of one's personal state. You can be sincere in your enthusiasm about a friend's new venture. Honesty can sometimes be brutal if the truth is harsh; for instance, being honest about someone's poor performance.
Both sincerity and honesty are valued in communication and relationships. Sincerity is often associated with depth of feeling, and honesty with integrity of facts. A person might sincerely tell someone they look nice (because they genuinely wish to be kind) but not honestly (if they don't actually believe it).

Comparison Chart

Root Meaning

Pure, without deceit in feeling.
Truthful, without deceit in fact.


Emotion and intention.
Accuracy and truthfulness.


Can be non-verbal.
Usually verbal or factual.

Contextual Importance

Personal relationships, apologies.
Legal matters, factual discourse.

Social Perception

Associated with emotional warmth.
Associated with moral integrity.

Compare with Definitions


Free from pretense.
His sincere smile was reassuring.


The witness gave an honest account of the events.


Without irony or deceit.
I’m sincere when I say I admire your work.


Her honest criticism was hard to accept.


Heartfelt genuineness.
She gave a sincere thank you to her supporters.


An honest mistake does not define one's character.


Earnest in feeling.
His sincere concer for my health was touching.


Marked by or displaying integrity; upright
An honest lawyer.


Pure in intention.
He was sincere in his offer to help.


Not deceptive or fraudulent; genuine
Honest weight.


Not feigned or affected; genuine
Sincere indignation.


Equitable; fair
Honest wages for an honest day's work.


Being without hypocrisy or pretense; true
A sincere friend.


Characterized by truth; not false
Honest reporting.


(Archaic) Pure; unadulterated.


Sincere; frank
An honest critique.


Genuine; meaning what one says or does; heartfelt.
I believe he is sincere in his offer to help.


Of good repute; respectable.


Meant truly or earnestly.
She gave it a sincere if misguided effort.


Without affectation; plain
Honest folk.


(archaic) clean; pure


Virtuous; chaste.


Pure; unmixed; unadulterated.
There is no sincere acid in any animal juice.
A joy which never was sincere till now.


(of a person or institution) Scrupulous with regard to telling the truth; not given to swindling, lying, or fraud; upright.
We’re the most honest people you will ever come across.


Whole; perfect; unhurt; uninjured.
The inviolable body stood sincere.


(of a statement) True, especially as far as is known by the person making the statement; fair; unbiased.
An honest account of events
Honest reporting


Being in reality what it appears to be; having a character which corresponds with the appearance; not falsely assumed; genuine; true; real; as, a sincere desire for knowledge; a sincere contempt for meanness.
A sincere intention of pleasing God in all our actions.


In good faith; without malice.
An honest mistake


Honest; free from hypocrisy or dissimulation; as, a sincere friend; a sincere person.
The more sincere you are, the better it will fare with you at the great day of account.


(of a measurement device) Accurate.
An honest scale


Open and genuine; not deceitful;
He was a good man, decent and sincere
Felt sincere regret that they were leaving
Sincere friendship


Authentic; full.
An honest day’s work


Characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions;
Both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate
An entirely sincere and cruel tyrant
A film with a solemn social message


Earned or acquired in a fair manner.
An honest dollar


Open; frank.
An honest countenance


(obsolete) Decent; honourable; suitable; becoming.


(obsolete) Chaste; faithful; virtuous.


(obsolete) To adorn or grace; to honour; to make becoming, appropriate, or honourable.


(colloquial) Honestly; really.
It wasn’t my fault, honest.


Decent; honorable; suitable; becoming.
Belong what honest clothes you send forth to bleaching!


Characterized by integrity or fairness and straightforwardness in conduct, thought, speech, etc.; upright; just; equitable; trustworthy; truthful; sincere; free from fraud, guile, or duplicity; not false; - said of persons and acts, and of things to which a moral quality is imputed; as, an honest judge or merchant; an honest statement; an honest bargain; an honest business; an honest book; an honest confession.
An honest man's the noblest work of God.
An honest physician leaves his patient when he can contribute no farther to his health.
Look ye out among you seven men of honest report.
Provide things honest in the sight of all men.


Open; frank; as, an honest countenance.


Chaste; faithful; virtuous.
Wives may be merry, and yet honest too.


To adorn; to grace; to honor; to make becoming, appropriate, or honorable.


Not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent;
Honest lawyers
Honest reporting
An honest wage
Honest weight


Without dissimulation; frank;
My honest opinion


Worthy of being depended on;
A dependable worker
An honest working stiff
A reliable source of information
He was true to his word
I would be true for there are those who trust me


Free from guile;
His answer was simple and honest


Without pretensions;
Worked at an honest trade
Good honest food


Habitually speaking the truth;
An honest man
A veracious witness


Marked by truth;
Gave honest answers


She was honest about her qualifications.


He is known to be an honest businessman.

Common Curiosities

Can someone be honest but not sincere?

Yes, a person can truthfully speak facts without being emotionally invested or genuine in their expression.

How can sincerity be shown?

Sincerity is shown through genuine expressions, tone of voice, and congruence between words and actions.

Why is sincerity important?

Sincerity builds trust and authenticity in personal relationships and social interactions.

What does it mean to be sincere?

Being sincere means expressing genuine emotions or intentions without falsehood or deceit.

Is sincere the same as honest?

No, sincere relates to the genuineness of feelings or intentions, while honest pertains to truthfulness in facts.

Can honesty be harmful?

Honesty without tact can sometimes be hurtful, which is why it’s important to balance truthfulness with consideration for others’ feelings.

Can businesses operate with sincerity?

Yes, businesses can operate with sincerity by being genuine in their customer interactions and upholding their promises.

How do you tell if someone is being sincere?

Sincerity is often judged by consistency in words and actions, the warmth of expression, and the presence of genuine emotion.

What does it mean to be honest?

Being honest means being truthful, straightforward, and free from deceit in one's statements and actions.

Is it always good to be honest?

Generally, yes, but there are ethical debates about whether honesty should be compromised to protect someone's feelings or in matters of safety.

Does being sincere mean you always have to share your feelings?

No, you can be sincere without sharing all your feelings, especially if sharing is not appropriate or may cause unnecessary harm.

How can one practice honesty?

One can practice honesty by always speaking the truth, being transparent in dealings, and maintaining integrity.

Do sincerity and honesty play a role in leadership?

Absolutely, a leader who is both sincere and honest will garner respect and inspire trust among their followers.

Can honesty affect relationships?

Yes, honesty can either strengthen trust in relationships or cause strain if not delivered with empathy.

Is sincerity a skill that can be learned?

While some people may naturally be more sincere, others can improve by practicing authenticity and self-awareness.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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